Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

i am at the end of my sixth year h1, and my PD date from PHIL is sep '03. My seventh year ext is already filed.

My question is if i were to loose my job in the interim, what would my options be... If I am able to find some employer with a pre-approved H1, can i continue to work/live here?? what other options can you guys suggest.

LC03 said:
just now called up the phili BEC, the lady said, they r processing 2001 cases RIR, & for TR its 2002..and when i asked her that whether procesing means approving, she said, she's not at the liberty to say anything more and anything after 2001 is on hold at the moment.
Don't know when they r going to start 2003?/ :confused:
I know RIR. whats TR?
prashratta said:
i am at the end of my sixth year h1, and my PD date from PHIL is sep '03. My seventh year ext is already filed.

My question is if i were to loose my job in the interim, what would my options be... If I am able to find some employer with a pre-approved H1, can i continue to work/live here?? what other options can you guys suggest.

You mean pre-approved LC. right? Based on a pre-approved LC - The new employer can get you 7th year extension and beyond.
lucky lucky

wow ...awesome suggestions.
wish you were head of P-BEC man!

you are so right about asking for a foot vs inch.

yours_sincerely said:
Wish you all the best! If I remember correctly, you were the one who started this thread. So, I guess, the FIFO order is the order in which guys started posting on this thread :cool:

juntha, chinglun, mudra1234, atyagi73, NAYAK, johndoe007, khada, USCISisMockery, kasid, foret1, dcmetro22042, yours_sincerely, & All of you in this forum,

Thanks for your wishes. I do wish the same for you.

The only update I know about Philly BPC is They are working on all of 2001 cases (not only April 2001). Also They are way ahead of dallas in Data Entry & 45 day letters, so once they will start approving cases It will be very quick compare to Dallas. You might have noticed Dallas is very random in approving ( for example, I got approval for PD 09/2002) & most of the people with PD 2001 & early 2002 still waiting. Dallas does not have staff of 500, I will get you actual staff /contractor number in both BPC within a week

thanks again
What is PEC# ?

Just called 484 270 1500 and the guy connected to me an automatic answering machine. Is this the right number ? nice of you nice of you to find sometime and still update us..thnx !!

gp111 said:
juntha, chinglun, mudra1234, atyagi73, NAYAK, johndoe007, khada, USCISisMockery, kasid, foret1, dcmetro22042, yours_sincerely, & All of you in this forum,

Thanks for your wishes. I do wish the same for you.

The only update I know about Philly BPC is They are working on all of 2001 cases (not only April 2001). Also They are way ahead of dallas in Data Entry & 45 day letters, so once they will start approving cases It will be very quick compare to Dallas. You might have noticed Dallas is very random in approving ( for example, I got approval for PD 09/2002) & most of the people with PD 2001 & early 2002 still waiting. Dallas does not have staff of 500, I will get you actual staff /contractor number in both BPC within a week

thanks again
Open Analysis

One of the things that I noticed is that people assume that all the people who have filed a labor process are part of this forum. I met this guy who is a Baker and has filed his labor in 2001. He doesn't even know what his situation is in regards to his labor. He doesn't even know how to use a computer and check his status. He doesn't even know that you people are sitting and discussing this issue of Dallas and Philly.

There are people like him who might be getting there labors which you don't know about. So the analysis is not all that complete, because you are only analyizing people who have computer & Internet - know about this forum - are interested in posting there info. There should be a better thought process.

Actually meeting this Baker was really ironic. It really says that sometimes "Ignorance is a bliss". He is really having a good time, learning to play the guitar and enjoying his life.

As far as Dallas goes with 500 people, Hey, Texas is a Bush state. Maybe Bush wants his relitives to get the job. :D

GP111, Congratulations. You really have positive attitude. Thanks.

Guys, take it easy, labor is going to come when it really needs to come. Have faith. Don't visit this forum over the weekend and disturb your mind. Go and enjoy it. Have a nice weekend. Have a blast. :p
juntha said:
We need first to confirm this 500 employees at Dallas. Either it s a mistake or it s completely insane. So far noone confimred on the Dallas Forum.

People, nothing to get excited. DOL in past has screwed up big time
(for eg. if your PD was May 2001 and suddenly you learned about 245(i) cases) so its possible there might be staff imbalance.

As Juntha said, before taking any action, before discussing its consequences and reasoning,


Thats our first and last action. Once thats done, we can talk about DOL blunders.

[This is just my opinion. No need to debate on it]
I swear in my whole life, I haven't seen any company public, private or government as screwed up as DOL.
[\This is just my opinion. No need to debate on it]

Thanks Orissa :)

orissa said:
This morning I called, got some answer.

1-Any progress in Labor Certification?
yes. We are sending hundreds of decision letter now every week of April 2001 cases.

2-When you say hundreds, is that really more than 100 or more in number?
yes. Its 4 hundred to 5 hundred a week now.

3-Have you aware that Dallas BEC started approving 2002 september.
yes. Because they have more federal staff there working for backlog cases. And we are less here.

4-How many Federal staff in Dallas more than hundred or what?
No. No. They are more than 500.

5-How many here Philly BEC?
We are just over hundred here. The govt asign more staff to Dallas and here in Philly BEC we are short. See I was in vacation since 3 month now, no one here to cover me.
(note:meternity leave)

6-What you think when you all going to hit 2002 cases?
I would say probably in six month. Once 2001 April cases finish everyting will move fatser.

7-What the problem in 2001 cases, why its taking so much time?
There are several reason to delay in 2001 cases. There are hundreds of frivolous application, and some of them filed many application for one business, but our audit did not find any physical business establishment at all.

8-Decision letter you are sending what % of approval?
We are reviewing carefully all application, we can not simply deny, since they are waiting since years and years. There are hundreds approval for genuine application.
spoke with PBEC

I spoke with someone and she tells me they are now processing Apr 2002 TR cases at the Philly BEC and 2001 cases for RIR.

She is not allowed to say how much longer it will take to finish processing the month they are working on.

Nothing new but this confirms what some other members have reported here.
gp111 said:
juntha, chinglun, mudra1234, atyagi73, NAYAK, johndoe007, khada, USCISisMockery, kasid, foret1, dcmetro22042, yours_sincerely, & All of you in this forum,

Thanks for your wishes. I do wish the same for you.

The only update I know about Philly BPC is They are working on all of 2001 cases (not only April 2001). Also They are way ahead of dallas in Data Entry & 45 day letters, so once they will start approving cases It will be very quick compare to Dallas. You might have noticed Dallas is very random in approving ( for example, I got approval for PD 09/2002) & most of the people with PD 2001 & early 2002 still waiting. Dallas does not have staff of 500, I will get you actual staff /contractor number in both BPC within a week

thanks again

Thanks a lot gp111, you are so nice and have been very helpful to this forum. We are waiting for your update next week.

Guys, yes I agree with some people here that we need to enjoy every moment of our life, do not let these BEC craps hurt our health and mentality. I have been visiting here from time to time, normally once a week, until recent weeks I came here once a day. Now I feel that I need to go back to once a week.

Holiday weekend is coming, guys, go enjoy the time. I am actually in a worse situation than most of you here, coz I already know something bad last year about my case at Philly, but I am still hoping and still holding on to my job and still enjoying my life (well, most of the time). Hope is a good thing, remember the movie Shawshank's Redemption?

Hope is a good thing, guys and gals. ;)
why would they be ahead in TR cases?

Do the TR and RIR cases have seperate queue at philly? If so, whys that? Should'nt the RIR cases get preference since that was the whole purpose of doing recruitment, expending company resources etc.?
Anyways, just a little confused with the disparity in dates for two types.
spidey said:
I spoke with someone and she tells me they are now processing Apr 2002 TR cases at the Philly BEC and 2001 cases for RIR.

She is not allowed to say how much longer it will take to finish processing the month they are working on.

Nothing new but this confirms what some other members have reported here.

Thanks a lot Spidey.

I would like to think this gives the most accurate answer we can get now, and it is in much conformity with what Aprlc got in early last week (Aprlc was told they were gonna finish all 2001 TR cases by the end of June and then will need another couple of months to finish up all 2001 RIR cases, and hopefully will start processing 2002 RIR cases after Sep 5 the Labor Day).

Anyway I will take it and will visit here sometime later next week. Guys and gals, have a good holiday weekend.
eefrog said:
Do the TR and RIR cases have seperate queue at philly? If so, whys that? Should'nt the RIR cases get preference since that was the whole purpose of doing recruitment, expending company resources etc.?
Anyways, just a little confused with the disparity in dates for two types.

I believe the number of RIR case load is much bigger than TR case load, and I believe the difference is substantial. Whats more, since TR cases at Region are already done supervised recruitment there is probably some level of comfort that TR cases (post supervised recruitment) are not fraudulent, as someone has mentioned before, weeding out the frauds is taking longer.

This explains why TR queue is ahead.

I am sure most of you are RIR cases and dont like the way this is working out but here's what I will do since I am a TR case and co-incidentally my PD is Apr 16, 2002 and have completed supervised recruitment 2 years ago, if my theory is correct - when I recv a response to my application it will mark the midway mark for TR Apr cases. Of course, I will post info here when that day comes.

In the meantime, as some of you have suggested - lets take a chill pill and enjoy the sunshine.
Hi All...

Hi Guys and gals,

First of all let me congratulate GP111. It is so great news for you after all this painful await. have fun and great time.

Coming to Orissa about the number of people working at BECs, the info that he/she provided was absolutely wrong. PBEC has 138 emps approx. DBEC has 170 Approx.

Yeah I think Spidey got news before I did this time. Thanks Spidey. I was busy with some cust. issue and did not get time to call.

Yes all the TR cases for 2001 are approved also as I said sometime ago they are slow in adjudicating RIR cases for insane reason. They will be done with them by next month or so. So All 2001 folks RIR as well as TR will get done with this agonized wait by next month ....Hopefully :).

As mentioned they have good amount of RIR cases this is because in 2001 when consulting companies are forced and started filing RIR for employees/Future employees who are here and can pay the expenses for their GC...this resulted in a massive RIR application dump into labor in 2001 Apr after 245i came info enforcement.

So thats all folks have pleasant and sage long weekend.

DISCLAIMER: all the info provided above is an assessed opinion and cannot be brought under any jurisdiction of law.
Hey aprlc2002

You had reason to believe your application would be adjudicated in a months time (this was on 31st May) -- ok so you maybe off by a few days if you get adjudicated in the coming week BUT
do you have any reason to believe this will NOT happen - in other words you think it will take longer ???

If you are TR Apr 2002, you maybe right if my phone call from this morning was genuine.

31st May 2005, 01:37 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 32


Originally Posted by spidey
Hey aprlc2002 -

We share the same PD (or so it seems to be from your screen name) -- so congratulations you're in good company -- ok that was a joke, I am really not that conceited....

Q. for you, although I am happy to hear this, I am curious as to how you know this.... just tell me you have an inside into the Philly BPC and I'll be content.... see the blackhole thats called Philly BPC has made me skeptical of all news (good or bad) --

Of course, you dont have to answer but your response will be appreciated.

your friendly neighborhood spidey -

Hi Spidey,

I am sorry I am in very tied up situation that I cannot explain to how am I getting the info. Yeah as u mentioned from my ID mine is the same PD from VA. Expecting my labor to be certified any time soon an optimistic approach
so I tapped all the possible to sources to get credible info and finally I succeeded.

I am expecting mine to get adjudicated as soon in a months time.
Could you please let us know how much time in months did it take for you to complete the supervised recruitment ? It will give us all TR guys some idea.
Thanks !

spidey said:
I believe the number of RIR case load is much bigger than TR case load, and I believe the difference is substantial. Whats more, since TR cases at Region are already done supervised recruitment there is probably some level of comfort that TR cases (post supervised recruitment) are not fraudulent, as someone has mentioned before, weeding out the frauds is taking longer.

This explains why TR queue is ahead.

I am sure most of you are RIR cases and dont like the way this is working out but here's what I will do since I am a TR case and co-incidentally my PD is Apr 16, 2002 and have completed supervised recruitment 2 years ago, if my theory is correct - when I recv a response to my application it will mark the midway mark for TR Apr cases. Of course, I will post info here when that day comes.

In the meantime, as some of you have suggested - lets take a chill pill and enjoy the sunshine.
gc_maze said:
Could you please let us know how much time in months did it take for you to complete the supervised recruitment ? It will give us all TR guys some idea.
Thanks !

Supervised recruitment was if I remember correctly July - Nov 2003.
This included contact from SWA - preparing advertisement - placing ad - no resumes were received - preparing recruitment report - Fedexing it back to SWA.

After that though my app sat with SWA until Apr 2004 before being forwarded to REgional. All of you will not have to go through this step since only BEC will handle everything now, if I understand this correctly.

ALso - the length of time you wait after placing ad thro preparing recruitment report and sending back to (in your case) BEC will be subject to your HR and lawyers best judgement. My lawyer thought it best to take as much time as we did, some others will only wait 30 days.