Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


Yes Spidey it will take longer than what I have mentioned unfortunately I am in RIR too. :(.... initially they were asked to work on RIR then they were asked to work on TR. this was an abrupt decision.

spidey said:
Hey aprlc2002

You had reason to believe your application would be adjudicated in a months time (this was on 31st May) -- ok so you maybe off by a few days if you get adjudicated in the coming week BUT
do you have any reason to believe this will NOT happen - in other words you think it will take longer ???

If you are TR Apr 2002, you maybe right if my phone call from this morning was genuine.

31st May 2005, 01:37 PM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 32


Originally Posted by spidey
Hey aprlc2002 -

We share the same PD (or so it seems to be from your screen name) -- so congratulations you're in good company -- ok that was a joke, I am really not that conceited....

Q. for you, although I am happy to hear this, I am curious as to how you know this.... just tell me you have an inside into the Philly BPC and I'll be content.... see the blackhole thats called Philly BPC has made me skeptical of all news (good or bad) --

Of course, you dont have to answer but your response will be appreciated.

your friendly neighborhood spidey -

Hi Spidey,

I am sorry I am in very tied up situation that I cannot explain to how am I getting the info. Yeah as u mentioned from my ID mine is the same PD from VA. Expecting my labor to be certified any time soon an optimistic approach
so I tapped all the possible to sources to get credible info and finally I succeeded.

I am expecting mine to get adjudicated as soon in a months time.
SWA or Regional ?

Some posts are so confusing...
OK ... When yu said that all TR from 2001 are approved. Yu meant the case that went to regional, am i right ? The SWA non RIR are not approved yet we still need a superviser recruitement process
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this is what I think

We should wait for official FAQ from labor department .

All information here is from someone having connections to BEC centers ...

Just be patient .
I already stop to figure what they are doing and how they are doing .

It will always be better tomorrow ... :)
chinglun said:
We should wait for official FAQ from labor department .

All information here is from someone having connections to BEC centers ...

Just be patient .
I already stop to figure what they are doing and how they are doing .

It will always be better tomorrow ... :)

Yu are right but still... If some of us decide to discuss about cases, they got to be clea about what they are talking about.
There are, after all, 4 categories to distinguish. RIR and NON RIR that never made it to regional. Those still needs to have heir job adevertised. and the RIR and NON RIR that made it to regional. Claiming that all 2001 cases are or will be approved without making the difference between SWA cases and regional cases is pure non sense. And claiming that most people are RIR does not make sense ether. There are people with RIR that still got stuck in SWA.
I am alright to discuss and extrapolate but we got to agree about what we are talking about.
of course ,this is what forum is for ...

juntha said:
Yu are right but still... If some of us decide to discuss about cases, they got to be clea about what they are talking about.
There are, after all, 4 categories to distinguish. RIR and NON RIR that never made it to regional. Those still needs to have heir job adevertised. and the RIR and NON RIR that made it to regional. Claiming that all 2001 cases are or will be approved without making the difference between SWA cases and regional cases is pure non sense. And claiming that most people are RIR does not make sense ether. There are people with RIR that still got stuck in SWA.
I am alright to discuss and extrapolate but we got to agree about what we are talking about.
aprlc2002, if what you told us is correct, why we didn't see bunch of approvals here. They haven't been mailed out or some other reasons.

aprlc2002 said:
Yes Spidey it will take longer than what I have mentioned unfortunately I am in RIR too. :(.... initially they were asked to work on RIR then they were asked to work on TR. this was an abrupt decision.
Non Rir/rir


BECs have budget only 24 or 30 months. So They already started last year arround October 2004. That means maximum it support to 2006 DEC.

If they ask us for Ads and recruitment details for non RIR how they can finish all cases 360K with in DEC 2006.

I think they have alternative.. I mean after entering all cases they will clear by PD dates whatever queue (RIR/nonRIR/SWA/Regional).

Please wait for DOL news..

What guys any thing wrong in my statement.

DOL news?

I find a couple of references to "wait for DOL news".... Is any specific DOL announcement being expected or is it wishful thinking?

jdk98 said:

BECs have budget only 24 or 30 months. So They already started last year arround October 2004. That means maximum it support to 2006 DEC.

If they ask us for Ads and recruitment details for non RIR how they can finish all cases 360K with in DEC 2006.

I think they have alternative.. I mean after entering all cases they will clear by PD dates whatever queue (RIR/nonRIR/SWA/Regional).

Please wait for DOL news..

What guys any thing wrong in my statement.

Philadelphia BPC for NJ

My GC was applied for Labour certification on May, 06 2003 from NJ State in RIR. Begining of This year, I was Informed that It is sent to Philadelphia Backlog Processing center. Can any one have any Information about what's going on there??
pchatterjee said:
My GC was applied for Labour certification on May, 06 2003 from NJ State in RIR. Begining of This year, I was Informed that It is sent to Philadelphia Backlog Processing center. Can any one have any Information about what's going on there??

There is nothing going on there, that is the problem. Time stops at Philly.
luckylucky said:
There is nothing going on there, that is the problem. Time stops at Philly.

And not much happened in Dallas. Those analysed 5000 cases (even not approved) for 5 months is almost nothing in comparision of total 360000.
pchatterjee said:
My GC was applied for Labour certification on May, 06 2003 from NJ State in RIR. Begining of This year, I was Informed that It is sent to Philadelphia Backlog Processing center. Can any one have any Information about what's going on there??

are you aware that ppl who applied in 2001 from NJ dont have a clue where their cases are. relax, you have a long wait ahead :(
jdk98 said:

BECs have budget only 24 or 30 months. So They already started last year arround October 2004. That means maximum it support to 2006 DEC.

If they ask us for Ads and recruitment details for non RIR how they can finish all cases 360K with in DEC 2006.

I think they have alternative.. I mean after entering all cases they will clear by PD dates whatever queue (RIR/nonRIR/SWA/Regional).

Please wait for DOL news..

What guys any thing wrong in my statement.


I think thats quite fair as far as they maintain PD. I don't like what Dallas is doing, adjudicating cases randomly. Its very frustrating for someone with PD 2001 still waiting and 2004 application gets processed.
gp111 said:

Finally I got something to post regarding to my case

Just got a call from my Attorney that my case has been approved by Dallas Backlog Reduction Center.

Here are the details

Priority Date : Sept 23 2002
Regional Receipt Date : August 14 2003
Dallas BPC Case # D-04320-025xx
45 Day Letter Received/ Replied : March 14 2005
Approval Received in Mail (Attorney): June 30 2005

It was a long journey.. But hey I really had good time (even though lot of fustration, tension, confusion, yelling at eachother) sharing information with all of you guys..

I really hope & pray that all of you will get out of this BPC as soon as possible.



Congratulation and thank you for your support
jdk98 said:

BECs have budget only 24 or 30 months. So They already started last year arround October 2004. That means maximum it support to 2006 DEC.

If they ask us for Ads and recruitment details for non RIR how they can finish all cases 360K with in DEC 2006.

I think they have alternative.. I mean after entering all cases they will clear by PD dates whatever queue (RIR/nonRIR/SWA/Regional).


If that was correct they would move much faster. Somewhere I heard that they have an option for extending the contract for 3-rd and 4-th year.
If that is true it would explain why they are so relaxed.
sbdol said:
If that was correct they would move much faster. Somewhere I heard that they have an option for extending the contract for 3-rd and 4-th year.
If that is true it would explain why they are so relaxed.
no no no! WE cannot allow that happen! Those bastards are going to ruin our lives by intentionally delaying our process to get their contract renewed. They should go to hell! We need to add this information about their eligibility of renewing their contract in our letters to policitians. That is a very important point.
Is there any other valuable input/rumors? Please input any information as much as you can here. If there is such kind of rumor and we should ask them to clarify it because maybe it is just the truth.
How long to receive the screen shot from Phily BPC

Hello, Gurus,

Any one has experience sending email to Phily BPC to get the 7 year H1B extension needed LC over one year proof-- the so called screen shot? How long does it normally take?

Sent one on June 29, have not got any reply yet.

thanks for sharing the info.
45-Day Letter Received! VA Priority Date 11/03/2003

Hi all,

My lawyer says that he has received and as responded back to the 45-day letter! I think he is lying for some unknown reasons! My case details are as follows and I would appreciate if you could take some time to answer the following questions:

Case Type: RIR
State: VA
Priority Date: 11/03/2003
Case did not make it to regional (unopened case)

(1) Considering my priority date, is it possible that my lawyer has received the 45-day letter?

(2) What does a typical 45-day letter contains? a scanned copy of the 45-day letter would be a great help (ofcourse you can hide your personal information)

(3) Lets assume that he has received and responded back to the 45-letter. How to track the status of my application? I tried to send an email to Philly email address that is used for tracking and they told me that they don't have information on my case yet and I should contact my employer! should I try again to send an email?

I know none of us is a lawyer but your advice based on your personal experiences would be really helpful and highly appreciated.

Stewart Rogers
45-Day Letter Received! VA Priority Date 11/03/2003

Hi all,

My lawyer says that he has received and as responded back to the 45-day letter! I think he is lying for some unknown reasons! My case details are as follows and I would appreciate if you could take some time to answer the following questions:

Case Type: RIR
State: VA
Priority Date: 11/03/2003
Case did not make it to regional (unopened case)

(1) Considering my priority date, is it possible that my lawyer has received the 45-day letter?

(2) What does a typical 45-day letter contains? a scanned copy of the 45-day letter would be a great help (ofcourse you can hide your personal information)

(3) Lets assume that he has received and responded back to the 45-letter. How to track the status of my application? I tried to send an email to Philly email address that is used for tracking and they told me that they don't have information on my case yet and I should contact my employer! should I try again to send an email?

I know none of us is a lawyer but your advice based on your personal experiences would be really helpful and highly appreciated.

Stewart Rogers
someone post a sample 45 letter somewhere already .

Stewart__Rogers said:
Hi all,

My lawyer says that he has received and as responded back to the 45-day letter! I think he is lying for some unknown reasons! My case details are as follows and I would appreciate if you could take some time to answer the following questions:

Case Type: RIR
State: VA
Priority Date: 11/03/2003
Case did not make it to regional (unopened case)

(1) Considering my priority date, is it possible that my lawyer has received the 45-day letter?

(2) What does a typical 45-day letter contains? a scanned copy of the 45-day letter would be a great help (ofcourse you can hide your personal information)

(3) Lets assume that he has received and responded back to the 45-letter. How to track the status of my application? I tried to send an email to Philly email address that is used for tracking and they told me that they don't have information on my case yet and I should contact my employer! should I try again to send an email?

I know none of us is a lawyer but your advice based on your personal experiences would be really helpful and highly appreciated.

Stewart Rogers