Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

I am at loss to understand why philly is so slow in comparison to Dallas. I heard that philly is paying more emphasis in entering data while Dallas in approvals. But are Philly and Dallas not under same management ?
Why would they follow different set of rules. Its just sad that a person with same PD, may get approval in Dallas more than a year ahead. We know that the whole thing is not transparent.. but how both BEC's are so different in functioning. Why can't they both be slow or equally fast... well my bad.. I am trying to be logical here
Why insult people who filed 245i ???

USCISisMockery said:
If sdupid fakers illegals utilizes our (skilled EB3) visa cap, then we are bombed.

Please Mockery refrain from using that kind of language. Those guys are just using the system. If you want to blame somebody, blame the Clinton and Bush administrations for allowing them to become legal but never budgeted the money to ensure that DOL and INS could process the huge amount of applications ... and while you are at it, blame Congress for not raising the cap on visa numbers to absorb all the 245i .... just don't call them by names it is just unfair and degrading.
PBEC probably has more than number of cases esp 245i than Dallas. I am wondering how much staff is at PBEC compared to Dallas.. They should have either hired more staff or tranfered cases of some of the States/Regions to Dallas. Now, there is nothing much we could do except for hoping for best..:).
MDwatch said:
Please Mockery refrain from using that kind of language. Those guys are just using the system. If you want to blame somebody, blame the Clinton and Bush administrations for allowing them to become legal but never budgeted the money to ensure that DOL and INS could process the huge amount of applications ... and while you are at it, blame Congress for not raising the cap on visa numbers to absorb all the 245i .... just don't call them by names it is just unfair and degrading.

Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law. Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Even if we discount 245(i), I still hate anybody who breaks law. Don't you ?
USCISisMockery said:
Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law.

I don't like people who break the law but that is no reason to insult them or call them stupid ... Have you ever had a speeding or parking ticket ? I hope not ... otherwise you would be stupid since that is breaking the law.

I came accross an article the other day about 4 "illegal" high school students. You might want to read it and that might help you see them with a different point of view.

USCISisMockery said:
Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Yes Clinton is probably to blame as much as Bush. They sign laws and set an agenda that, wrong or right, has to be implemented by the different departments. Now if they forced DOL and INS to accept application from 245i by reinstating that section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, they should have given them the means to achieve the presidential agenda and in today's world that means cash and ressources. The "illegals" that you resent so much have simply taken advantage of an opportunity nothing more.
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Why insult people who filed 245i ???

It is history that people flock to countries that are prosperous. Infiltration from neighbour countries is prevalent worldwide. These are people who do that to make their lives more liveable. While I too hate law breakers, I find it baseless to call them stupid. All of us take risks at varying levels - their level of risk-taking is simply different from yours and mine.

US (and you and me in US) will always require gardeners and other unskilled workers - as much as it needs software pros and medicos.

USCISisMockery said:
Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law. Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Even if we discount 245(i), I still hate anybody who breaks law. Don't you ?
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GCInThisLife said:
PBEC probably has more than number of cases esp 245i than Dallas. I am wondering how much staff is at PBEC compared to Dallas.. They should have either hired more staff or tranfered cases of some of the States/Regions to Dallas. Now, there is nothing much we could do except for hoping for best..:).

There were a total of around 210,000 245(i) applications filed in Jan-Apr30 2001.
Now the question is 'how many of these were done before the BPC business started.' and 'How many ended up at PBPC?'

The major states NY,NJ,CT,MD were still doing regular labor prcessing when the BPC business started for Apr 2001....
This would determine how much time PBPC take to move onto 2002 processing.
Frustration is misdirected

While I do understand the frustration of waiting in this long long queue, your frustration is misdirected. The fact is, people want to be in this country for its obvious advantages. It is quite possible that if many of us were not skilled we would have come through an illegal route given a chance and it would have been a rather smart move than stupid cuz we would have managed to make more money than our home country. "Legal" is just a matter of definition and time. After 5 years, if we all get our green cards (illegals are gonna get it before me as I filed in Mar,2002 end), they will become "legals"...and its quite a smart thing to do.
If someone has to be blamed at all, its the decision to put legals & illegals in the same queue. By the way, the decision to convert "illegals" into "legals" is not of the "illegals", so there is no point in holding a grudge. They are here to do what we are here for, have a better life.

USCISisMockery said:
Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law. Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Even if we discount 245(i), I still hate anybody who breaks law. Don't you ?
MannyD and yours_sincerly, I appreciate your support on this issue and you have made good points that I had ommited such as the risk-taking factor and the quest for a better life - Thanks MDW
Even if 245(i) cases do get certified...They would again join the back end of a really long queue....EB3 Other workers priority date is in 1999... in the last millenium...
God bless their poor souls.....My sincere sympathies....

Only thing is that PBPC would not go forward unless they are done with the 245(i) load... 2001 is likely to be a large chunck of PBPC's total load

In the words of the Twitty bird...''DAT ID A BAD PUTTY CAT''
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Illegal Immigration in India’s East: West Shows the Way

MannyD said:
It is history that people flock to countries that are prosperous. Infiltration from neighbour countries is prevalent worldwide. These are people who do that to make their lives more liveable.

You are totally right ... This article talks about illegal immigration to India

WHile thise one talks about illegal immigration to France and Europe

It is just a fact ... people have always and will always want a better life for themselves and for their children. The natural route is to go where that better life will be.
USCISisMockery said:
Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law. Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Even if we discount 245(i), I still hate anybody who breaks law. Don't you ?
To call someone stupid is tricky because it always bounce back and hurt you. legal or illegal, it all depends who you are talking about and at what circumstance. If the system works for you, it is perfectly OK (legal) no matter what. Sometimes, I don't know why people run across the border from Mexico do not have more right than most of us here. And if you are using your business computer post a message here, you are probably breaking a law or company rule.
pennwaiting said:
To call someone stupid is tricky because it always bounce back and hurt you. legal or illegal, it all depends who you are talking about and at what circumstance. If the system works for you, it is perfectly OK (legal) no matter what. Sometimes, I don't know why people run across the border from Mexico do not have more right than most of us here. And if you are using your business computer post a message here, you are probably breaking a law or company rule.
I must disagree. I think this is a clear line between legal and illegal. That is why we have laws. Also I don't think if the system works for people, no matter what it is legal. I think we need to have bottom lines.
Now Boys and Girls...

Lets not spend too much time on this tangent. Tangents are entertaining but after a while, they are nothing more than beating on a dead horse.

So we're all intelligent, legal or illegal. Lets move on. Well... that is if the PBEC will let us. ;)

BTW, I have tried to contact WHYY. Lets see if something comes off it, I will keep you all posted and I dont expect to hear anything for at least 10 days.
So, if I dont way anything by July 10, chances are I wont. :rolleyes:

yours_sincerely said:
It is quite possible that if many of us were not skilled we would have come through an illegal route given a chance and it would have been a rather smart move than stupid cuz we would have managed to make more money than our home country. "Legal" is just a matter of definition and time. After 5 years, if we all get our green cards (illegals are gonna get it before me as I filed in Mar,2002 end), they will become "legals"...and its quite a smart thing to do.
If someone has to be blamed at all, its the decision to put legals & illegals in the same queue. By the way, the decision to convert "illegals" into "legals" is not of the "illegals", so there is no point in holding a grudge. They are here to do what we are here for, have a better life.

I wouldn't take the illegal route even if I were not skilled and I knew I could make more money. It is not just about money. It is about my dignity and principle. If one wants to become a resident of this country, the first thing he should do is to follow the rules of this country. I don't see how by breaking the law justifies the legitmacy of the residency. Personally, I don't like to call anyone stupid. But breaking the law is a stupid act.
USCISisMockery said:
Its degrading to call "illegal" stupids ? Aren't they stupid by breaking the law. Aren't they fkers by coming to this country unlawfully ? According to you, Clinton is more wrong than lawbreakers ?

Even if we discount 245(i), I still hate anybody who breaks law. Don't you ?

I am sorry to see you posting statement like this. In the past I though that you are fairly knowledgeable (judging from your posts), yet I (and I am sure that many others) were wrong.
Just for your information:
There are many so called illegal immigrants that are out of status, simply because they were allowed legally into the country and because of the INS (or the new ) system, they ran out of the status. There are many asylum applicants, spouses, family members, H1B expirees’ esc. You should know, that the only way for those people (also immigrants) to get some sort of legal status was to file for the 245i. I personally know at least five Visa Lottery winners that flashed the winning notice down the drain because they could not legalize their status. Filing for 245i would have prevented that and allowed them to adjust their status somehow. Also how can anyone blame the other part of the illegal-s for being in the country illegally? The current US cheap labor hungry (also called slavery) system is perfect invitation for anyone to stay here in a illegal status. They will let them in, work, work, work, and if they say something they will be threatened with a deportation. They are not allowed to travel, have a driver license or enter a government building. Legalizing them? What for? Now back to work!

Please remember that a law that is publicly not enforced is obsolete and will be broken. That is what they do.
And before you call anyone names, rethink which hole you came from.
Nice day!
Hello Aprlc2002 & Orissa

Hello my friends,
Please tell us if you have any Update inside BEC.

I just talk to my lawyer y he said that now he is recieving aprovals every day, from Phili 2001 and Dallas 2001 & 2002. He told me that it does not mean that Dallas is going faster then Phili, the diference is that Phili is really working FIFO based on PD and Dallas dont. He said that on September everyone on the BEC are going to work on adjudications. I ask him to be more specific with some cases but he did not want to share more info.

If any of you have information about the BEC please share it.

Remmeber the name of this Forum " Philadelphia Elimination Center Tracking"

what the bloody hell ???

i come to this forum everyday to get more info on pending labors ...and day by day its becoming a forum of people taking out of frustrations on each other and getting personal...relax folks..lets keep the thread relevant.

Approved !!!


Finally I got something to post regarding to my case

Just got a call from my Attorney that my case has been approved by Dallas Backlog Reduction Center.

Here are the details

Priority Date : Sept 23 2002
Regional Receipt Date : August 14 2003
Dallas BPC Case # D-04320-025xx
45 Day Letter Received/ Replied : March 14 2005
Approval Received in Mail (Attorney): June 30 2005

It was a long journey.. But hey I really had good time (even though lot of fustration, tension, confusion, yelling at eachother) sharing information with all of you guys..

I really hope & pray that all of you will get out of this BPC as soon as possible.


gp111 said:

Finally I got something to post regarding to my case

Just got a call from my Attorney that my case has been approved by Dallas Backlog Reduction Center.

Here are the details

Priority Date : Sept 23 2002
Regional Receipt Date : August 14 2003
Dallas BPC Case # D-04320-025xx
45 Day Letter Received/ Replied : March 14 2005
Approval Received in Mail (Attorney): June 30 2005

It was a long journey.. But hey I really had good time (even though lot of fustration, tension, confusion, yelling at eachother) sharing information with all of you guys..

I really hope & pray that all of you will get out of this BPC as soon as possible.



Hey gp111,
Let me be the fist one to whole heartedly congratulate you!!! :) :D

You have been an outstanding resource to this forum and we will miss you in the LC forums. Please do stick around a little while in the LC threads to help poor souls like us.

I was seriously thinking about changing jobs today and your approval gives me a new ray of hope.
Best of luck with I-140 and 485! These days 140 and 485 approvals are coming out very quick and you may have your GC in hand before the end of the 2005.

Hearty congratulations again!!!