Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

sk0902 said:
If you can you please post the link, it will be appreciated.. If all the data entry is complete, that is great news for all of us. That means Philli is getting somewhere.

Here is what is posted on Murthy's site

"BPCs Start to Process Cases The DOL reports that the BPCs have started processing those cases from the DOL Regional Offices where they have received responses to the 45-day letters and the data entry has been completed in the PBLS"

It means BPCs are processing cases where data entry was completed , 45 day letter was sent out and a response has been received for the same. It does not mean that ALL data entry is completed. The silver lining is atleast they are processing alongwith doing the rest of the data entry.
"It means BPCs are processing cases where data entry was completed , 45 day letter was sent out and a response has been received for the same. It does not mean that ALL data entry is completed. "

So true! I sent Chao an email more than 5 weeks ago and just received a response from OWL-ETA saying that my case has been forwarded to BPC from Atlanta. Other than that, nothing is informative, no case number, no 45 day love letter, no nothing :( . Obviously, my case is not in the database yet. So I guess the data entry can't be finished yet. Mine is RIR, reaching regional in Nov 2003.
LC Question

I just joined this great immigration portal and I am happy that I can actually get at least some immigration information.
I have a LC case on hold since april/2001. We called and emailed the PHILLY several times to ask about the status of the 45 day love letter without results. Their 'system was not on' and they suggested to email with any questions. No repose from there either. :confused: I can see that many of you with later PD's already received your 45 day letters. What do you think we should do? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
DOL Updates - 05/19/05

A full time contract person has been advised to work on initial data entry when BRC receives a change of address for attorneys or employers on a case. DOL is currently working hard to get cases entered. The Backlog Reduction Center will have a full time contract person assigned to work on initial data entry to check if a file has been received and is in the system. This person will also answer congressional inquires.

The 45-day letters may not be issued on a FIFO (First In First Out) basis and once returned, FIFO will control processing of an application

The idea behind the 45-day letter was to remove cases that will no longer be processed. During the beginning of the PERM program the goal of DOL was to get all the cases into DOL possession and out of the SWAs fast in order to make sure safeguarding of files. In connection with the 3/27/05 pre-PERM filing deadline SWAs received a large number of filings and they are still in the process of forwarding those cases to the BRCs. Despite DOL's detailed instructions to the SWAs, most of the cases where not boxed and sent to the BRCs in the exact chronological order that was requested. Moreover not all correspondence filing was up to date in the SWA files. DOL is working hard to match up correspondence, loose papers and G-28s with the proper files and to electronically update addresses. Cases that are closed in error can be re-opened.

If a case is closed and a response to the 45-day letter is sent to the BRC it is considered an error
If a case is closed and a response to the 45-day letter is sent to the BRC it is considered an error. Before DOL had their system set up to handle the return correspondence the some of the 45-day letters were sent out.

Additional staff is processing backlog cases

Backlog cases are being processed by additional staff. Most of the backlog centers earlier did not have enough certifying stamping machines hence had to purchase them. Cases are coming into the backlog centers from the SWAs from last minute 03-27-2005 deadline filings. Additional staff has been added to support the Center Directors and Certifying Officers in Philadelphia and Dallas. Philadelphia is ahead of Dallas on getting cases into the system, but Dallas is getting certifications out a bit faster.

The most common problem for denials has been the incorrect count of 30 days.

The most common problem for denials has been the incorrect count of 30 days. DOL will start issuing letters giving the reasons for denials. Denials are also regular for employers using P.O. Boxes. Every document should have a street address, including the prevailing wage determination, etc. DOL is also concerned about multiple applications. DOL advises to check the user guide with regard to saving drafts and retrieving them. Some of the users are saving multiple copies by hitting the "save" button causing panic as DOL has to delete some of the multiple copies. On the other hand employers must set up the accounts for security, liability and exposure. The employer will get a password and can then set up sub-accounts for attorneys. DOL will track the source/footprint. IP addresses are tracked. A temporary draft that has been typed and saved in the DOL system has a case number assigned with a "T" in front of it. If the case number has a T, it has NOT been submitted and has not been denied. On the case status screen, it will show as "incomplete", but it has not been submitted. Once submitted, case numbers with an A are Atlanta cases and those with C are Chicago cases. T denotes a temporary draft.

Job Order requirements

As the job orders give rise to numerous matches the employer is only required to contact individuals who submit resumes directly to the employer.

Status of current PERM filings

Approximately 1000+ applications saved and incomplete in the system, not yet submitted. Approximately 700 applications have been processed. 7000+ employers are registered. Approximately 100 Re-files have been submitted to retain an earlier Priority Date. At present the drop out rate at BRCs is still very low.

Click here for the Article
dcmetro22042 said:
Has there been any approval lately from Philly?? I see approvals in Dallas but not sure if I saw any in Philly. Anyone?

huh? are you saying there is a backlog reduction center in Philly? :confused:
gp111 said:
Philadelphia is ahead of Dallas on getting cases into the system, but Dallas is getting certifications out a bit faster.

Go philly gooooo, maybe we need to get Philly some full time cheerleaders for immotional support.

Thank you for the update gp111, you are the best here. if you were a lady I would've proposed (j/k)
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nathank25 said:
My Employer applied my GC labor in Vermont state in March 1st week 2005. Still we haven't received receipt no. Is it possible. Any one face this kind of problem. i'm stepping into 6year in a month. I need a receipt no to get the 7th year extension based on 1 year LC pending status. I heard that Vermont state office needs to send receipt from the old system and they would transfer to backlog center and they would send 45 day letter to confirm the application. Is it true. If so why vermont state didn't send the receipt no to me. It's been more than 2 months.
GC_Lover said:
huh? are you saying there is a backlog reduction center in Philly? :confused:
I am referring to Philly BEC for certifying Labor Apps stuck for federal approval (once State has been approved). Just what this thead is supposed to track. My Q is when was the last approval we saw from Philly?
Kudos to Icarus for his great service of finding inside information from Dallas BEC. It has been a great help to the LC sufferers community!!!!
We are really thankful to him!!!

I wish our Philly BEC thread had a similar messenger like Icarus

While Dallas BEC is moving forward with certifications, Philly is so focused on data entry and nobody has seen a single approval so far. It is so depressing.
45 day letter reply to LC approval - Phily Backlog Center

after replying to 45 day letter, did any one get LC from Philadelphia Backlog center. How many days it took between replying to 45 day letter and getting LC.
For Your Information

I sent a case status check to the and got the following
response within two days. My 45-day letter replied on Dec, 2004. It seems
they allow lawyer to request.

You have reached the Philadelphia Backlog Processing Center status
inquiry mailbox. At this time, we are unable to provide status
information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Philadelphia
Processing Center files are being transferred to a new system. Once the
data entry process is completed, a 45-Day Letter and Selection of
Continuation Option letter will be issued on all applications providing
a new case ID # and may request additional information from the

If your request is in reference to the following, this information will
also be updated.

* Address updates for attorney, employer, or alien
* Change of attorney (or attorney address changes)
* Incorrect case closures
* H-1B extensions

Aliens seeking status must contact their employer or attorney to obtain

For frequently asked questions and status inquiry, please visit the
following internet website:

To obtain general information regarding processing times, please visit
the following internet website:

To obtain general information regarding PERM System, please visit the
following internet websites:

There is no need to submit multiple requests. The next notices that you
will receive from this office will be a 45-Day Letter and a Selection of
Continuation Option letter.

Your patience is appreciated.

Philadelphia Backlog Processing Center
45 days letter .... FINALLY !!!

My LC application (non-RIR) was sent in May 2001 to SC employment office.

I finally got this freaking 45 days letter by mail Saturday. Now i got a brand new ETA case number
The letter was faxed back to then the minute i got it ;)

Wooohoooo !
SWA RD (PD): May 11, 2001
45-Day BPC Letter Received: May 21, 2005
45-Day BPC Letter Replied: Mar 23, 2005
Philly BPC Case # P-0502*-*****
I think we should really write letter to Ms. Zhao again to complain about the situation in Pilly BEC. It has been already 1 year behing Dallas! I cannot believe they are focus on data entry for now. I think it is an excuse for them not competent at their jobs. Maybe they are too slow on learning how to give approval so they have to focus on no-brainer's jobs for now. Can they switch people between two BEC?