Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Everybody wants world peace....

I like the comments like: Lets not bicker. Lets maintain peace. blah blah blah...

Well I am definitely not going to fuel the fire but I liked reading some arguments and counters. Someone also mentioned that it is making the forum "not-boring", well great!! So everything seems to be ok.

Keep up the good work and lets keep waiting.

1) One of the points we should we worried about is that it will be difficult for an "achiever" to stay at one post for 4-5 years or how ever long it takes for GC approval, which would mean that people from certain countries (read India, China and Phillipines) who work very hard and are known for their intellectual prowess, will be bound and chained to their current employers and posts.

2) With so much back log, it is highly unprobable that people applying now with legitimate means can dream of getting GC. Unlike some who applied early and were at the right time and right place to get their GCs in a couple of years.

3) Heisenberg's principle: if we keep pinging the workers with our queries then there are more resources lost in answering the questions than there would be if they would spend their time processing applications. I can understand all our concerns etc. but we should also realise that (however slow or fast they are), we should let them do their job and find out ways of facilitating them in that. Instead of balking their work, we should see and lobby towards govt. spend more towards processing or better still, ways of faster processing.

4) Temporary removal of any limitations for awarding GC. Once the labor is cleared, everyone should be able to file for 140 & 485 simultaneously. Remove back log and then put more rules in processings and requirements. Maybe Beloved Bill was on the right track (one of the very few times). {BTW did anyone hear about the new RED screen of death :rolleyes: }

More when I dream of something else...
(other than waking up in my prosperous HOME country)

An Indian.
(no signature) :D
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Short Story With Bits of News in it ;)

Since we are all reduced about complaining about big bold red letters now and how much stress those letters can cause us (I haven't been able to sleep since i saw them LOL... Someone should sue ! ), I decided to update you on my case.

In order to make a deeper impression, i will write this story in big red bold letters ;)

My labor cerification was sent to SC employment office in April 2001, never made it to reguional, was sent to Philly. I still haven't received my 45 days letter

Now, seriously, i got one of my congressman to look into it. He said that they are still entering those application in their computers. So people, just relax. I am pretty confident to tell anyone of you that there's ALWAYS someone in worse situation than you. Just breathe and wait for the end of the tunnel.
orissa said:
Dear USCISisMockery,

Thank you very much for taking out those Bold leter. If possible please take away those "Red Color". If everything will becomes uniform color, nobody will complain. I pray God to listen our prayer and approve our LC for all of us here.

I thank you again for considering my request.

Community for Information,
Action and Reform "

This is the heading of web site. This site is for actions, reforms, information for immigrants. This forum is not a beauty contest. How can intelligent members of community ask somebody to change their personnel signature? It is the most immature statement by someone. Mockery do not believe in such immature comments. Carry on your good work.

orissa said:
Dear USCISisMockery,

I pray God to listen our prayer and approve our LC for all of us here.

What kind of person ask god to help him who does not want to work? God bless Ori???
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The Philly BEC tracker has deviated from the main point of discussion for the last few days..everyone please stick to this topic, if you have anything else to discuss, create a new thread or look for the appropriate one..and get back to track cases in Philly BEC..just compare this thread to the Dallas BEC and you will understand.
Let us not vent our frustrations on each other

Please let us stop with all the personal insults/insinuations/fights.

The idea of this thread is to track the progress of the Philly BEC and let us stick to it.

This is an extremely stressful period for everyone. Lot of us have been waiting for 3 years or more for a freaking labor certification. So it is understandable but let us not show our frustrations against each other.

People have different opinions on what to do if the GC process does not go thru. Let us just leave it at that and not try to force our opinion on others.

No fight! Peace please!!! 45-Day Lettter

I am a quiet observer of this forum for several months. I agree that this forum should be only a place to share our LC info. There is no point to "fight" each other here. It is not easy for all of us to be here.

I received my 45-day around Jan.20, and replied in one week. No news yet.
My PD: July 2001. In IT field. EB3

Is there anyone who can help to add my info to the spreadsheet or the Access DB?

Case details?

fox12 said:
I am a quiet observer of this forum for several months. I agree that this forum should be only a place to share our LC info. There is no point to "fight" each other here. It is not easy for all of us to be here.

I received my 45-day around Jan.20, and replied in one week. No news yet.
My PD: July 2001. In IT field. EB3

Is there anyone who can help to add my info to the spreadsheet or the Access DB?


Which state ?

I don't blame on anybody who went into fight here. I feel strong pity for all of us who stuck in Philly. My case was previously in CA DOL. My PR is April, 03. I noticed that people whose PR in May, 03 and March, 03 all went to Dallas BEC. Good for them. you can see how cases move in Dallas. Maybe soon we should rewrite a letter to Ms. Chao complaining the slow pace in Philly BEC. But I think Philly maybe just several monthes behind Dallas. My love letter is Feb., 14 (it is a real love letter, isn't it?) While my coworkers in Dallas BEC got them only one month before me. I have a very cute 2 year old daugther, so I spent lots of time playing with her and that make me less frustrated from the current situation. I just bought the second new car for my family and I am buying a house soon. BTW, I still think I am very lucky. I have a few friends who got terminal cancer and two of them died of car accidents last year. All of aforementioned friends are or were below 35 years old. Comparing to them, I am very lucky. So, please cheer up! And it is not good or nor healthy to be angry and depressed everyday over this BEC shit! It is not worth it. You GC will come sooner or later. Don't worry.
:D :D

Hello my friend,

Do you have any updates directly from BEC about the aprovals or certification :) :) I think that everyone are waiting for some news from your hotline.

I know Orissa lost her contact and Alkea to, so you are the only one rigtht now.

orissa said:
Dear USCISisMockery,

Thank you very much for taking out those Bold leter. If possible please take away those "Red Color". If everything will becomes uniform color, nobody will complain. I pray God to listen our prayer and approve our LC for all of us here.

I thank you again for considering my request.

orissa, pennwaiting, mnhrdc

Just for sake of not diverting from our goals, I honored all your requests.

Now let us have some constructive input from you guys.

I think we should not bother DOL with inquiry if they keep on coming back with standard reply. Its just waste of time for both. So I guess local congressman, senetors and CEOs (Intel, Microsoft, Sun) are our best bet.

My dear Orissa, as lot of users requested ("yours_sincerely", "sanjay_41" to name few) can you PLEASE change your name "orissa" to something else . Whenever I hear orissa I feel depressed. When you spell "depression" inversely, it sounds like Orissa :)
Please for sake of community, can you do that ? I really appreciate that.
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Disclaimer : serious readers can skip this

USCISisMockery said:
orissa, pennwaiting, mnhrdc

Just for sake of not diverting from our goals, I honored all your requests.

Thanks, but sarcascism is not gone, I think we did express our feeling how we felt but we never expressed you to change in what you believe regarding getting up in your home country

Now let us have some constructive input from you guys.

I think we should not bother DOL with inquiry if they keep on coming back with standard reply. Its just waste of time for both. So I guess local congressman, senetors and CEOs (Intel, Microsoft, Sun) are our best bet.

I agree, unless the sponsorer is serious we as beneficiary does not have much locus standi, also DOL does not have to deal directly with us other than Employer/Attorney/Agent, if they are doing now it is only courtesy. Lobbying with CEO's who are major contributors for senetors is more beneficial

My dear Orissa, as lot of users requested ("yours_sincerely", "sanjay_41" to name few) can you PLEASE change your name "orissa" to something else . Whenever I hear orissa I feel depressed. When you spell "depression" inversely, it sounds like Orissa :)
Please for sake of community, can you do that ? I really appreciate that.
I disagree, Just because if majority feels anybody need not change there id or what they believe in which includes you. The id is there personal choice and there are no rules set by the forum owner/admin of this blogger when you create your id.

If you think you are a warrior/saviour of this community in taking up the fight, you have to learn carry all kinds of people along with you and cant be choosy with only yea yea sayers.

The choice will be allways there for everybody how they feel in getting up in there HOME Country, Happy :) for some and Regret :eek: for rest

enjoy luckylucky the entertainment goes on till STARS WARS is in theaters
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luckylucky said:
I don't blame on anybody who went into fight here. I feel strong pity for all of us who stuck in Philly. My case was previously in CA DOL. My PR is April, 03. I noticed that people whose PR in May, 03 and March, 03 all went to Dallas BEC. Good for them. you can see how cases move in Dallas.

Too early to predict, No approvals have surfaced except one TR case of yr 2001 from DBEC. If you have one ICRUS in PHILLY thread you may change your openion about PBEC since we dont know whats happening inside. However DOL pegging on FIFO there may not be much difference between PBEC and DBEC when adjudication starts

Maybe soon we should rewrite a letter to Ms. Chao complaining the slow pace in Philly BEC. But I think Philly maybe just several monthes behind Dallas. My love letter is Feb., 14 (it is a real love letter, isn't it?) While my coworkers in Dallas BEC got them only one month before me. I have a very cute 2 year old daugther, so I spent lots of time playing with her and that make me less frustrated from the current situation. I just bought the second new car for my family and I am buying a house soon. BTW, I still think I am very lucky. I have a few friends who got terminal cancer and two of them died of car accidents last year. All of aforementioned friends are or were below 35 years old. Comparing to them, I am very lucky. So, please cheer up! And it is not good or nor healthy to be angry and depressed everyday over this BEC shit! It is not worth it. You GC will come sooner or later. Don't worry.
:D :D

Keep up this positive energy
5th year here

File received by SC office on the 11th of May 2001. Entering 5th year today.
Happy anniversary to both of us ;)
45 Days Letter - Maine SWA??

Any idea about the cases filed in Maine, which is currently in the Philly Backlog center?. Have they started entering into the new system and sending 45 days letters?. Upto Oct 31st,2004, they have processed in the state center itself and the cases are pending from Nov 1st 2004 (pathetic) in the backlog center. Will they take maine cases or finish all other centers and then take Maine?? All seem to be :confused:
Got 45 day letter

started April 2003
Gone to Regional in Sept 2003
Got 45 day letter in May 2005

Good knows when I get LC or GC. I guess last year digit has to change to get any reply from this guys.
Can you tell me where did you filed your LC from? I filed from florida around the same time on april, 2003 and file went to Atlanta DOL in Sept 2003 but no 45 letter for me.
