Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

mnhrdc said:
I didnt see anything wrong in "whatheheck" mentioned, it is not about setting up goals, it is about how do u set standards to achieve goals.
Your signature definetly definitely looks that if they dont listen to you, that as if we have done a mistake and deported to our countries.

GC is only a option which makes our life better by not worrying about Layoffs,changing jobs, etc. and definetly not leaving our roots and feel ashamed like you to get up in our HOME country.

I dont expect you to waste 5 min of you on this

Good Answer.
whatheheck said:
Well said mnhrdc.

USCISisMockery, whatheheck and mnhrdc,

We can disagree with one another all we like but lets unite to do something about it. I saw an ad on TV recently, which I thought fit in very well with our general population here:

Dont just take a stand do something about it!

We are trying to do something about it by collecting signatures for the letter to go out to Senators, BPC, DOL etc... But we are not nearly close enough to our target of 100 signatures before May 31st 2005 yet.

If you haven't already, please sign up - We have made it as easy as we can for you to sign up - please visit the first page of this thread and get the letter...

if you know the source for this please update us...

I heard there are some approvals for NY-applications with PD Nov'2001.

I have PD od Nov 2001 from NY SWA ..
45 days letters are received and replied .. but no update after that...

My friend's lawyer told him so.
The 'right' action ...

USISisMockery, and his/her critics and supporters,

I agree that just taking action is not what's important, and what's important is taking the right (and smart) action. Highlighting our plight by flooding every media/administration outlet with our letters is great, just to make these guys squirm when their 'criminal' acts are highlighted. As for results, not much will be accomplished by this. I can almost hear their reply, which will be something like 'The DOL/Admin. recognized the weaknesses of the prior system and the impact of the backlogs on the (poor) applicants, who had to face many difficulties due to the backlog. Our determination to streamline the process and free the applicants from an elongated GC process, we decided to overhaul the system and implement the PERM system. This system will reduce the LC app time from a few years to a few months .... etc. etc'.

There you go ... you'll be highlighting a problem which they will say, has already been solved. As for the current backlog, well, they have 'solved' that too and set up BECs. Ya, the BECs have taken more time than expected due to the crushing load and (more blah blah.. from them). They have the answers ready.

We'll have to think a bit more if you really want to hit them where it hurts ... and I'm just throwing out ideas ... but some of them would be:

1) Find a new job elsewhere in some other country or your home country , throw the visa at their face and tell them we wont be lying around for years waiting for the GC to come.

2) Highlight in as many other countries as possible(other than US that is) NOT to immigrate to the US, that it's a nightmare .. blah blah ... encourage them to go to some other country or stay in their home country.

3) Highlight the human rights aspect of these GC/visa delays, send your letters to Amnesty et. al instead of the DOL/gov. agencies. The DOL should at least be censured for Human Rights Violations.

I'm sure there will be many more ideas which will highlight the 'crimes' that've been committed and will make them realize that they have to pay a price for those. Stopping or reducing OR reversing the flow of immigrants will actually hit them where it hurts (though it might make quite a few happy too).

Lastly, I feel there is nothing wrong with the slogan (''ll wake up ...), for it is just a motivating 'slogan' and is not to be taken personally.
mnhrdc said:
I didnt see anything wrong in "whatheheck" mentioned, it is not about setting up goals, it is about how do u set standards to achieve goals.
Your signature definetly definitely looks that if they dont listen to you, that as if we have done a mistake and deported to our countries.

GC is only a option which makes our life better by not worrying about Layoffs,changing jobs, etc. and definetly not leaving our roots and feel ashamed like you to get up in our HOME country.

I dont expect you to waste 5 min of you on this

I agree with Spidey,we might agree/disagree forever on these topics. But I couldn't resist to clarify my take on this.

"don't sleep" means its friendly advice to not to be lazy and take action in any manner you like.
Usually in this kind of initiative where there unknown number of people and where there is meager chance of success, its human psychology to think that "if hundreds of people are sending letter then what difference it will make if I skip it".
So this is just motivative "wake up" call for such members.
For members who have hard time understanding my signature, here is simpler version. Please let me know if you think I need to elaborate it further.

"Please, if not for you than for your community, take action (of whatever means you feel will make difference) so that senators/editors/general public are aware of DOL atrocities. Its good to take action when you are in your 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th year of your H1 so that you have sufficient time to plan if you have to go back to your beloved home country.
If you don't care about what DOL does and just wait then it might be possible that you are on your 7th year extension, you just bought new house, your kids are starting their school and suddenly USCIS kicks you out.
So I think if I had choice I would try my best to do whatever I can so that my labor gets adjucted in timely manner, get GC and then I will have luxury when if at all I want to go to my HOME"
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USCISisMockery said:
I agree with Spidey,we might agree/disagree forever on these topics. But I couldn't resist to clarify my take on this.

"don't sleep" means its friendly advice to not to be lazy and take action in any manner you like.
Usually in this kind of initiative where there unknown number of people and where there is meager chance of success, its human psychology to think that "if hundreds of people are sending letter then what difference it will make if I skip it".
So this is just motivative "wake up" call for such members.
For members who have hard time understanding my signature, here is simpler version. Please let me know if you think I need to elaborate it further.

"Please, if not for you than for your community, take action (of whatever means you feel will make difference) so that senators/editors/general public are aware of DOL atrocities. Its good to take action when you are in your 1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th year of your H1 so that you have sufficient time to plan if you have to go back to your beloved home country.
If you don't care about what DOL does and just wait then it might be possible that you are on your 7th year extension, you just bought new house, your kids are starting their school and suddenly USCIS kicks you out.
So I think if I had choice I would try my best to do whatever I can so that my labor gets adjucted in timely manner, get GC and then I will have luxury when if at all I want to go to my HOME"

Since I requested not spend 5 min but it looks you have spent a quite a long period on this and so MY 2 paise

I agree your English is good beyond that all your underlying intentions are realy crap. I dont say that you should not write letters or not bring awareness to people, or not to make Noise, but unless you know reality of how things works at DOL

For me it is matter of pure luck and how fortunate you are and when you filed and from where you filed mattered most. I have lot examples who allready got GC , even with later PD just because they applied from different places.

In yr 2000 few of fortunates got LC in 15 days in CA( can u believe it) without PERM in place. Later 200k amensty people filed in yr 2001 betwen april and aug which made this huge backlog every where atleast in CA and TX
Later when the BEC was opened everywhere sluggish happend and when they transferred RD May 2003 cases onwords we were the most unfortunate since in regular speed at RO we should have got our LC atleast 6 months back. Now we just hear romours that they are still in yr 2001. With So much uncertinities in DOL it mattered only when U filed and from where U filed.

As allready said in earlier posting by other friend you need to make more noise at different levels. when US universities lost large no of students to different countries for visa problems then they realized and now they give first priority for Students when apply for VISA.

I dont understand what you mean by DOL attrocities and also If you buy house are you so ignorent that you dont know what happens when you dont get LC adjudicated. You are making a statement that LC is Birth right for all alliens who came here to work with knowledge of limited period of 6 years Visa period . You must be fortunate that these extensions were now availble which were not there a earlier.

In current sitiuation GC is a lotto for which you dont have to make noise to win it . But that doesnt mean you should not buy/apply for it. If you read New PERM regulations and real ID act it looks they dont need any more alliens to replace there jobs.

Having said that i dont regret to sleep in your foster/surrogated mother land and wakeup in my beloved home country.

If required GP can give you fact and figures for all years how the progress was happenning.
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If you don't want to participate that's cool. please don't give funda. my 2 cents.

mnhrdc said:
Since I requested not spend 5 min but it looks you have spent a quite a long period on this and so MY 2 paise

I agree your English is good beyond that all your underlying intentions are realy crap. I dont say that you should not write letters or not bring awareness to people, or not to make Noise, but unless you know reality of how things works at DOL

For me it is matter of pure luck and how fortunate you are and when you filed and from where you filed mattered most. I have lot examples who allready got GC , even with later PD just because they applied from different places.

In yr 2000 few of fortunates got LC in 15 days in CA( can u believe it) without PERM in place. Later 200k amensty people filed in yr 2001 betwen april and aug which made this huge backlog every where atleast in CA and TX
Later when the BEC was opened everywhere sluggish happend and when they transferred RD May 2003 cases onwords we were the most unfortunate since in regular speed at RO we should have got our LC atleast 6 months back. Now we just hear romours that they are still in yr 2001. With So much uncertinities in DOL it mattered only when U filed and from where U filed.

As allready said in earlier posting by other friend you need to make more noise at different levels. when US universities lost large no of students to different countries for visa problems then they realized and now they give first priority for Students when apply for VISA.

I dont understand what you mean by DOL attrocities and also If you buy house are you so ignorent that you dont know what happens when you dont get LC adjudicated. You are making a statement that LC is Birth right for all alliens who came here to work with knowledge of limited period of 6 years Visa period . You must be fortunate that these extensions were now availble which were not there a earlier.

In current sitiuation GC is a lotto for which you dont have to make noise to win it . But that doesnt mean you should not buy/apply for it. If you read New PERM regulations and real ID act it looks they dont need any more alliens to replace there jobs.

Having said that i dont regret to sleep in your foster/surrogated mother land and wakeup in my beloved home country.
Anand_Mishra said:
If you don't want to participate that's cool. please don't give funda. my 2 cents.

Never said DONT Participate,
DONT think every body should agree and participate what you and the way you like.
:D With the outrages, anxity and depressions I am seeing here, I am sure that you won't wake up in your country matter sleep or not sleep. Believe me, you will wake up in mental hospitals soon. TAKE ANTI-ANXITY PILLS OR YOU WILL WAKE UP IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL! :D :D :D
JUst kidding. I feel a pity for all of us that we are being tortured this way, till we get our LC->GC. Are we going to scacifise our happiness everyday just for this shit? My advises: Don't worry about future because even if you have your GC or you are U.S. citizen, you don't even know if you can get killed by a car accident tomorrow or not. So, just be happy everyday. Buy a house since most of you earn big bucks. Take a vacation. If you are single, then get married. If you are married, then have a baby. enjoy this moment. Don't compare yourself to those who have better luck than you. Compare you to those who are poorer than you or less lucky than you. Be grateful since you are healthy and you have your career and your family.
Life is beautiful! You are blessed, my friends! :)
luckylucky said:
:D Buy a house since most of you earn big bucks. If you are single, then get married. If you are married, then have a baby.

Don't we have enough Problems Already ?? Why you want to add more & make life a hell ? ;) Stay single as much as you can guys, don't fell in to the trap :p
gp111 said:
Don't we have enough Problems Already ?? Why you want to add more & make life a hell ? ;) Stay single as much as you can guys, don't fell in to the trap :p
According to your suggestion, maybe they should just by a house and have a baby. :D
45-day letter

pd: 10/2001
state: DC (washington dc)
type: eb-3, RIR
RD: my case was not touched/approved at the state level, it went directly to BEC.

i haven't received the 45-day letter at all. should i start worrying about my letter or any one out there just like me. any help is greatly appreciated.
Has anyone received an approval from Phil BEC?

Has anyone received approvals from BEC? It looks like DALLAS BEC has started approving cases.