We have tried all possible ways to beat PBEC to improve their processing efficiency. A lawsuit was filed against them and was dismissed in their favor. Letter writing campaigns also did not jolt them as well. Even calling Assistant Secretary DeRocco could not help either.
As a staff (Mark Gorbman) from Division of Foreign Labor Certification (DC office) pointed out, his department could not tell PBEC how things should be run and even if they wanted to they have no power to do so. It seems like Steven Stefanko has full power on how to run the PBEC and unfortunately, he is not approachable.
Even the second man of Division of Foreign Labor Certification (George Sherphard) has warned me that letter campaigns would hamper the adjudication as there would be too many inquiries on individual files and it would only slow the process.
As for my case, I have approached my state senators and Senator Specter for help. Thinking that I would have leverage from congressional inquiries instead, PBEC is punishing me for making too many complaints/inquiries on them. Look at what they are doing to my file. First they claimed to have sent the NOF in January and we did not received it. When we actually received it and rebutted it, we still have not gotten any news until today.
Bottom line is that nothing works and God knows what is happening behind the scene. PBEC seems to have very powerful backing from someone very influential. They are untouchable. It is very scary and stressful. GOOD luck guys and will keep you posted if I hear anything.
PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06