Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

lets gather first

we can also raise the retrogression issue as its going to be our next hurdle once we get out of this labor mess.

At the moment people are devided, some are in favour of protesting against PBEC only and some are for raising all legal Immigration issues(starting from labor to retrogression/485).

I would say we dont need to debate this right now. let us welcome all regardless of the issue they would like to raise. more people more the impact. the biggest issue we have right now is gathering people in DC. Once gathered we can raise every damn issue then. we need to do this as soon as possible to get maximum leverage while immigration is still a hot topic.

va_aug_2002 said:
What is going to be our Focus? Just PBEC/BEC or retrogession also?
There are say 100 people stuck in retrogression and by comparison about 10 stuck in PBEC. the other 90 people are going to talk about retrogression one time or the other. PBEC is getting away scott-free without any pressure, and is approving hardly any cases (we all can see that)

Our focus should only be on PBEC - have a sign saying "Speed up BITCH!!!" or something to that effect

no retrogression talk, just focus on the 200,000 people stuck at PBEC.
rally united!

It depends on howmany people actually turn up on that day. going by your example, if 10 turnup to raise the PBEC and 90 for retrogression, whats the point in welcoming all if we are going to protest seperately. we will raise every issue united. we may have 2 to 3 issues and all of them will get the same attention.

code4food said:
There are say 100 people stuck in retrogression and by comparison about 10 stuck in PBEC. the other 90 people are going to talk about retrogression one time or the other. PBEC is getting away scott-free without any pressure, and is approving hardly any cases (we all can see that)

Our focus should only be on PBEC - have a sign saying "Speed up BITCH!!!" or something to that effect

no retrogression talk, just focus on the 200,000 people stuck at PBEC.
Our Slogan should be "Legal first"

LoveNY said:
It depends on howmany people actually turn up on that day. going by your example, if 10 turnup to raise the PBEC and 90 for retrogression, whats the point in welcoming all if we are going to protest seperately. we will raise every issue united. we may have 2 to 3 issues and all of them will get the same attention.

As it is in Legal First blog, we need to unite under one banner "Legal First". The only way we can get some amount of attention to our cause is by having a huge turnout. If we start debating now BEC and Retrogression our voice will never be heard... need more voice folks. Lets unite. This is not the time for us to be divided. Look at the illegal immigrants and the attention they are able to get. Its beccause of their unity. Lets do it!!!
Hi guys,

I'm sorry, but I cannot understand when and how we are going to express ourselves. Tons of postings, but no general strategy. Can we come to some kind of consensus?

Thank you.
GC_enroute said:
As it is in Legal First blog, we need to unite under one banner "Legal First". The only way we can get some amount of attention to our cause is by having a huge turnout. If we start debating now BEC and Retrogression our voice will never be heard... need more voice folks. Lets unite. This is not the time for us to be divided. Look at the illegal immigrants and the attention they are able to get. Its beccause of their unity. Lets do it!!!

i dont know about you but i am friggin tired of waiting for my labor to be approved. i wanna move on man.

what are you most concerned about? isnt BEC what is keeping us from moving on. i do not know or care what your PD is, i want my labor cleared and so does my boss and co-workers, they do not want to see me go through this pain. u wanna go and gather the cows, go ahead.... have a perspective, be short-sighted for now, how much longer do you want to be stuck at PBEC.
You are not alone...

code4food said:
i dont know about you but i am friggin tired of waiting for my labor to be approved. i wanna move on man.

what are you most concerned about? isnt BEC what is keeping us from moving on. i do not know or care what your PD is, i want my labor cleared and so does my boss and co-workers, they do not want to see me go through this pain. u wanna go and gather the cows, go ahead.... have a perspective, be short-sighted for now, how much longer do you want to be stuck at PBEC.

code4food - I can understand your frustration but before reacting lets think about the problem here. The immigration process in whole is not working. We need more than just addressing the backlog. We need reforms. We need to address the cause not the symptom. Now you will rally for your labor once your labor is cleared you will end up rallying for retrogression. Regardless of of P.D. this country needs to definitely take a clear look at their immigration process failing which will lead to loosing talent pool to other progressing countrie. By the way my P.D is 01/2002 and I am EB2... The reason I want to rally is not just to clear my labor but I really want to make a point. The way this country is treating their leagal immigrants is very unfair. We deserve much better.
GC_enroute said:
code4food - I can understand your frustration but before reacting lets think about the problem here. The immigration process in whole is not working. We need more than just addressing the backlog. We need reforms. We need to address the cause not the symptom. Now you will rally for your labor once your labor is cleared you will end up rallying for retrogression. Regardless of of P.D. this country needs to definitely take a clear look at their immigration process failing which will lead to loosing talent pool to other progressing countrie. By the way my P.D is 01/2002 and I am EB2... The reason I want to rally is not just to clear my labor but I really want to make a point. The way this country is treating their leagal immigrants is very unfair. We deserve much better.

it is frustration, you are right. but it is not mindless chatter. i have thought about what i am saying here.

here is the logic as long as we are talking.

i have donated to IV as have other members in this group and they are doing their job with pushing for legal immigration. props to them, that is a group that is well-organized and doing good.

but who is doing anything for the BECs. it is getting lost in the fracas. all i am saying is 5-10-15-100-1000, whatever the number may be, should speak out for what we are waiting for, the labor cert. other people are doing what they can and they have my support. it is selfish and you are right, it is frustrating. but i am not going to sit on my ass and do nothing about it. you (GC_enroute) might be eligible for 485/140 soon. good for you, but can you go ahead with it? is your labor done?

imagine this, people sitting outside the white house or PBEC, with candles (aka rang de basanti) or signs or both. people will stop and take notice. do this for a couple of days, it might make the news. do this a few more days, it might reach stephen whoever. it might reach the governor, i do not know. but it is worth a shot. lets get noticed.

in conclusion, our legal immigration fight is so on, but noone is speaking about PBEC only. we should, why?? because we are the ones who are affected
Join Rally


code4food said:
it is frustration, you are right. but it is not mindless chatter. i have thought about what i am saying here.

here is the logic as long as we are talking.

i have donated to IV as have other members in this group and they are doing their job with pushing for legal immigration. props to them, that is a group that is well-organized and doing good.

but who is doing anything for the BECs. it is getting lost in the fracas. all i am saying is 5-10-15-100-1000, whatever the number may be, should speak out for what we are waiting for, the labor cert. other people are doing what they can and they have my support. it is selfish and you are right, it is frustrating. but i am not going to sit on my ass and do nothing about it. you (GC_enroute) might be eligible for 485/140 soon. good for you, but can you go ahead with it? is your labor done?

imagine this, people sitting outside the white house or PBEC, with candles (aka rang de basanti) or signs or both. people will stop and take notice. do this for a couple of days, it might make the news. do this a few more days, it might reach stephen whoever. it might reach the governor, i do not know. but it is worth a shot. lets get noticed.

in conclusion, our legal immigration fight is so on, but noone is speaking about PBEC only. we should, why?? because we are the ones who are affected
pbeciskillingmylife :

How many have signed up for the rally...?? Count me in. We need big numbers. That is still the problem with our thread here. In spite of stuck in Labor stage for years(3-4) together, not many r talking about the rally.

We need to get attn big time. if u can post how many have signed, maybe motivation for others. We need motivation here 1st place..
Well said and i totally agree with you. If we keep looking for a certain minimum number of people, say 1000, it's never gonna happen. Even 5 people are enough to make people notice you if an appropriate spot is picked to protest.

code4food said:
it is frustration, you are right. but it is not mindless chatter. i have thought about what i am saying here.

here is the logic as long as we are talking.

i have donated to IV as have other members in this group and they are doing their job with pushing for legal immigration. props to them, that is a group that is well-organized and doing good.

but who is doing anything for the BECs. it is getting lost in the fracas. all i am saying is 5-10-15-100-1000, whatever the number may be, should speak out for what we are waiting for, the labor cert. other people are doing what they can and they have my support. it is selfish and you are right, it is frustrating. but i am not going to sit on my ass and do nothing about it. you (GC_enroute) might be eligible for 485/140 soon. good for you, but can you go ahead with it? is your labor done?

imagine this, people sitting outside the white house or PBEC, with candles (aka rang de basanti) or signs or both. people will stop and take notice. do this for a couple of days, it might make the news. do this a few more days, it might reach stephen whoever. it might reach the governor, i do not know. but it is worth a shot. lets get noticed.

in conclusion, our legal immigration fight is so on, but noone is speaking about PBEC only. we should, why?? because we are the ones who are affected
Not so encouraging so far

StressTestInUSA said:
pbeciskillingmylife :

How many have signed up for the rally...?? Count me in. We need big numbers. That is still the problem with our thread here. In spite of stuck in Labor stage for years(3-4) together, not many r talking about the rally.

We need to get attn big time. if u can post how many have signed, maybe motivation for others. We need motivation here 1st place..

Guys, we have only 43 people agreed to join rally so far. Not so encouraging. Come out to protest or STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PBEC THAT THEY ARE SLOW. WHAT ARE YOU?
PBECIsKillingMe said:
Guys, we have only 43 people agreed to join rally so far. Not so encouraging. Come out to protest or STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PBEC THAT THEY ARE SLOW. WHAT ARE YOU?

Would love to participate ,but i am too far from D.C or any other place you have mentioned.
IF being in ky i can help in any way let me know
PBECIsKillingMe said:
Guys, we have only 43 people agreed to join rally so far. Not so encouraging. Come out to protest or STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PBEC THAT THEY ARE SLOW. WHAT ARE YOU?

Thats it...!!

we shudnt see any more complaints/venting out on PBEC. let them do their job.

Again begging all guys lurking here: All within 6hrs drive shud make it. We lose a tankful of gas, nothing more..!! no one will catch us and put us behind bars..!!
I will join u in DC and might mange to get few more people with me

PBECIsKillingMe said:
Guys, we have only 43 people agreed to join rally so far. Not so encouraging. Come out to protest or STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT PBEC THAT THEY ARE SLOW. WHAT ARE YOU?