Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Congratulations njhorrors... Good to hear that NJ cases are getting approved. 3 labor certifications in a day in PBEC is like getting a bonus in a long time.

Good luck for your I-140 stage.

njhorrors said:
Guys, this is a good day . Just got an email from my lawyer that my labor has been approved. Someone please let the guys who maintain the tracker about this.
For over three years I looged into this site everyday. You guys are the best !!!

Congratulations to CAPDJUL2002
Please Help

I requested screen shot on 03/20/2006 . In my screen shot in processing type column they have written TR INSTEAD OF RIR. and occuption title and occuption code column was left blank .

On March 21st my attroney sent them e mail as well as he faxed and mail the letter through mail asking PBEC to fix this typo

My employer also e mail, fax and mail them the letter

I requested screen shot again today but when i received the screen shot i was dissappointed to know that they have not fixed this typo and the screen shot was the same which I got on 03/20/2006

How can I fix this problem
did any body face this type of problem ........ please help
good to hear this !!!

CAPDJUL2002 said:
I would like to share this good news with everyone. I just received the Labor certification notice to my home address (it's dated April 4th).
My case details are attached in my signature.
Hope everyone gets out of this PBEC asap.
CAPDJUL2002 :)
tanveer666 said:
I requested screen shot on 03/20/2006 . In my screen shot in processing type column they have written TR INSTEAD OF RIR. and occuption title and occuption code column was left blank .

On March 21st my attroney sent them e mail as well as he faxed and mail the letter through mail asking PBEC to fix this typo

My employer also e mail, fax and mail them the letter

I requested screen shot again today but when i received the screen shot i was dissappointed to know that they have not fixed this typo and the screen shot was the same which I got on 03/20/2006

How can I fix this problem
did any body face this type of problem ........ please help

tanveer, I too had this problem. I called up PBEC and spoke over the phone and she told to reply back to the email to correct the changes. It took like 3 weeks to change from TR to RIR. After the changes were done, they replied back with the corrected screenshot. This was in the month of January.

You call up PBEC and just tell your problem and listen to what they say, tell her not to put u to the answering m/c.
Question to StressTest!

StressTestInUSA said:
tanveer, I too had this problem. I called up PBEC and spoke over the phone and she told to reply back to the email to correct the changes. It took like 3 weeks to change from TR to RIR. After the changes were done, they replied back with the corrected screenshot. This was in the month of January.

You call up PBEC and just tell your problem and listen to what they say, tell her not to put u to the answering m/c.

Dear StressTest

When would PBEC exactly change case number from "T" to "P"?
Is this along with 45 day letter or after you reply to the 45 day letter.

Please reply

Thanks in Advance
Any VA July 02 approvals yet?

Guys, good to see some July 02 approvals. Is there anyone out there who got approval for VA RIR EB2 July 02?
gc_hunter2003 said:
Dear StressTest

When would PBEC exactly change case number from "T" to "P"?
Is this along with 45 day letter or after you reply to the 45 day letter.

Please reply

Thanks in Advance

T is temporary data entry, P is total data entry done.When the case # changes from T to P you can expect a 45 day letter. Ask for a screenshot from time to time(maybe 1's in 2 weeks), your attny and the employer will get the letter from PBEC.
akela said:
Second batch coming in?
Too early to predict a flood looking into one a little bigger dropplet.
Recently we speculated that in order to achieve 18 months goal PBEC has to approve 3 cases EACH DAY FROM OUR TRACKER.

StressTestInUSA said:
T is temporary data entry, P is total data entry done.When the case # changes from T to P you can expect a 45 day letter. Ask for a screenshot from time to time(maybe 1's in 2 weeks), your attny and the employer will get the letter from PBEC.

Have any of you requested the screenshot yourself (not your employer/lawyer). If so what are the details we need to include in the request and how do we send the request. Hope those who requested screenshots didnt have any issues (as i understand that this was for employers / lawyers only and not the applicant).
I am new to this forum and below are the details to request a screen shot, you can use ur office email to get the sreen shot.

Subject: Proof of 7th year extension


I would appreciate if you could send me a screen shot of my pending labor application as a proof for applying 7th year H1B visa extension. Below are the details of my application.

Date of Acceptance:

ETA Case No: P-04282-xxxx

Alien First Name: xxxx

Alien Last Name: xxxx

Company Name: xxxx

Company Address: xxxxx

State: DE
Priority date: Feb 03
45 days letter received - Feb 2005
45 days letter replied - Feb 2005
Here is the message which i got from my lawyer. Not a very useful one, but i wanted to share it with you guys anyway.

"45 day letters are starting to come out around your date. I have received most of the letters for people who filed well before you. The older cases are being worked on first."

PD: March 18th, 2005
State: MA
45D Letter: Waiting
Pbec Fifo


with the PBEC approvals in April 2006 Iam seeing some trend

Somekind of priority is being worked on like this. One should fall under combination of the following to get approved

1) Case has to be RIR and reached Region before

2) cases between 2001-June 2002

3) 45 Days Replied around Feb - Mar 2005

4) States for which there are no cases prior to 2002

5) State of the case should fall within States for which Officers are assigned
( Like we do not see approvals for Atlanta so far. Only CA, NY,VA,DC etc)

Ofcourse we might have cases which are 2001 and 45 days letter sent before Mar 2005 - Not sure what is holding these
ADS are expensive

Thanks to everyone who responded.

I spoke to NYTimes and this does not seem to be an option for us.

they charge $40000 around for a half page standby AD. Standby means they can publish anytime in next 2 weeks or so whenever they have space. otherwise the regular AD of this type costs $80000 for a half page.

Assuming that other newspapers also charge same, rally seems to be our best option.

GC_enroute said:
We can advertise in mainstream papers to get immediate attention.