Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

How to Lose the Brain Race

Op-Ed Contributors
How to Lose the Brain Race
Published: April 10, 2006

IS the United States importing too many immigrant physicists and not enough immigrant farm workers? You might think so, to judge from two provisions that Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, added to the comprehensive immigration reform package that just fell apart in the Senate. Senator Feinstein insisted that the bill call for some fees for foreign students applying to study at American colleges and universities to be doubled, and also demanded that agribusiness get the right to 1.5 million low-wage foreign guest workers over five years. Combined, the two proposals sent a message to the rest of the world: send us your brawn, not your brains.

Whether Senator Feinstein's amendments will resurface in any reconstituted legislation on immigration reform remains unclear. But her priorities reflect in many ways those of Congress as a whole. Congress seems to believe that while the United States must be protected from an invasion of educated, bright and ambitious foreign college students, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs, we can never have too many low-wage fruit-pickers and dishwashers.

In making immigration laws, Congress caters to cheap-labor industries like agribusiness and sweatshop manufacturing while shortchanging the high-tech, high-wage industries on which the future of the American economy depends. Witness the Senate bill's provision to admit 400,000 temporary workers a year, or roughly four million a decade, in addition to the 12 million mostly low-wage illegal immigrants already here, many of whose status would be legalized. Few if any of those guest workers would go to universities, corporate campuses or innovation clusters like Silicon Valley. They would head straight to restaurants, hotels and plantation-like farms.

While the United States perversely tries to corner the market in uneducated hotel maids and tomato harvesters, other industrial democracies are reshaping their immigration policies to invite the skilled immigrants that we turn away. Britain is following Australia and Canada in adopting a points system that gives higher scores to skilled immigrants with advanced education and proficiency in English. British, Canadian, German and even French universities are overflowing in undergraduate and graduate enrollment as they absorb the foreign talent that America is repelling.

Whereas Senator Feinstein fears that foreigners are snatching places at American universities from deserving American students, the fact is that our universities are weakened when fewer talented international students enter their programs.

In recent years, skilled immigration to the United States has been accommodated chiefly by the H-1B visa program. But like all guest-worker programs, the H-1B program pits American workers against foreign workers lacking full legal and political rights. Because H-1B workers depend on employer sponsorship to remain in this country, unscrupulous employers can blackmail them into working longer hours for lower pay than American workers. Skilled workers admitted under a points system, by contrast, would be able to quit their employers in the United States and find new ones at will without risk of deportation.

Will admitting more immigrants drive down the wages of American workers? That may be true in unskilled jobs, since there is a fixed number of bedpans to be emptied and restaurant meals to be cooked in the United States.

But it isn't necessarily true for skilled workers, at least not in the long run. That's because more talent means more innovation and opportunities for all, immigrant and native alike. The growth economist Paul Romer has spoken of the prospector theory of human capital. The more prospectors there are, the more likely it is that some will find gold. As the history of Silicon Valley and other tech centers proves, brain work migrates to where the brain workers are. It's a kind of Field of Dreams in reverse: You will build it, if they come.

Even if a skill-based immigration system did reduce incomes for the elite, that would not be the end of the world. For a generation, college-educated Americans have enjoyed a seller's market in professional services and a buyer's market in the labor of landscapers and nannies. If skilled immigration were increased while unskilled immigration were reduced, the wages of janitors would go up while the salaries and fees of professionals would fall, creating a broader middle class and a more equal society.

The United States can always use another Albert Einstein or Alexander Graham Bell. But with the vast pool of poorly paid, ill-educated laborers already within our borders, we do not need a third of a million new ones a year.

What the space race was to the cold war, the "brain race" is to today's peaceful global economic competition. The comprehensive immigration reform America needs is one that slashes unskilled immigration and creates a skill-rewarding points system modeled on those of Australia, Britain and Canada. In encouraging skilled labor, Congress for a change might perform some of its own.

Steven Clemons is the director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation. Michael Lind is a senior fellow there.
Change in job while labor is pending

I am full time employee of a telecom company located in NJ. They filed my labor in September 2003. My labor is still pending in Philadelphia BEC. Now they are asking me to move to different group within the same company where I will have to work on little bit different responsibilites and skills. My job title will be same it will not change. My question is during I-140 and I-485 filing will it be problem because I will be working on little bit different responsibilites and skills. Do I need to work on the same responsibilities until I get my GC?

Awesome LoveNY. I am in please let me know where to send the money.

LoveNY said:

Its good we can vent out our anger in this forum but this forum does not help us in anyway. anyone disagree ?

what we need is public support/sympathy. we need to create some kind of awareness in the public about the legal immigration mess they have created and they are still trying to create. this would make senators job easier to go ahead with the legal immigration reform. since everyone including media is talking about immigration policies now, this is the best time to do something like this as it would certainly attract attention.

why dont we post an AD in all highly circulated news papers with something like this :

First Fix the Legal Immigration Mess then talk about Undocumented Workers

1) problems currently faced by legal immigrants:

seniors in this forum can list out some good points

2) How this new immigration reform bill may affect already suffering Legal Immigrants:

few of us have already posted how it may affect so we can just use them.

And lets see if there are any takers in the public or media. if there are no takers, as per me leaving the country would be our best bet!

We can advertise in mainstream papers to get immediate attention.
You are RIGHT

GC_enroute said:
We can advertise in mainstream papers to get immediate attention.

You are right. If that bill passed then it will distract some manpower from current BECs. We will face another even worse nightmare! I will surport you!
Yes, this will be a problem

Retaining the same job title in the new position wont help. Your LCA is filed for a specific skill set and responsibilities. I believe that is what they call Job Description. You have to retain the job description until the green card is processed completely (all stages - LCA/140/485). If you change this in your new position, you may have to start your LCA processing all over. So consult your lawyer if there is a way you could get away with this problem.

pv_gc said:
I am full time employee of a telecom company located in NJ. They filed my labor in September 2003. My labor is still pending in Philadelphia BEC. Now they are asking me to move to different group within the same company where I will have to work on little bit different responsibilites and skills. My job title will be same it will not change. My question is during I-140 and I-485 filing will it be problem because I will be working on little bit different responsibilites and skills. Do I need to work on the same responsibilities until I get my GC?

Count Me In

For The Rally And Also One More Friend Willl Be There Too
Btw-i Had Faxed Those Letters On 4th April To The 3 Place S

I am also VA (RIR) PD -Jan 2004, but have not recived the 45 day letter so far. Can you please let me know your exact PD.

Thanks, Dhan007

Sachin_Stock said:
my 45-day arrived and replied (Mid march)

PD: Jan 2004
Thank You

Hi Venram,

Thank you very much for your information. I will talk to attoreny. Thanks again for your reply.

venram said:
Retaining the same job title in the new position wont help. Your LCA is filed for a specific skill set and responsibilities. I believe that is what they call Job Description. You have to retain the job description until the green card is processed completely (all stages - LCA/140/485). If you change this in your new position, you may have to start your LCA processing all over. So consult your lawyer if there is a way you could get away with this problem.
campaign for immigrants' dignity.

NY/NJ guys and gals, wake up and rally....
Crowds Gather for Immigrant Rights Rally

NEW YORK -- It's the city that sees itself as second home to the world.

This afternoon, thousands of immigrants and their supporters are expected to rally in lower Manhattan in support of immigrant rights.

Three groups are expected to march to City Hall Park at about 3 p.m. -- The rally is expected to last until 7 p.m.

It's part of a national day of action billed as a "campaign for immigrants' dignity.''

The demonstrators have been urging lawmakers to help an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants settle legally in the United States.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg calls it "a controversial issue.'' But the mayor adds: Having a rally to express your views is a perfectly appropriate thing.''

The mayor has said that immigrants are crucial to the economy of the city and country.

Bloomberg says those already here should be legalized. But he also says the country needs to gain control of its borders.
April 10, 2006

Monday is being declared a day of action for immigrant rights with rallies scheduled across the nation, including one in Downtown Manhattan.

Organizers are anticipating thousands at City Hall for an afternoon rally that is expected to last well into the evening and could disrupt traffic in the area.

They say the goal is to stop what they call anti-immigration legislation being discussed in Congress from becoming law. And they say the protests are having an impact.

"The debate in the Senate was changed because of the many demonstrations that we have been putting together nationally since the beginning of March. So the fight is not over," said Miguel Ramirez of the Centro Hispano. "So we have to continue putting pressure on because of our bills that we have had, not only in the House of Representatives, but also in the Senate. They are not good news for our communities."
The bill being debated in Washington separates illegal immigrants into three categories. Those here for more than five years could apply for legal residency without having to leave the country. Those here two to five years, would have to leave, but could immediately return as temporary workers. Anyone here less than two years would have to leave and wait in line for a visa.

Congress is currently on an Easter break, but is expected to pick up the debate in two weeks.
Cheers ! My labor is approved!

My labor finally got approval after 4.1 years of waiting .

RIR , EB2 , NY
PD : 03/11/2002
45 days letter rec'd : Jan 23 2006
45 days letter replied: Jan 23 2006
Labor Approved : March 21 , 2006

Applying for rest of the steps . Can anybody let me know if I should apply for advance Payrole .Or if I can use my H1B or later H1B 7th year extentions to travel out side US. Is there any disadvantages If I apply I131 , while I am maintaining my H1B.
Last edited by a moderator:
Which state did you file from and was it RIR or NON-RIR?

If I were you, I wud apply for Advanced Parole because that way u dont have to get a stamping in your home country.

Notinlabor said:
My labor finally got approval after 4.1 years of waiting .

PD : 03/11/2002
45 days letter rec'd : Jan 23 2006
45 days letter replied: Jan 23 2006
Labor Approved : March 21 , 2006

Applying for rest of the steps . Can anybody let me know if I should apply for advance Payrole .Or if I can use my H1B or later H1B 7th year extentions to travel out side US. Is there any disadvantages If I apply I131 , while I am maintaining my H1B.
Sent letter to all tv/newspaper channels...
Remember April 20th their is second rally to send letters to top 6 newspapers.... everyone is getting ready

so do you...

In the mean time please send letters/emails to newpapers/senators/tvchannels... express your thoughts to them.. rather than writing in this forum
Labor certified - CA labor PD July 2002

I would like to share this good news with everyone. I just received the Labor certification notice to my home address (it's dated April 4th).
My case details are attached in my signature.
Hope everyone gets out of this PBEC asap.
CAPDJUL2002 :)
Recieved 45 Day letter (PD Sept-04)

Hei fellas!

Recieved my 45 D letter. Another guy in the company with PD is May' 2004, got his.

Here is what my inner voice has been telling me.
"Hang in there, concentrate on work, learning new things, enjoy the 9-5, socialize and have fun."

Non-RIR, EB3, MA
PD: Sept 10, 2004
45-Day Letter rec'd : April 9, 2006
45-Day Letter replied: April 10, 2006
PBEC ETA # : P-05172-XXXXX
CAPDJUL2002 said:
I would like to share this good news with everyone. I just received the Labor certification notice to my home address (it's dated April 4th).
My case details are attached in my signature.
Hope everyone gets out of this PBEC asap.
CAPDJUL2002 :)

Great news! Now you can file I-140 and 485 together.
Labor Approved

Guys, this is a good day . Just got an email from my lawyer that my labor has been approved. Someone please let the guys who maintain the tracker about this.
For over three years I looged into this site everyday. You guys are the best !!!

Congratulations to CAPDJUL2002

CAPDJUL2002 said:
I would like to share this good news with everyone. I just received the Labor certification notice to my home address (it's dated April 4th).
My case details are attached in my signature.
Hope everyone gets out of this PBEC asap.
CAPDJUL2002 :)