Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

rally in two locations

Why don't we have two rallies in front of DOL and PBEC? That way may increase the number of pariticipants, also both of these offices should know our concerns -- they are too slow and we can not wait anymore! This option will depend on how many can show up.
8 months ago my case was partially entered in to the system, so don't get encouraged too much, man.


Today morning i sent an email to PBEC for my case status and they replied back within a hour with a screenshot on my case. My case is all way behind in March 2005. But what encourages me is that they have entered partial data for cases that far long.

I am hoping that they finish entering data by June and start adjudicating cases.

Good Luck.

State: NJ
Priority Date: March 21, 2005
ETA Case No: T-05202 - XXXXX
How to check Status !


Did you use your personal mail id ? Also, can we send an e-mail even though it may not be for the 7th year extension ?

Guys.... Can you please clarify this for me? I have a case number that starts with T....... and would like to check the latest status.

Appreciate anyone shedding some light on this !


Today morning i sent an email to PBEC for my case status and they replied back within a hour with a screenshot on my case. My case is all way behind in March 2005. But what encourages me is that they have entered partial data for cases that far long.

I am hoping that they finish entering data by June and start adjudicating cases.

Good Luck.

State: NJ
Priority Date: March 21, 2005
ETA Case No: T-05202 - XXXXX
Hi Everyone,
I have been a silent reader of these forums and I want to say keep up with the wonderful work on coming online and adding your posts. You guys were a source of encouragement and kept my spirits going. Your knowledge is terrific. I am positive you are next in line.

My employer requested screen shots with subject lines that said Extension of H1B for 7th year and then later for 8th year and we got responses with 30 mins. I did that twice once in Aug 05 and once in Feb 06.

I just found out that my labor has been approved. The letter is dated April 3rd, 06 was sent to my employer but attorney has yet to receive the package.

Case type: RIR
Category: EB3
Priority date: July 12th, 2002
State where filed: Virginia
Regional Date: March 18th, 2004
Philly Back log Center
ETA case # : P-0427X-XXXX
45 day letter received date: Dec 20th 2004
45 day letter responded by company date: Dec 21st 2004

God Bless and I will meet up with you all in the 140 thread. I have not seen too many posts about approvals so I thought I would make those close to my PD smile or get excited.
ct_rk said:

Did you use your personal mail id ? Also, can we send an e-mail even though it may not be for the 7th year extension ?

Guys.... Can you please clarify this for me? I have a case number that starts with T....... and would like to check the latest status.

Appreciate anyone shedding some light on this !

Checking Status through 7th Year Extension Proof could be Risky. Somtime back people flooded this e mail and PBEC pulled the Case Status Field. Some body mentioned in this Forum that he haerd from His Attorny that they will single out those cases. Use that at your own risk.

Why don't you wait for some more time as people are getitng 45 day letters. Once you have that means that your case has changed to P. As long as it is T you can be sure that the File is not lost . Getiing to know each change will make you mad like how we used to be 6 months back. Status is Not a Big Deal until we see Flood of approvals.
Nationwide RALLY of mail, fax, email, phone ON April 20 & April 24

Nationwide RALLY of mail, fax, email, phone ON April 20 & April 24

Folks find the draft and contact info I came up with. Please refine the draft if there are good writers among us, keep on adding emails, good contacts, the more the better. On April 20 th we will be mailing the letters, On April 24 th emails and faxes. Let’s keep the full content in the mailed letters, fax and email. President doesn’t have to feel he is the only guy receiving it :). Let labor dept secretary know she is copied on a letter to president (in most work places that bring good results). I’m sure it will work some result if Whitehouse receive say 1000 letters…I guess 200,000+ people and their family is waiting for LCA.

Folks apply your creative mind. Let’s make it a success..

Let your friends also know…

Sub: Huge Administrative Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at Department Of Labor

Dear Mr. President,

Hope you are doing well.

I would like to bring to your attention the huge delay in LCA approval process at DOL’s two Backlog Elimation Centres (BEC), most notably the Philadelphia BEC. I started my application with DOL 4 years back. Two years have passed since the commencement of two BECs. Till now I have not received the approvals.
There is not even an option for status check or an indication when my application will be considered.

My family and I are suffering constantly in numerous ways due to these delays. To list a few, my spouse doesn’t get the work permit, I can’t change the job, due to such insecurity we can’t buy a house or take a meaningful vacation etc. We are considering leaving USA to my home country, winding up the American dream. May be it was a big mistake in my life to come to USA after working hard on my engineering college degree and leaving behind a nice job in my home country. Now I have ended up fighting DOL’s Administrative Delays and its stone-age process which seems like a long dark tunnel, with no light in sight.

I will be highly obliged if you could look into this matter as soon as possible and take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

Thank You Mr. President.

In appreciation of your leadership and resolve,


City, State, Zip code

To: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461

CC: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)

Vice President
President’s Chief of Staff
Vice President’s Chief of Staff

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500,,

Department of Labor

Ms. Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor (202) 693-6000
Mr. Paul T. Conway, Chief of Staff (202) 693-6007
Mr. Steven J. Law, Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000
Ms. Laura Genero, Associate Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000

U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Stephen Stefanko - Certification Manager
ETA- Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor Certification
1 Belmont Avenue, Suite 220
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
FAX: (484) 270-1600

John Barlett - Certification Manager
ETA - Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Division of Foreign Labor
700 North Pearl St., Suite 400N
Dallas, Texas 75201
FAX: (214) 237-9135

Department of State

Ms. Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
Ms. Karen P. Hughes
Under Secretary, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Media,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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LedBy, that was excellent. thanks for stepping up. other than personalizing the letter (some people might have their wives/husbands already working), i cannot see anything wrong, it is short and concise, makes the point.

will this help our case i have not used it personally but we might be able to get signatures of not only the people affected by PBEC but also the bosses, co-workers, friends etc. could be useful in spreading the word.

what do you all think ?

lets fan out

LedBy said:
Nationwide RALLY of mail, fax, email, phone ON April 20 & April 24

Folks find the draft and contact info I came up with. Please refine the draft if there are good writers among us, keep on adding emails, good contacts, the more the better. On April 20 th we will be mailing the letters, On April 24 th emails and faxes. Let’s keep the full content in the mailed letters, fax and email. President doesn’t have to feel he is the only guy receiving it :). Let labor dept secretary know she is copied on a letter to president (in most work places that bring good results). I’m sure it will work some result if Whitehouse receive say 1000 letters…I guess 200,000+ people and their family is waiting for LCA.

Folks apply your creative mind. Let’s make it a success..

Let your friends know…

Nationwide RALLY of mail, fax, email, phone ON April 20 & April 24

Sub: Huge Administrative Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at Department Of Labor

Dear Mr. President,

Hope you are doing well.

I would like to bring to your attention the huge delay in LCA approval process at DOL’s two Backlog Elimation Centres (BEC), most notably the Philadelphia BEC. I started my application with DOL 4 years back. Two years have passed since the commencement of two BECs. Till now I have not received the approvals.
There is not even an option for status check or an indication when my application will be considered.

My family and I are suffering constantly in numerous ways due to these delays. To list a few, my spouse doesn’t get the work permit, I can’t change the job, due to such insecurity we can’t buy a house or take a meaningful vacation etc. We are considering leaving USA to my home country, winding up the American dream. May be it was a big mistake in life to come to USA after working hard on my engineering college degree and leaving behind a nice job in my home country. Now I have ended up fighting DOL’s Administrative Delays and its stone-age process which seems like a long dark tunnel, with no light in sight.

I will be highly obliged if you could look into this matter as soon as possible and take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

Thank You Mr. President.

In appreciation of your leadership and resolve,


City, State, Zip code

To: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)


The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Fax: 202-456-2461

CC: (Mail/Fax/E-mail)

Vice President
President’s Chief of Staff
Vice President’s Chief of Staff

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500,,

Department of Labor

Ms. Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor (202) 693-6000
Mr. Paul T. Conway, Chief of Staff (202) 693-6007
Mr. Steven J. Law, Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000
Ms. Laura Genero, Associate Deputy Secretary (202) 693-6000

U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

Department of State

Ms. Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State
Ms. Karen P. Hughes
Under Secretary, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Media,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
20020702 said:
Hi Everyone,
I have been a silent reader of these forums and I want to say keep up with the wonderful work on coming online and adding your posts. You guys were a source of encouragement and kept my spirits going. Your knowledge is terrific. I am positive you are next in line.

My employer requested screen shots with subject lines that said Extension of H1B for 7th year and then later for 8th year and we got responses with 30 mins. I did that twice once in Aug 05 and once in Feb 06.

I just found out that my labor has been approved. The letter is dated April 3rd, 06 was sent to my employer but attorney has yet to receive the package.

Case type: RIR
Category: EB3
Priority date: July 12th, 2002
State where filed: Virginia
Regional Date: March 18th, 2004
Philly Back log Center
ETA case # : P-0427X-XXXX
45 day letter received date: Dec 20th 2004
45 day letter responded by company date: Dec 21st 2004

God Bless and I will meet up with you all in the 140 thread. I have not seen too many posts about approvals so I thought I would make those close to my PD smile or get excited.

Congrats and thanks a lot for sharing the information. Good to know that they are processing VA cases also for RIR EB3 July.

All the best for next stages.
code4food - How does petitiononline works?

Does petition online sends the petition electronically or printed to the concerned officials? Does it just host the petition?
GC_enroute said:
Does petition online sends the petition electronically or printed to the concerned officials? Does it just host the petition?

I am not sure, i just googled online petition and this was the first one. this is what they say in the FAQ,

How are petitions delivered?

At, our policy is that delivery of petitions is at the discretion and by the hand of the petition authors, rather than us, the hosting service.

Petitions can be delivered electronically, simply by emailing the petition URL with a note of explanation to the petition recipient. Or the petition pages can be printed and delivered physically. For maximum impact with a successful petition, we recommend doing both.

Again, at the discretion of the petition authors, petitions can be delivered repeatedly as they gather more signatures. In general, we would recommend against this -- since the first delivery will have the most impact, it is probably better in most cases to wait until a maximum level of support has been recorded. In the case of an urgent issue, there may be a stronger argument for delivering early, and then delivering again later when more support has been demonstrated.

Because of the power of the press in spreading the word, perhaps a very effective strategy would be to send the petition URL relatively early to various appropriate media, with a note of explanation that the petition is still very much in progress. This could bring it more into the public eye, and begin to influence public officials (or other intended recipients), without diluting the impact of the actual petition delivery to them later on. The final delivery to the petition target could then wait until an overwhelming response has been received.

Assistance in printing petitions for delivery may be provided to petition authors on a fee for services basis. Please contact PetitionOnline Customer Service for more information.

the way i see it is, we could request LedBy to use his letter and take the lead in creating the petition on the site. we can use the petition URL in our signatures and request people to put their stamp on it. later we can take printouts and send them in addressed letters.

maybe this could fly?
Here is what I'm going to send to the President, his helpers and to the press:

Subject: Notification about Economic Sabotage against USA

Dear Mr. (Mrs.) X,

I would like to notify you about Economic Sabotage which takes place in United States now and which is going to have the most negative consequences for the country for many years to come.

I'm talking about situation with highly skilled foreign workers who have to wait for many years to get their green cards.

There are more than 300.000 (Three hundred thousand) highly skilled foreign workers who currently LEGALLY live and work in USA with H1-B status. We came here for American Dream and our way to reach it is to work hard, pay taxes and love this country. We all have at least bachelor degree and we are highly paid professionals who obey the law and have the only one thing to ask for and this thing is a Green Card.

Current immigration system with ineffective Department of Labor and retroregression visa availability makes us to wait for more that 6 years before we can get the Green Card.

Not only that make us to suffer because we constantly live in a state of uncertainty, but it also makes other processionals from abroad to refrain from coming here and US college graduates to leave USA for their native countries.

Current immigration system is a source of Economic Sabotage because it makes US economy weaker by discouraging hundreds of thousands of effective intellectual professionals from living in this great country.

Our native countries have spent millions of dollars for our training and we want to grant all our knowledge to USA for free and even pay for accepting us. Isn't it a great deal for USA?

It's possible to easily fix the situation if each of those professionals is asked to pay $10.000 (Ten Thousand) dollars to pass security screening and be issued a Green Card.

Thus, the Federal Budget will receive $ (Three billion) dollars and USA will save an image of country which encourages best brains to live here.

Thank you,

name, city, state
I am sure these things have been discussed before, but it might help to mention the following:

1) H1B already requires going through labor application before visa gets issued(to verify availability of US workers). To go through the same exercise again as part of GC Labor stage is a useless step that's only present because of red-herring (people having been waiting for over 3-4 years just for this step and it is the most painful part right now).

---L1 visa which is very similar to H1B doesn't require LC step right now, H1B should behave the same way.

2) H1B dependents are not allowed to work even though they are highly educated. US is losing tax revenue etc. Mental trauma that the family has to go through is enormous and in some cases mind boggling.

---Strangely L1 dependents are allowed to work....makes not sense why H4 can't....

I also think paying fixed amount to do GC processing won't fly without giving reasons why the current process is a mess and can be shortened, specifically by removing Labor stage and allowing dependents to work.

Good luck!!

roman3 said:
Here is what I'm going to send to the President, his helpers and to the press:

Subject: Notification about Economic Sabotage against USA

Dear Mr. (Mrs.) X,

I would like to notify you about Economic Sabotage which takes place in United States now and which is going to have the most negative consequences for the country for many years to come.

I'm talking about situation with highly skilled foreign workers who have to wait for many years to get their green cards.

There are more than 300.000 (Three hundred thousand) highly skilled foreign workers who currently LEGALLY live and work in USA with H1-B status. We came here for American Dream and our way to reach it is to work hard, pay taxes and love this country. We all have at least bachelor degree and we are highly paid professionals who obey the law and have the only one thing to ask for and this thing is a Green Card.

Current immigration system with ineffective Department of Labor and retroregression visa availability makes us to wait for more that 6 years before we can get the Green Card.

Not only that make us to suffer because we constantly live in a state of uncertainty, but it also makes other processionals from abroad to refrain from coming here and US college graduates to leave USA for their native countries.

Current immigration system is a source of Economic Sabotage because it makes US economy weaker by discouraging hundreds of thousands of effective intellectual professionals from living in this great country.

Our native countries have spent millions of dollars for our training and we want to grant all our knowledge to USA for free and even pay for accepting us. Isn't it a great deal for USA?

It's possible to easily fix the situation if each of those professionals is asked to pay $10.000 (Ten Thousand) dollars to pass security screening and be issued a Green Card.

Thus, the Federal Budget will receive $ (Three billion) dollars and USA will save an image of country which encourages best brains to live here.

Thank you,

name, city, state
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Buhocol said:
they sound very angry and no professional to me.

I expressed my position and didn't impose it to anyone, and if you want to give me you feedback, do it with stronger argumentation then "very angry". I care about this country, immigration system destroys it and I'll use those words and tone which I find appropriate to help USA and victims of immigration laws.
My suggestion..

I think be profesional is not only to hold a degree but also is how you ask fo something. I am consider that it is importan to be diplomatic and nice when you have to comunicate specially with this people. So here is my version and everybody is welcome to make his or her comments. Also, I consider that one person can send it and sign at the end as Victims of the deparment of labor delays.

Sub: Huge Administrative Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at Department Of Labor

Dear Mr. President,

Hope you and your family are doing well.

We are regular legal people in USA who pay taxes, follow the law and all rules require in order to get our permanent resident in this country. We know you have the best intention to help as much as you can all of the illegal people. However, we would like to call your attention over the legal’s’ people who are suffering under the process to get our permanent resident, through H1B working visa, even know that we have been here legal since our companies decided to hire us.

Knowing that one of your suggestion is to give working visas to most of this illegal people, we consider important you to know the huge delay in LCA approval process at DOL’s two Backlog Eliminitation Center, most notably the Philadelphia BEC. We started our application with DOL more than 4 years ago. Having passed almost two years since the commencement of two BECs, We have not received our approval certification of labor. Additional, there is not even an option for status check or an indication when our application will be considered. This situation is hurting our companies and us because H1B extension visas cost large amount of money, process is taking long time and are extenting just a year once 6 years-period is complete.

I would like you ask yourself couples question

1. Do you believe your suggestion can work knowing that Department of labor could not have handled less than 350.000 application in 5 years?

2. Could you imagine 12 million persons applying to get their certification of labor through the current Department of labor administration? You may get your certification of labor for your working visa or permanent resident in 50 years o maybe more.

3. What is the benefit of being legal and follows the law? It is why more people prefer to be illegal because going through this nightmare and its Stone Age process generates more pain than profit.

In the other hand, our families are suffering constantly in numerous ways such as our spouses can work because this issue, we cannot buy a house or take a meaningful vacation due to such insecurity. Now we have ended up fighting DOL’s Administrative Delays that seems like a long dark tunnel, with no light insight. I really appreciate if you take the necessary measures to speed up the approval process.

Thanks Mr. President for your leadership and determination to make of this country and this world a better place to live and a place where freedom should be the flag that join us.


Victims of the Department of Labor delays.
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Hi roman3

roman3 said:
I expressed my position and didn't impose it to anyone, and if you want to give me you feedback, do it with stronger argumentation then "very angry". I care about this country, immigration system destroys it and I'll use those words and tone which I find appropriate to help USA and victims of immigration laws.

roman3 calm down... I am suffering as you are but it does not mean we have to act as primates.
Checking Status !

Thanks Saknia. I guess we have to just wait ...............

saknia said:
Checking Status through 7th Year Extension Proof could be Risky. Somtime back people flooded this e mail and PBEC pulled the Case Status Field. Some body mentioned in this Forum that he haerd from His Attorny that they will single out those cases. Use that at your own risk.

Why don't you wait for some more time as people are getitng 45 day letters. Once you have that means that your case has changed to P. As long as it is T you can be sure that the File is not lost . Getiing to know each change will make you mad like how we used to be 6 months back. Status is Not a Big Deal until we see Flood of approvals.
According to your proposal the LEGAL immigrants need to pay $10,000 to get the Green cards. So is it a fine for us to be LEGALs, paying all the taxes etc.

The ILLEGALS are going to get the Green Card and Citizen ship just by thier numerical majority.

Dont forget that, if not US there are many other places in the world or back to home.

Do this math:
There are 300,000 applicants waiting at the BECs. If each applicant can has a savings of atleast $100,000 and all of these professionals quit the US, how much money will move out of the US.

roman3 said:
Here is what I'm going to send to the President, his helpers and to the press:

Subject: Notification about Economic Sabotage against USA

Dear Mr. (Mrs.) X,

I would like to notify you about Economic Sabotage which takes place in United States now and which is going to have the most negative consequences for the country for many years to come.

I'm talking about situation with highly skilled foreign workers who have to wait for many years to get their green cards.

There are more than 300.000 (Three hundred thousand) highly skilled foreign workers who currently LEGALLY live and work in USA with H1-B status. We came here for American Dream and our way to reach it is to work hard, pay taxes and love this country. We all have at least bachelor degree and we are highly paid professionals who obey the law and have the only one thing to ask for and this thing is a Green Card.

Current immigration system with ineffective Department of Labor and retroregression visa availability makes us to wait for more that 6 years before we can get the Green Card.

Not only that make us to suffer because we constantly live in a state of uncertainty, but it also makes other processionals from abroad to refrain from coming here and US college graduates to leave USA for their native countries.

Current immigration system is a source of Economic Sabotage because it makes US economy weaker by discouraging hundreds of thousands of effective intellectual professionals from living in this great country.

Our native countries have spent millions of dollars for our training and we want to grant all our knowledge to USA for free and even pay for accepting us. Isn't it a great deal for USA?

It's possible to easily fix the situation if each of those professionals is asked to pay $10.000 (Ten Thousand) dollars to pass security screening and be issued a Green Card.

Thus, the Federal Budget will receive $ (Three billion) dollars and USA will save an image of country which encourages best brains to live here.

Thank you,

name, city, state
Again, I don't impose my opinion. We have to make them interested. And I offer one of ways to do it. If you don't like it, do it your way, but, please, don't judge me. You have no right for it. And, please, don't use word 'primate' talking to me. If you want to talk trash you can go to message board where teenagers discuss motorcycles, but this board is for adults who are looking for solution, respect each other and don't let anonimosity of Internet to affect what they say.

Here is useful info which I received today:

I sent my email to the Senators and to the press and received 12 delivery failures from Senators and 18 from the press.

Delivery failures from Senators:

Delivery failures from the press:

So, we must review our list of emails for the Rally