Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

JustWatching said:
Don't freak out, a case turning to "P" does not mean the 45-day letter has been issued. If it is still "T" you can be assured that is has not been issued.

I have confirmation from PBPC that my case starts with a "P" but the letter has not been issued. Your attorney is probablt right.

There is somthing to Rejoice here I think for him as it has turned to P. There could all these kind of P's Scenario.

No t - Case is in some BOX not touched

T Case - Case entered in the system partially

P Case - Case details fully entered awaiting 45 day letter issunace

This could be your stage and since they are talking of June 2006 for all 45 day letter this could be some good news for you

P case - Case with 45 day Letter sent out

P Case - Case with 45 day sent out and Received Back

P case - Initial Review or RIR Review ( Analyst Review)

P case - Case recommended for approval

P Gone - Case approved by CO
saknia said:
The Main Question DOL might raise is : 10 after Company A being sold to Company B why did your labor was filed from Company A.

Answer to that Could be : Company A required a Position and advertised etc for that position. While doing so if it is taken over and paper work is not complete ( only 10 days as of Dec 5th 2002) they have to continue to do Business of A till all that paperwork is completed. They must have authorized your previous MD for that. So Your previous employer signing your petiiton as A should not be a problem. They might sometime have Due Diligence period on these matters as well

Now at 45 day letter since Company B has responded with all Papers ( what is all required papers should have been done by an Attorney. If any thing is missing you will get a letter for more info from DOL, which however can be explained again. But some delay!!!) it is OK.

Company A has would have sold all Rights and Liabilities to Company B and pending Labor is a liability and asset they have to take care of and inherited from Company A

So on conclusion you need not worry too much. Only Pray DOL should not ask for more details

Thanks Saknia...

just praying that DOL shud not make an issue out of this...

The company 'B" gave me a copy of the letter from the 'State of New Jersey - ***** County' letter stating that all Purchase Orders made in the name of Company 'A" will be from hereon be addressed as Company 'B"...this employer says this is the only official letter he has from Dept.of.State...This was dated 22nd Nov 2002..

Followed by the other info like the tax-id for Company 'B', address, phone# and the Vice President signed the Continuation letter.....

Just hoping and praying it shud not trigger for an RFE after all this bullshit waiting running into years of our life...

My attorney says this info is enough...but what for them....??!! We r the ones to hang in some more limbo if there is an RFE etc...


When people say here that PBEC is processing cases for june2002 please keep this in your mind there are thousand cases prior to june 2002 still in pipe line waiting for approval I know maney people with pd prior to june 2002 waiting for their approval
saknia said:
There is somthing to Rejoice here I think for him as it has turned to P. There could all these kind of P's Scenario.

No t - Case is in some BOX not touched

T Case - Case entered in the system partially

P Case - Case details fully entered awaiting 45 day letter issunace

This could be your stage and since they are talking of June 2006 for all 45 day letter this could be some good news for you

P case - Case with 45 day Letter sent out

P Case - Case with 45 day sent out and Received Back

P case - Initial Review or RIR Review ( Analyst Review)

P case - Case recommended for approval

P Gone - Case approved by CO

Hi there,
how are you guys tracking cases? Where do you check to see if a case has turned to P or T or B prefixed? I am curious,
map said:
Hi there,
how are you guys tracking cases? Where do you check to see if a case has turned to P or T or B prefixed? I am curious,


How can one be so ignorant after applying for LC and not knowing about the Backlog Centres and the meaning of T and P etc...

maybe 'Ignorance is bliss' in the case not knowing about BEC's... :)

please keep this link in your favorites in the browser..

My PD 12/2003 RD is 11/2003, 45 day letter recived and replied in SEP 2005, VA , RIR. I have come to know that I have 20,000 cases in front of me (to be precise) as of 02/02/2006, please bear in mind that there are many other people who are not the memeber of this form as we cannot count on the statistics that we have here due to limited number of data availability. Any ways, DOL is concentrating more on RIR cases rather than TR , and they are follwing FIFO methods , again we got confused as if DOL is doing FIFO or not because of limited amount of the people that we have here.
Not sure...

ImmiVictim said:
My PD 12/2003 RD is 11/2003, 45 day letter recived and replied in SEP 2005, VA , RIR. I have come to know that I have 20,000 cases in front of me (to be precise) as of 02/02/2006, please bear in mind that there are many other people who are not the memeber of this form as we cannot count on the statistics that we have here due to limited number of data availability. Any ways, DOL is concentrating more on RIR cases rather than TR , and they are follwing FIFO methods , again we got confused as if DOL is doing FIFO or not because of limited amount of the people that we have here.

How can you be so sure about numbers ? We never seem to get correct information from PBEC.
ImmiVictim said:
My PD 12/2003 RD is 11/2003, 45 day letter recived and replied in SEP 2005, VA , RIR. I have come to know that I have 20,000 cases in front of me (to be precise) as of 02/02/2006, please bear in mind that there are many other people who are not the memeber of this form as we cannot count on the statistics that we have here due to limited number of data availability. Any ways, DOL is concentrating more on RIR cases rather than TR , and they are follwing FIFO methods , again we got confused as if DOL is doing FIFO or not because of limited amount of the people that we have here.

I cannot say I fully agree with you. 1300 cases is 0.4% of all cases. It is a lot ! Look how nicesly our cases are divided between two centers. That proves that all cases are divided in half and sent to one of the centers. At least here DOL managed not to screw up.

When statistical agencies make esimates about outcome of the elections, approval ratings etc. they do not invterview every US citizen. In fact their numbers are far less precise than ours.
Even if we had only two people where the case with later priority date is processed before the earlier one you can say there is no FIFO.
Now inspect PBEC tracker and try to deduce any FIFO order. I could not.

What you say is applicable to DBECs but not to PBEC
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PBEC approving in orderly fashion for 02

Several of my friends working in my company received approvals over the past few months. All of their PDs are in May, June 02. When I queried my lawyer, he informed that he has received many approvals for the year 2002 and most of them came in an orderly fashion. He said the approval is now happening in a predictable manner and asked us to wait to see more approvals for July, Aug ... 02 soon.
Still waiting

My PD is Oct 2001 and am still waiting.

45-letter replied to in July 2005

venram said:
Several of my friends working in my company received approvals over the past few months. All of their PDs are in May, June 02. When I queried my lawyer, he informed that he has received many approvals for the year 2002 and most of them came in an orderly fashion. He said the approval is now happening in a predictable manner and asked us to wait to see more approvals for July, Aug ... 02 soon.
VA, RIR, PD Feb 02, still no info

got 45-day letter very early, Dec 2004. But no info from then on.

Some coworkers got approval with PD of June, 02, wondering why no approval for cases before Feb 02 now?

Anyway, good luck to all guys terribly waiting!
4MyWife said:
My PD is Jan 2001, I am STILL waiting... I am the very proof that no FIFO exists...

What ??!! you couldnt clear even before the BEC's came into action...that too from MA..and not from crazy states like NY or CA??

this is PD of Jan 2001...this is a very very old PD..I thought 2001's were only after October onwards...
StressTestInUSA said:

How can one be so ignorant after applying for LC and not knowing about the Backlog Centres and the meaning of T and P etc...

maybe 'Ignorance is bliss' in the case not knowing about BEC's... :)

please keep this link in your favorites in the browser..
Saknia, just watching, Thanks for your replies.
stresstest ...I have read the link which you sent and read it again quickly. ..there is no mention about the difference in P and T. let me rephrase the question it documented by PBEC about the difference in "P" and "T" ? I think NO since they are so secretive (or dont care) about providing people with info.
actually I think the answer is this ...cases starting with P also means that these are cases with partial data entry ...the reason being once full data entry is done the system automatically issues the 45 days letter ..and these guys didnt want to generate that ...
PD Oct'02

Im in NJ. Filed RIR 10/2002. I have still not received the 45 day letter. Any ideas when i would get that one and when they will take up my case.
njdude26 said:
Im in NJ. Filed RIR 10/2002. I have still not received the 45 day letter. Any ideas when i would get that one and when they will take up my case.

Am 11/02, no letter yet. There are lot of us who haven't received it, so don't worry.

I think formywife should inquire through lawyer, 01/2001 is way past the normal PD.
mariner555 said:
Saknia, just watching, Thanks for your replies.
stresstest ...I have read the link which you sent and read it again quickly. ..there is no mention about the difference in P and T. let me rephrase the question it documented by PBEC about the difference in "P" and "T" ? I think NO since they are so secretive (or dont care) about providing people with info.
actually I think the answer is this ...cases starting with P also means that these are cases with partial data entry ...the reason being once full data entry is done the system automatically issues the 45 days letter ..and these guys didnt want to generate that ...
T- Temp data entry (incomplete)
P- Full data entry done and the case is in Philly
D- Full Data Entry done and case is in Dallas

I hope this answers. There are so many posts about this in past if you search thru forums you will find. Its better to go through the forum posts before you comeup with your own definitions :)

It doesnt mean that case with P will have 45 day letter issued. Its just that its likely candidate for 45 day letter and you may get it anytime from the day it changes into P or D but there is no certainly that they will issue it immediately.
mariner555 said:
Saknia, just watching, Thanks for your replies.
stresstest ...I have read the link which you sent and read it again quickly. ..there is no mention about the difference in P and T. let me rephrase the question it documented by PBEC about the difference in "P" and "T" ? I think NO since they are so secretive (or dont care) about providing people with info.
actually I think the answer is this ...cases starting with P also means that these are cases with partial data entry ...the reason being once full data entry is done the system automatically issues the 45 days letter ..and these guys didnt want to generate that ...

that link only tells u about sending the email to PBEC with your details and u can get a reply about your case status... I think 45day letters r issued/printed out in batches...and not on everyday basis

After u reply a 45 letter, what u can only hear is about your approval..until then, u r groping in the dark....I dont think so they r keeping it secretive...they themselve dont know whats happening there...If case status was linked to each case for online checkup for us...our misery wud be easy...but all that shud have been taken care while designing their s/w....

bottomline is JUST WAIT in the dark....
4MyWife said:
My PD is Jan 2001, I am STILL waiting... I am the very proof that no FIFO exists...


Check with your atttorney. This sounds alarming. Possible that your company already replied 45 days letter and either they are not telling you or they want
to use this for someone else. ( besides PBEC mess some has to cope with Employer playing around as well !!! These Guys has come here eastablished a Company and still donlt want leran a few things from US. This is a Pity)

If this is not the case ask your attorney to ceck with PBEC as they will attend to him since you are 2001 case