Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

aycy said:

I need help. What is Notice of Findings (NOF)? NJ labor informed me that Philly backlog center has sent out NOF to my employer and lawyer on January 5, 2006. So far, both my employer and lawyer have not received anything. For those of you who know what Notice of Findings is please explain. Thanks.

45 day received and responded Oct 2005
No status... :mad:

Notice of findings is nothing but they need more info to process your case...

btw...did u call NJ labor about your case..? How did u know that PBEC sent iin a NOF...
Applied from NJ

Thanks canstandit for you reply.
If you don't mind could you please explain in layman terms. I don't know what is PBEC. Is it a website or what? What is the procedure to get the screenshot



cantstandit said:
have your friend get the screenshot from PBEC ... if the case starts with "T", then the letter hasn't been generated yet ... if it starts with "P", then the letter has been created, it typically takes 1 month to reach the company and lawyer.

People with "T" cases should be checking the screenshot periodically (once a month, for example), so they'll know when it changes from T to P.
Governor Corzine

StressTestInUSA said:
Notice of findings is nothing but they need more info to process your case...

btw...did u call NJ labor about your case..? How did u know that PBEC sent iin a NOF...

I faxed to Governor Corzine's office for help and he referred to NJ Labor. That's how I got the letter from NJ Labor office. Hope this helps.

June 25, 2002
45 day letter received and responded Oct 2005
No status
Applied from NJ

I just searched on web found that PBEC is Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center. So can any one tell me, What is the procedure to get the screenshot?

gcbee said:
Thanks canstandit for you reply.
If you don't mind could you please explain in layman terms. I don't know what is PBEC. Is it a website or what? What is the procedure to get the screenshot


Really ?

Could you please quote where you heard this "pattern"? Would appreciate it!

GCSyndrome said:
I guess this confirm what we heard earlier. VA, EB2 cases have the highest priority while CA EB3 have the lowest. Woe on us Cali EB3 filers
GotGC?? said:
Could you please quote where you heard this "pattern"? Would appreciate it!
This assumption is baseless. First of all there is really no EB2 or EB3 at DOL. There used to RIR and Traditional. Secondly I know several people from VA with PD Feb 2002 who are still waiting to hear from the blackhole.
Any info abt immigation bills to be discussed in Feb '06

Does anyone know the details of immigration bills that will be discussed (date??) in Feb '06. We know that all immigration provisions failed in Dec'05. I heard some immigration bills are going to be discussed in Feb. Any idea??
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President Discusses American Competitiveness Agenda in Minnesota

Excerpts from President's speech at Minnesota last Thursday...

And so one way to deal with this problem, and probably the most effective way, is to recognize that there's a lot of bright engineers and chemists and physicists from other lands that are either educated here, or received an education elsewhere but want to work here. And they come here under a program called H1B visas. And the problem is, is that Congress has limited the number of H1B visas that can come and apply for a job -- a H1B visa holder can apply for a job at 3M. I think it's a mistake not to encourage more really bright folks who can fill the jobs that are having trouble being filled here in America -- to limit their number. And so I call upon Congress to be realistic and reasonable and raise that cap.

He supports H1-B, but never speaks about his vow at the time of election that all immigration application would be adjudged with in 6 months. We know that its not happening.....
Immigration reform bill in March

Looks like the immigration reform bills will be discussed in March.

AbstractVision said:
Excerpts from President's speech at Minnesota last Thursday...

And so one way to deal with this problem, and probably the most effective way, is to recognize that there's a lot of bright engineers and chemists and physicists from other lands that are either educated here, or received an education elsewhere but want to work here. And they come here under a program called H1B visas. And the problem is, is that Congress has limited the number of H1B visas that can come and apply for a job -- a H1B visa holder can apply for a job at 3M. I think it's a mistake not to encourage more really bright folks who can fill the jobs that are having trouble being filled here in America -- to limit their number. And so I call upon Congress to be realistic and reasonable and raise that cap.

He supports H1-B, but never speaks about his vow at the time of election that all immigration application would be adjudged with in 6 months. We know that its not happening.....
gcbee said:
I don't know what is PBEC. Is it a website or what?

:) oh god ... I would give anything to have NEVER heard the acronym PBEC in my life ...

PBEC means Phorever Blackhole Expansion Center, dedicated to keep our applications in dorment status for all eternity.

now, seriously, check out the previous pages, there's an example of the email he needs to send to the PBEC to get the screenshot as an email.

your case looks weird ... you have to find out whether the RFE was sent by the NJ SWA (where you originally filed) or by PBEC. At this point, the NJ SWA is closed, so your case is definitely at the PBEC. Your lawyer should receive the request and send the info they want ... it shouldn't be a big deal, but the lawyer has to act on it.
Guys, I'm here thinking ... how about a shift in the strategy ?! how about we all start writing letters/faxes to the PBEC, making fun of the name, with new acronyms, in total mockery ?!

I think they'd feel ashamed to be ridiculed and that could prompt changes, who knows ?!

any other ideas for what PBEC could stand for ?
cantstandit said:
Guys, I'm here thinking ... how about a shift in the strategy ?! how about we all start writing letters/faxes to the PBEC, making fun of the name, with new acronyms, in total mockery ?!

I think they'd feel ashamed to be ridiculed and that could prompt changes, who knows ?!

any other ideas for what PBEC could stand for ?

maybe not .. it may backfire.... it will not help us in the +ve direction....
losers will be us..and not them...
Hidden Strategy !!!


The way the senate supports the guest worker program but hashes out the path to legal residency. The manner in which Bush supports the H1B program and ask for its support. The voice raised by big multinational and business conglomerates about no cap on H1B. They all point to one and only one thing.

They are not prejudiced against people with good technical skills and brilliant brain power to come here and lead their technical innovation. But they don't want them to settle down here.

Look at the benefits this H1B provides them:

1. Social Security Money (which is going down day by day) as Temporary workers are not supposed to get the Social Security Benefits.
2. Fees for DOL for processing Visa, 7th year extension, 8th year extension.
3. Lawyers making money.

Bush needs all this money so that he can put more money into Defence.

Problem lies with us. We have so much unemployment that despite legal hardships in US, people are dying to come to US on H1B...

PD: 02-04-2004
Stuck at PBEC :confused:
AbstractVision said:
But there is no such expectation for the 174,000 people awaiting processing here from about half the states, including Maryland and Virginia, and the District. Besides 10 federal workers, the remaining staff of 100 work for Exceed Corp., the company that successfully bid for the backlog contract.

10 federal staff and 110 employees from Exceed Corp....Will they ever be able to clear the backlog? :mad:

More people were working on LC Processing before starting the BEC. The workforce were distributed btn different regions and states, the number of people working on LC cases were much more than 100. For cost reduction they closed all the regionl/State office and throw the LC appln in the garbage
thunderstorm said:
My case reached regional in Mar04. 45 day letter received in dec04. All 3 cases that have been approved are EB2.
Thanks Thuderstorm

Just trying to confirm EB-2 theory. Did you file with BS + 5 years EB-2 or MS + x years EB-2

This is eating some peace of my mind...Here it goes..

I filed for my LC on Dec 5th 2002 in the name of Company 'A"..This (crook) employer had sold-off this compnay to Company 'B" in the mid-last week of Nov 02.....I dint know this matter until April 2003 and I was getting my pay-cheqs from the NY office(He had an office in NY too)

So what happened is basically on the DEC 5th 2002 company 'A" is no more existing as company 'B" took over..This idiot President of the company very well knows he sold the company 'A" in mid Nov and signs my papers for LC application on DEc5th 2002....!! he very well knows he is ruining my life...but do people really care...!!

The company 'B" has replied to the 45 day letter that they have taken over the company 'A" and gave in the supporting documents for the 45 day Continuation letter...The Company 'B' is no less...he knows how desperate one is for a GC, to even reply for the 45 letter he softly insisted me to join him back on his terms of salary...

Now...Will this period of 10 days difference between the filing of LC : DEC 6th 2002 and the company being sold away 10day prior will be an issue...?

I spoke to my attny and a lawyer over the phone who had done my house-closing about this problem..they say it shudnt be any problem...but Does DOL really take care of date issues in my case...
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cantstandit said:
have your friend get the screenshot from PBEC ... if the case starts with "T", then the letter hasn't been generated yet ... if it starts with "P", then the letter has been created, it typically takes 1 month to reach the company and lawyer.

People with "T" cases should be checking the screenshot periodically (once a month, for example), so they'll know when it changes from T to P.
how do you know this ? is it written somewhere or is it through statistics ?
my case starts with P-05010 ..I asked my lawyer twice specifically if she has recd my 45 days letter ..she said no !! ..but replied that she was able to verify that my case is in pbec and gave me the case number ??
mariner555 said:
how do you know this ? is it written somewhere or is it through statistics ?
my case starts with P-05010 ..I asked my lawyer twice specifically if she has recd my 45 days letter ..she said no !! ..but replied that she was able to verify that my case is in pbec and gave me the case number ??

Don't freak out, a case turning to "P" does not mean the 45-day letter has been issued. If it is still "T" you can be assured that is has not been issued.

I have confirmation from PBPC that my case starts with a "P" but the letter has not been issued. Your attorney is probablt right.
StressTestInUSA said:

This is eating some peace of my mind...Here it goes..

I filed for my LC on Dec 5th 2002 in the name of Company 'A"..This (crook) employer had sold-off this compnay to Company 'B" in the mid-last week of Nov 02.....I dint know this matter until April 2003 and I was getting my pay-cheqs from the NY office(He had an office in NY too)

So what happened is basically on the DEC 5th 2002 company 'A" is no more existing as company 'B" took over..This idiot President of the company very well knows he sold the company 'A" in mid Nov and signs my papers for LC application on DEc5th 2002....!! he very well knows he is ruining my life...but do people really care...!!

The company 'B" has replied to the 45 day letter that they have taken over the company 'A" and gave in the supporting documents for the 45 day Continuation letter...The Company 'B' is no less...he knows how desperate one is for a GC, to even reply for the 45 letter he softly insisted me to join him back on his terms of salary...

Now...Will this period of 10 days difference between the filing of LC : DEC 6th 2002 and the company being sold away 10day prior will be an issue...?

I spoke to my attny and a lawyer over the phone who had done my house-closing about this problem..they say it shudnt be any problem...but Does DOL really take care of date issues in my case...

The Main Question DOL might raise is : 10 after Company A being sold to Company B why did your labor was filed from Company A.

Answer to that Could be : Company A required a Position and advertised etc for that position. While doing so if it is taken over and paper work is not complete ( only 10 days as of Dec 5th 2002) they have to continue to do Business of A till all that paperwork is completed. They must have authorized your previous MD for that. So Your previous employer signing your petiiton as A should not be a problem. They might sometime have Due Diligence period on these matters as well

Now at 45 day letter since Company B has responded with all Papers ( what is all required papers should have been done by an Attorney. If any thing is missing you will get a letter for more info from DOL, which however can be explained again. But some delay!!!) it is OK.

Company A has would have sold all Rights and Liabilities to Company B and pending Labor is a liability and asset they have to take care of and inherited from Company A

So on conclusion you need not worry too much. Only Pray DOL should not ask for more details