Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

nohope_for_lc said:
Your case is non RIR and his case is RIR.
That may be the reason. Also PBEC is not following Priority Date.
They are randomly processing the cases. I know people from MA whose PD is in 2004 and received 45 days letter.

How did you get the date when your application was transfered to PBEC?ALl I have is my SWA case number and PD.
How can I get other information?
no,,my case is NON RIR too.
brzimmigrant said:
It's finally my time to contribute something back to the forums (I've been lurking here for a while). My Labor Certification has been approved, details below. I hope this gives some of you some hope that your turn *will* come too!

Congrats !!!
nohope_for_lc said:
Your case is non RIR and his case is RIR.
That may be the reason. Also PBEC is not following Priority Date.
They are randomly processing the cases. I know people from MA whose PD is in 2004 and received 45 days letter.

How did you get the date when your application was transfered to PBEC?ALl I have is my SWA case number and PD.
How can I get other information?

Hey nohope_for_lc,
Did you read his details carefully? it is Non RIR.
This is how things were happening in Boston SWA while they were transferring
the cases to back-log center.
All those cases that were opened were processed in MA SWA.
and those that are not opened were transferred to backlog center.
so the cases with later Priority date (2003,2004) got transferred earlier
and would have got a 45 dat letter.
My case was opened for processing in June-July 2004 (no back log center at that time) and finally certified from SWA on Feb 2005 moved to Boston DOL.
Boston DOL was transferring cases to PBEC in batches and mine got
shipped to PBEC on April 11 (3 shipment). My hunch is that they open a paricular box and might be sending 45 day letter to those in the box. I am
not sure if they are processing NonRIR and RIR in a seperate queue for sending 45 day letter.
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A few weeks back, somebody in this thread was maintaining a list of people who had their case status as "Final Review". Are we still maintaining that list?
dying for GC said:
you guys are you there? Any status update from you guys?


Hi dying for GC,

I am still hanging at PBEC hell. When I checked last month (1st Week of Sept) my status was in RIR. After that, I haven't checked my status again.

I will keep you all posted, if anything happens...
Ya, My mistake.

Acording to my Law year "they open a paricular box and sending 45 days letter to those in the box"
Who knows where is our box hidden.

orangs said:
Hey nohope_for_lc,
Did you read his details carefully? it is Non RIR.
This is how things were happening in Boston SWA while they were transferring
the cases to back-log center.
All those cases that were opened were processed in MA SWA.
and those that are not opened were transferred to backlog center.
so the cases with later Priority date (2003,2004) got transferred earlier
and would have got a 45 dat letter.
My case was opened for processing in June-July 2004 (no back log center at that time) and finally certified from SWA on Feb 2005 moved to Boston DOL.
Boston DOL was transferring cases to PBEC in batches and mine got
shipped to PBEC on April 11 (3 shipment). My hunch is that they open a paricular box and might be sending 45 day letter to those in the box. I am
not sure if they are processing NonRIR and RIR in a seperate queue for sending 45 day letter.
Congratulations, BUT?

I am from MD too. PD = Sept/2001. RIR. EB2. Nothing yet.

brzimmigrant said:
It's finally my time to contribute something back to the forums (I've been lurking here for a while). My Labor Certification has been approved, details below. I hope this gives some of you some hope that your turn *will* come too!

Best regards and good luck to all!

SWA Maryland Priority Date: 02/27/02
Labor Certification Type: EB2, RIR
DOL Philadelphia Regional Receipt Date: 06/15/04
PBEC 45 Day Letter Reply: 01/27/2005
PBEC Case#: P-04279-XXXXX
Email Screenshot Request: 09/27/05 - Final Review
Approval Letter Date: 10/06/05
Letter Received by HR: 10/19/05
I added my information in my signature

I sent 5 emails to check my status. No reply so far. Any idea?
I was wondering if PBEC is processing cases following PBEC case number. Does anybody know?

boston_LC said:
hey no hope -can you provide details on your case --and if possible add it to your signature..
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congrats ! thanks for posting your details.

brzimmigrant said:
It's finally my time to contribute something back to the forums (I've been lurking here for a while). My Labor Certification has been approved, details below. I hope this gives some of you some hope that your turn *will* come too!

Best regards and good luck to all!

SWA Maryland Priority Date: 02/27/02
Labor Certification Type: EB2, RIR
DOL Philadelphia Regional Receipt Date: 06/15/04
PBEC 45 Day Letter Reply: 01/27/2005
PBEC Case#: P-04279-XXXXX
Email Screenshot Request: 09/27/05 - Final Review
Approval Letter Date: 10/06/05
Letter Received by HR: 10/19/05
Dont use gmail, hotmail .... to check your status (technically speaking you are using H1 extension email )... send email from your company email id.

nohope_for_lc said:
I sent 5 emails to check my status. No reply so far. Any idea?
I was wondering if PBEC is processing cases following PBEC case number. Does anybody know?
Congrats brzimmigrant...
It is bizzare to know that philly bec is working only on cases from Maryland, Are labor applicants from ATLANTA are cursed ... :mad:
They dont even get 45 days letter ???

brzimmigrant said:
It's finally my time to contribute something back to the forums (I've been lurking here for a while). My Labor Certification has been approved, details below. I hope this gives some of you some hope that your turn *will* come too!

Best regards and good luck to all!

SWA Maryland Priority Date: 02/27/02
Labor Certification Type: EB2, RIR
DOL Philadelphia Regional Receipt Date: 06/15/04
PBEC 45 Day Letter Reply: 01/27/2005
PBEC Case#: P-04279-XXXXX
Email Screenshot Request: 09/27/05 - Final Review
Approval Letter Date: 10/06/05
Letter Received by HR: 10/19/05
Guys, Is there any california case has been cleared from PBEC recently?
man... frustrations has already crossed the peak... already walking like mummy :(

I am an silent watcher on this form. I thought I should speak up and give my comments.
I found from my lawyer that they have received some approvals (CA) from PBEC recently and PD were in 2001, 2002 and some were also in 2003.
Here is my case info and when I checked my status recently there was no Status field in the screenshot. :eek:

PD: 7/1/2002
ID: P4307-XXX
45 day replied- March 2005.
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I used my company email address

No Luck. :mad:

Some_GreenCard said:
Dont use gmail, hotmail .... to check your status (technically speaking you are using H1 extension email )... send email from your company email id.
My info for tracker

Thanks for this great service! Here is my PBEC info. Good luck to all!

User name: mmatravel
SWA Date (PD): June 6, 2002
EB2 or EB3: EB2
RIR or Regular: RIR
DOT Code: N/a
Transferred from: MD
45-day Letter Received: N/a
ETA#: N/a
45-day Letter Replied: N/a
Approval Date: N/a
Hang in there...

pleaseGOD said:
Guys, Is there any california case has been cleared from PBEC recently?
man... frustrations has already crossed the peak... already walking like mummy :(

I got my LC approved on September 20th and got the notice last week. Things are moving, so please keep your spirits up.
Status Check....

nohope_for_lc said:

Guess, it varies for everyone. Last time I used yahoo and it took me 15 days get back the screenshot. I tried the second time again from yahoo couple of days ago, still haven't got anything. Am waiting....