• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

People who were selected for DV 2012 (IMPORTANT)

30 days of registration, yet 90% of the selected came from the first 2 days, 10% from the other 28 days. Do you see no problem at all with this? Doesn't this give you pause?
Actually I hear this expression for the first time, and would not like it to be used in reference to myself as well as all the other selectees.
Actually I hear this expression for the first time, and would not like it to be used in reference to myself as well as all the other selectees.

I make reference to the computer program being garbage in, so garbage came out(faulty result). I would never refer to you or the other selectees as garbage, why would I do that? Didn't you understand what I wrote? Then you should have asked for clarification rather than assume I was calling you garbage.
I think all the winners have to send e-mails to the KCC in order to show their points of view. I think this is a good way to let them hear us.
Simply, Any software has to be testeg before any process and the results(outcome) also have to be revised, so if those steps were not done then it's not the fault of the winners and as the winners were officially notified, so it is not their role to find a solution but the KCC has to find a solution that is fair and makes all satisfied as increasing the number of selected ones for example. Let's share our opinion with them and I hope that everything will be ok.
guys...everything you do will be worthless, none of us are american citizens, we have NO rights of anything, nothing can be done, in fact further procesing even says "IT DOESN'T GUARANTEE THAT U'RE GONNA GET A VISA".

US Goverment could just say "SUCK IT, WE DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING"

We're not americans, they care less about a bunch of losers playing their lottery, NOTHING can be done against them, no lawsuits, anything, as i said being selected doens't guarantee that you're gonna get the visa, and they say that clearly, so you can´t go and tell them "OH I QUIT MY JOB, OR I SOLD A PROPERTY" they will laugh at you and say, well you didn't read the instructions properly.

They're just doing us a favour with the lottery, we can't complain

So the best thing we can do is just give up, because we won't achieve anything BUT they could consider canceling the DV lottery visa forever, and the chances to live in American will be less than now.
But opinions of people writing in caps lock, bold and with large lettering easily can and will be. Sorry. It's really annoying.

People, seriously. If you cannot deal with the American reality now, how do you expect to survive in US if chosen?! This is how the system works. Uncle Sam is not famous for being fair. He could not care less about your feelings. And the "American dream" could not be a more ironic expression for the struggle that is expecting you if you are lucky enough to win.

It is not fair, ok? I get it. Newsflash for you all: Life isn't fair.
To the US we are nobody. They do not owe us a thing. You do not get to whine and *demand* anything from them. Not fair, but it is what it is. Truth and matter is - we are not American citizens and we have no right to demand anything. We just hope for luck and their good will.

Grow up already!

I genuinely envy you. Have you always gotten everything you were promised? Is this really the first time you are promised something that eventually never happens? If this is the case, you are happier than most of the people in the world.
I dont see the reason why lottery applicants should fight among themselves because there will be redraw.

As much as the former winners were not fairly and randomly selected as said by the U.S Department, I think the winners should still be given a chance. Because of the error made, no decision can be fair; some former winnners (if not all, which is possible) could lose when there is a redraw, but those who didnt win get the 2nd chance to be selected. On the other hand, if the former winners are given the chance, a draw for 78,000 would be made and those who did not win still get the 2nd chance to win but will also claim unfairness.

But frankly, those who won are equally innocent: they did not take advantage of the system, did not commit any fraud to be selected. It was purely a mistake on the part of U.S Department, that is why there is a degree of wisdom to give the former winners a chance to proceed. I think they should be pardoned because it is emotionally hard and would be very hard if some former winners lose in the redraw.

In effect, as a result of the error nothing about this year lottery can be completely fair. At best, the degree of unfairness could be reduced taking the interest of both fomer winners and those who did not win. But running a new lottery will cause more harm than good.
We are here on this forum not for our selfish gain. Try to hope for 22,000 to be re-selected again is very naive to say the least. This case is unique not because someone's promise was broken to an individual. But it's unique because it's US government who made that promise and it's 22,000 people whose hearts were broken.
My family already sent the dv lottery fee to KCC on May 10th, 2011. And I just found out yesterday that they canceled it.
I mailed them the e-mail to KCC yesterday to notify that they need to refund my family's money back. We need $1,760 back!
@CraigToomy: you said it's mistake and it should not be honored. Ok my friend tell me 1 thing, i will give you an exemple: this is lottery right? your name is Jack so for exemple, when you win a million dollars, you feel happy and excited and you go to get your money BUT they tell you, ops! sorry this money should be go to John not you ?? How come? Numbers are selected randomly and i'm the one who got the ticket with the numbers, UNLESS the numbers has John's name. The mistake is something done in incorrect way on behalf of someone, so when you go to the ATM and your withdraw money let's say $100, but the ATM gives you $20!!! Why? that is a mistake and should be corrected. But in our case, we are selected all randomly Freely, it's not a paid service and the computer did its job perfectly as designed to it to do. So they should assume their fault.
Did you read the instructions before taking any steps? At this point you only had to send the filled out forms and photos. No fee was required at this stage. I am positive that if you mailed the payment it will be refunded to you.
I agree with you @Negm, in addition why they didn't see the result before publishing them on the web site ?? they didn't even notice anything ? how stupid are they...
Yes, I do read the instruction. My family live in the United States, so we proceed the different steps. The instruction informed us to talk to UCIS if we are eligible to apply. Yes, we are eligible. Then, we decided to mail the payment right away after we acknowledged the eligibles status.

"I am Eligible to Adjust Status, Now What do I do?

If USCIS confirms your eligibility to adjust status you should print this message and take it to your local USCIS office. USCIS will provide instructions on how to proceed. It will not be necessary for you to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) for any further information or instructions if you are eligible and apply to adjust status in the U.S.

If USCIS determines that you are eligible to adjust status you will be required to pay a non-refundable diversity visa fee directly to the Department of State. This fee is assessed to cover the cost incurred by the Department in running the DV Program and is separate from any fees you will need to pay USCIS as part of your adjustment application. You must pay the diversity visa fee for yourself and for each member of your immediate family who plans to adjust status with you in the U.S. "

I'm really disappointed. Well, hopefully they refund our money back. I'm still pray for July 15th!
Yes, I do read the instruction. My family live in the United States, so we proceed the different steps. The instruction informed us to talk to UCIS if we are eligible to apply. Yes, we are eligible. Then, we decided to mail the payment right away after we acknowledged the eligibles status.

"I am Eligible to Adjust Status, Now What do I do?

If USCIS confirms your eligibility to adjust status you should print this message and take it to your local USCIS office. USCIS will provide instructions on how to proceed. It will not be necessary for you to contact the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) for any further information or instructions if you are eligible and apply to adjust status in the U.S.

If USCIS determines that you are eligible to adjust status you will be required to pay a non-refundable diversity visa fee directly to the Department of State. This fee is assessed to cover the cost incurred by the Department in running the DV Program and is separate from any fees you will need to pay USCIS as part of your adjustment application. You must pay the diversity visa fee for yourself and for each member of your immediate family who plans to adjust status with you in the U.S. "

I'm really disappointed. Well, hopefully they refund our money back. I'm still pray for July 15th!
Did you sign the petition? There's not much you can do now. Let's hope that we get our chances back.
Yes, I did. I agree with you that there's not much to do now. Since they announced it on May 13, 2011, they actually closed the office on Saturday and Sunday. So, even I try to e-mail them or call them, they wouldn't answer because no one at the office.

Let's pray and hope for our chances on July 15th!
@CraigToomy: you said it's mistake and it should not be honored. Ok my friend tell me 1 thing, i will give you an exemple
Your example isn't quite the same as DV2012 story. I'm Jack and I entered the lottery on 5th, therefore I have 16% chance to win vs. John who has only .5% chance only because he bought the lottery ticket 20 days later.
One more thought: I know this lottery is not a matter of deserving. But at least it shows that people who applied first were really looking forward to it and made all the necessary preparation in advance. Personally I purchased a scanner to be able to upload the photo, I applied in the first 5 min after the program was launched. I couldn't wait for results to come out and when I found out on May 1 st at 12 a.m. that I was selected for further processing, I couldn't sleep all night. I filled out the forms and mailed them to KCC next business day via express mail. I think many winners did all same things I just named and therefore I don't see the point of canceling the results and discouraging so many great people who wanted to go to the States so much!

Same case with me. I understand you.