October 2011 Filers

Hello all,

Just wanted to give an update- the wife's GC came today, so she's done [for 2 years]!

Thanks to everyone in the community for the advice and support. Wishing you all friendly IOs and speedy GCs!

Good for you, all the best, stick around,the fourm,
Hope sweet15 gets the Interview and GC soon. Lets all pray for sweet15
@Id0mu, barts. Hopefully we can have some sort of news this month at the earliest. They were 2 NY filers in July and they got their IL in Dec, so I'm thinking maybe NY Aug filers had theirs in Jan then we should have ours Feb early Mar. Keeping my fingers crossed for us all
hope you guys hear good news soon

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you guys!

@Id0mu, barts. Hopefully we can have some sort of news this month at the earliest. They were 2 NY filers in July and they got their IL in Dec, so I'm thinking maybe NY Aug filers had theirs in Jan then we should have ours Feb early Mar. Keeping my fingers crossed for us all
@Id0mu, barts. Hopefully we can have some sort of news this month at the earliest. They were 2 NY filers in July and they got their IL in Dec, so I'm thinking maybe NY Aug filers had theirs in Jan then we should have ours Feb early Mar. Keeping my fingers crossed for us all

sweet15, Id0mu, Barts: Hang in there! Wishing you the best!
Green is my favorite color :)

Hello all,
I just got an approved email, and my green card is on the way. I am so happy right now. I just want to thank all people in this forum for sharing their experiences. Those helped us alot ;) Here is our story:
Our interview was on Feb 09 at 9:30am in Philadelphia office. We arrived at 9am. The waiting room had so many people. That was why we were called in at 10:30pm. Our officer is really nice. When we got to her office, she sworn us in.
Then, we got seated. She started to ask my wife very basic information about her like her full name, her date of birth, her current address, her SSN, our marriage date. And asked me the same thing. Then, she asked for my passports (new & old). She flipped through my passports and checked my old
visas. She took out my I-94 and stapled it in our application. She asked how we met, and I told my wife to answer this question. When my wife just started a few sentences, the officer asked me about our joint documents (She didnt pay attention to my wife story). I gave her our car insurance, bank statements, joint credit cards, my roth IRA with my wife as a beneficiary, and my wife's 401K with me as a beneficiary. I also gave her some pictures, she stapled them with our application instead of looked at them. My wife stopped to tell our story since she mentioned that the officer was not interested to hear it anymore. Then the officer asked me about my study in the us. After that, she told me to finish our love story :) while she read through our bank statements. When I just finished half of our story, she told me to stop and told me that my application look good. She told us that she would finish the interview and she will contact us if she need more information. She told us to wait for the decision within 4 to 6 weeks. Before we left, I asked her about how her day was so far. She smiled and wished us good luck. She didnt mention about green card, but our laywer told us that we passed.
The interview went smooth and fast. I think it only takes 25 to 30 minutes. Since the officer was not interested in how we met, she only paid attention to our personal information.
Myself tips for the interview are: always dress professional, keep smiling even though you have a difficult officer, keep a friendly environment by asking officer some questions, and keep thinking you are in an job interview and you have to fight for that position :)
Finally, good luck to all people whom still waiting for the green card interviews. We though we had a complicated case and we would be interviewed seperate, but thing came out so good. So believe in yourself!!!
Congrats !!

Congratulations @chriskertown !
Green is Good !!

Why you thought your case was complicated? Was there anything that made you prepare extensively?

We though we had a complicated case and we would be interviewed seperate, but thing came out so good. So believe in yourself!!!
Congratulations @chriskertown !
Green is Good !!

Why you thought your case was complicated? Was there anything that made you prepare extensively?
@sweet15: Thanks! I wish you good luck and you will receive your green card soon :)

@HossDelgado: Thanks!

@BetterWorld: Thanks! I thought so because my wife is older than me. She was married two times before. I thought they would ask us a lot of questions. However, the interview was super easy. The officer only asked my wife her own information and asked me my information. The interview was short, and she made quick decision.
I have a friend in similar situation.
What was the age gap between two of you?

Any tips you would like to give to tackle if this issue comes up.

@BetterWorld: Thanks! I thought so because my wife is older than me. She was married two times before. I thought they would ask us a lot of questions. However, the interview was super easy. The officer only asked my wife her own information and asked me my information. The interview was short, and she made quick decision.
received EAD + AP

Hi everyone,

After I sent in my husband's income tax return (2011) on 1/19/2012, my EAD and travel document got approved on 2/3/2012. I received a combo card two days ago.

I'm just waiting for the interview now. My online status for I 495 still remains at "Review for Request of Evidence". How long does it normally take for USCIS to notify you an interview after they issued you EAD+AP?
