OCI - New York Tracker

Sound like you live in MA and I do too. Can we call to talk about this and what you have learn so far. I am totaly.... I am not sure how to send you secure PH number or email.
M C Sharma is employed with Directorate General Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
His Email to Mission for OCI will have no value as Sharma is not working with Ministry of Home Affairs or Ministry of External affairs. If you know Mr Sharma then he may know someone in Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs and the Person from Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs should send Email to Mission or NYC. why did you sent email to MC Sharma in General Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment? Ministry of Labour & Employment have nothing to do with Visa/PIO/OCI. You need to Send Email to Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs
Secretaries, under Secretaries, Personal Secretaries of Ministers and Directly to Ministers of Minister of states and CC to Prabhu Dayal, Mr Bajaj, Anju Kumar.

That's funny and I never emailed him - only to Washington embassy , HSA and the list you suggested
My OCI was dispatched by New Delhi office on April 21st and received by the New York Consulate on May 4th. I had my US passports sent to the New York office for stamping on May 4th but I was still asked file for SC.
May 4 no $175 and may 29/30 special open


instrucitons just came from delhi.

May 29/30 special days consulate open will be announced on website.
may 4

if your document says OCI received by MAY 4 you can turn it in at the consulate window. A lot of people turned it in today. they will also release any OCIS received at consualte before or on may 4 w/o SC

may 5 onwards reached consulate pay $175

already paid NO REFUNDS
SC- will be needed for any consular work from now onwards. especially visas, ocis, pio.

exception: all OCIS reeived by consulate from Delhi and your print out from the OCI saus page confirms that will not have to pay $175. Maybe applicable to PIOs also.

If your Passport was canecelled ealrier, they are still reccoemnding SC for future as you will be aske dfor the SC for any future need from the consulate like renewing PIO or transsferring OCI to new passport etc.

NC copy

They are accepting your copy of NC. i JSUT GAVE IT TO THEM TODAY. form in triplicate, rest 1 copy each.

ALL OLD SC forms are being ACCEPTED.

NC copy

They are accepting your copy of NC. i JSUT GAVE IT TO THEM TODAY. form in triplicate, rest 1 copy each.

ALL OLD SC forms are being ACCEPTED.


But it clearly states on the NC that it is illegal to make copies or take printouts of the Naturalization Certificate????!!!!!!
How can we just take copies and submit them anywhere?

But it clearly states on the NC that it is illegal to make copies or take printouts of the Naturalization Certificate????!!!!!!
How can we just take copies and submit them anywhere?

There are many requirements from them doesn't make any sense but they want the exact naturalization date for further processing - so it only the sensible thing to do now - thank good they are not asking your Green Card copy yet like in SFO
Confusing information about Surrender Certificate.

I found that new naturalised US citizens does not have to pay fees if they surrender Indian passports within 90 days of becoming US citizen.

You can find this info at http://www.indiawest.com/readmore.aspx?id=2238&sid=1

"Former Indian citizens who have not surrendered their Indian passports must pay a fee of $175. One exception is for new U.S. citizens who can avoid the $175 fee by surrendering their passports within 90 days of being naturalized"
There are many requirements from them doesn't make any sense but they want the exact naturalization date for further processing - so it only the sensible thing to do now - thank good they are not asking your Green Card copy yet like in SFO

The "only sensible thing to do" is break the law? Of the country that you just became a citizen of?
Copy of Naturalization certificate

A lot of quesries have been posted about copying our Nat Cert.

MY DO is Newark. To apply for our children's N-600 we had to attach copies of our Nat. Cert. I asked this question to the Director at the DO. She said that as long as it is a black and white phot copy there is no problem.

I attached the copies to my children's N-600,the N-600 go approved and the children received their CoC. So I do not think it is an issue. Also, CGI-NY is not asking for the Nat Cert to be notarized.
Ginnu, At least that prompted them to reply back and pasting it
Dear Ministry,
The forms in respect of Mr. <<>> had been submitted to the Renunciation Cell for issue of surrender certificate. We received the surrender certificate today which has already been dispatched to him by the OCI cell along with his OCI documents and US and cancelled Indian passports.
Pushpa Kumar
Vice Consul
Consulate General of India
3 East 64th Street
New York 10065

M C Sharma is employed with Directorate General Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment.
His Email to Mission for OCI will have no value as Sharma is not working with Ministry of Home Affairs or Ministry of External affairs. If you know Mr Sharma then he may know someone in Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs and the Person from Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs should send Email to Mission or NYC. why did you sent email to MC Sharma in General Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment? Ministry of Labour & Employment have nothing to do with Visa/PIO/OCI. You need to Send Email to Ministry of Home affairs or Ministry of External Affairs
Secretaries, under Secretaries, Personal Secretaries of Ministers and Directly to Ministers of Minister of states and CC to Prabhu Dayal, Mr Bajaj, Anju Kumar.

Dr. Dutta - the forms in triplicate. Did you notarize all 3, or notarized one and took two photocopies?

Appreciate your response. Thanks
A lot of quesries have been posted about copying our Nat Cert.

MY DO is Newark. To apply for our children's N-600 we had to attach copies of our Nat. Cert. I asked this question to the Director at the DO. She said that as long as it is a black and white phot copy there is no problem.

I attached the copies to my children's N-600,the N-600 go approved and the children received their CoC. So I do not think it is an issue. Also, CGI-NY is not asking for the Nat Cert to be notarized.

So I assume if and when you get caught copying the NC and someone asks you about it, the Director at the DO will be available to bail you out and come to your assistance?

If you are getting one notarized, Is it such a big deal to get all three notarized? Let's keep this thread for relevant info.

Dr. Dutta - the forms in triplicate. Did you notarize all 3, or notarized one and took two photocopies?

Appreciate your response. Thanks
The "only sensible thing to do" is break the law? Of the country that you just became a citizen of?

Sorry and my sincere apologize if provoked you in any way and I 'am with you on this - but nothing is going to a change in a week or so and I 'am preparing a detail list of things
and question that need to be address and I will include this as well - meanwhile please email your concerns and questions to relevant people and it may work - and it surely worked for me
If you are getting one notarized, Is it such a big deal to get all three notarized? Let's keep this thread for relevant info.

It may not be relevant to you, but it is for me. For a family of 4, it is four forms versus twelve. Asking a notary at a bank to do this gratis obviously makes a difference.
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"So I assume if and when you get caught copying the NC and someone asks you about it, the Director at the DO will be available to bail you out and come to your assistance? "

The fact that we received the CoC for our children from USCIS using photo copy of our Nat. Cert shows that there is nothing illegal. I have posted my experience. If you think it is illegal go ahead and do what you want to do. I can handle my problems.