OCI - Chicago Tracker

If you were to think of this OCI as equivalent to a ARC of the US, then you would concede that the OCI issues are not as bad as the experience of every first gen American from India.

i am not first gen american from india, what is ARC ???
i am not first gen american from india, what is ARC ???

Alien Registration Card, also known as the green card. This is something like PIO card, valid for 10 years and allows you to live, work and pay taxes in the USA, but not vote in elections. Although it is often called a Permanent Resident Visa, it is really not permanent: it has to be renewed at a hefty fee and about a 4 to 6 month wait depending on whether one does it electronically or using paper forms. Compared to the bureaucratic procedures that immigrants to the USA had been through this OCI process is not at all whine-worthy.
OCI process is not comparable to process involved with either green card/permanent residency/ARC or US citizenship through naturalization. OCI requirements is that somehow a) former Indian national acquired foriegn citizenship b) direct descendants of people of Indian origin (parents) c) some type of lineage (grand parents) linking India.
GC and USC are process heavy because there are no lineage pre-conditions, unlike OCI. Not everyone qualifies for OCI; where as for US citizenship through naturalization, everyone will need to take green card route, unless one is naturally born citizen.
OCI is issued after a) surrendering Indian citizenship b) through various lineage factors from above. Sounds pretty simple.
And when we whine about process delays, quota systems for green card, and inordinate delays in background checks, etc, (trying to get something that we don't have yet) why is it difficult to get some type of citizenship that one has previously but, in a different format? (like OCI, PIO).
Probably we try to feel better with "chalta hai" attitude, especially towards India but, not in an adopted country. Strange, very strange. Why don't we take same chalta hai attitude with US process also?...always in hurry to get F1/H1, then GC, then US citizenship and complain about how process is taking longer...but when it comes to OCI...we always feel that GOI is doing something rather than nothing.
Given this; shouldn't we all feel better that we have somehow acquired US citizenship and not complain in forums like this? or seek guidance/feedback on forums like this?
Always question status quo..that's the mantra for progress of civilization. otherwise, most of the world would have still been some sort of colony for some king/queen.
At last acknowledged

Today 11/12/2010 our online status changed to Acknowledged by Chicago consulate.
They kept their word of Acknowledgment in 6-8 weeks by ack in the 8th week. I have been a supporter of the Consulate and they have so far not let me down. I agree with many like OLDDUDE that there is always room for improvement. Process time could be shortened.

Date of application 09/20/2010
Submitted in person and collected SC and canceled Indian PP same day.
Date Acknowleged 11/12/2010
Saturday Activity....for those who are looking for signs of improvement at CGI

Today 11/12/2010 our online status changed to Acknowledged by Chicago consulate.
They kept their word of Acknowledgment in 6-8 weeks by ack in the 8th week. I have been a supporter of the Consulate and they have so far not let me down. I agree with many like OLDDUDE that there is always room for improvement. Process time could be shortened.

Date of application 09/20/2010
Submitted in person and collected SC and canceled Indian PP same day.
Date Acknowleged 11/12/2010

Online inquiry page says that they did some Photo/Signature scanning and Registration Granting on November 13th , a Saturday for USCI2859510...and a few others also. Well.. This ought to make those who want improvement feel good, eh ?
1. I did not have to resort to this in my case. but, I would have, if I were in this situation.
2. Stating a fact is not threatening, it is just stating a fact. Fact is same in US as it is in India. :)

When Indian consulate does not have any capability to produce OCI card here in US, nor has any control on picture; why wait for a month or two to acknowledge? and then take another month or two to process (read send across documents in electronic format to India)? When they can deposit money as soon as they receive application, wouldn't it make sense to check application for accuracy and start processing OCI application?

It may be eaiser for people living in Chicago to get pictures taken on Devon street as consulate has flier displayed in the consulate; it would make sense for them to identify similar facilities across the areas/states they serve.
Making a trip (distance does not matter) requires planning from individual perspective, and not everyone may have luxury of using one day just to get OCI; because someone in consulate is not doing what they are supposed to and paid for.
The least of service they can do would be to respond to requests for status; especially in situation like this where an applicant does not have any control.
Jingoism does not mean supporting whatever consulate want to do without reason. Always question process to improve, not just criticize (Kaizen?)
And by the way, consulate is not doing any favor nor charity; it's fee based service and they have requirement to provide basic customer service, regardless of number of applications they receive.

Got my OCI. Thanks to olddude and madh4 for their advice. I received my OCI last week. Saved a trip to Chicago!

Now that whole process is over, I'll share my observations based on my experience and also my friend's (with her permission).

My experience :

The new scheme of extorting for SC seemed familiar with builders and promoters of to-days India. However, the cosulate is not to be blamed for this. It is GOI who implemented this policy which may remind you of a banana republic!

Anyway there was no option. So applied for SC and OCI together. Included mailing fee for both. Consulate receieved my app very early of August.

Till day 56, no acknowledgement, no sign of SC. For SC they just need to put their seal, a signature and send the cancelled passports back (charges $175 + mailing for that!). I was getting really worried as, I did not understand how'd I apply for a visa if I need to plan an emergency visit to India, before I get my OCI, just in case. I started e-mailing the consulate and after 3-4 days of relentless trying one guy replied. He did not read my e-mail at the first place and was giving me 'gyan' on different type of visas etc. After a few exchanges he got it and said in case of emergency, I can apply with a copy of the e-mail exchange and they'll issue the visa without SC. I received the SC a good 25 days after that!

However on day 57, I saw that the app was acknowledged. It moved at satisfactory pace after that.

On day 59 : photo scanned
On day 62 : approved
On day 72 : printed in Delhi
On day 76 : sent from Delhi

(around this time received am e-mail from consulate that my app was approved, which was stale news, by the way).

On day 82 : Received SC
On day 83 : Chicago Received
On day 84 : Sent PP to Chicago
On day 86 : PP received in Chicago

I expected to get back the docs within a week. But did not and got worried again and started a volley of communication through fax, e-mail, VM (because they don't pick up phone). I could have waited another week before doing so but my journey date was approaching so went all out to be heard. Got a reply on e-mail that the received my e-mail!

However felt like winning a lottery (as someone else said in this forum) to have received the passports back in little more than two weeks. Ha!

Why was I so cautios and panicky? Because my friend applied befor me and is ahaving a bad experience. Read about it ...

My friend's experience :

Appiled in June. Got acknowledged after 3 weeks. Received SC too in 3 weeks. Was going great!

However till Oct 2nd week did not see any progress. So re-sent the app and it got refused. She had written 'OCI Cell' on the envelope. The 'intelligent' babus conveniently considered it a new app and happily refused to accept it. (OCI processing was stalled in Chicago Consulate for some reason like a broken printer or something!)

After they fixed the issue and started accepting apps (Oct 11) She re-sent the app again. After one day of receipt the on-line status was updated and it showed that it was completed by end of July, The consulate never updated the nor communicated to her!

After that she has sent her PP for the stamp and card and has not heard from them till date!

I had been worried seeing this.

Anyway, wishing all the luck to ones who did not receive it yet. I feel it will come eventually but you'll really have to be alert from your side, should not rely too much on them.
After this 90 day saga of vadapau and that equally nerve wracking experience of his friend, I would surely hope that their visit to India turns out to be worth it.
Applied for SC in-person today and received it in the evening with canceled passport stamp.

Combined with the OCI application. The lady at the counter, said anywhere between 10 - 14 weeks
You might have received the Surrender Certificate with canceled passport and a letter acknowledging receipt of your oci application with application number. That is not the stage of Acknowlegment in OCI process. Please check OCI status online with your application number. What does it say ???

There are cases of persons from Chicago submitting their OCI application in early SEP and their process is over. You can get this info on Oci tracker. That would worry me if i was in your place. Call them or email them.

I sent them 3 e-mails till now. No reply...No clue what is going on....
OCI Progress

Below are the details on my SC & OCI applications (separate):
07/14 - Sent SC applications (self & wife)
08/10 - Recvd stamped SC
08/13 - Sent OCI applications by USPS Priority mail (self & wife)
08/17 - Applications recvd by Chicago consulate
10/13 - Date of acknowledgement per GOI website
11/2 - Photos scanned per GOI website
11/10 - Recvd email from Indian Consulate about OCI grant approval
11/9 - Registration Status Granted per GOI website
11/22 - Documents printed per GOI website
Not dispatched , Not received at Chicago yet per GOI website.
I'm not sure how long they usually take to send documents. I'm hoping to use my December holidays to go and collect the documents from Chicago, as I don't trust them enough to send my US passport. Hope the timing works out and we'll be done dealing with Indian consulate forever.
Got my OCI. Thanks to olddude and madh4 for their advice. I received my OCI last week. Saved a trip to Chicago!

Now that whole process is over, I'll share my observations based on my experience and also my friend's (with her permission).

My experience :

The new scheme of extorting for SC seemed familiar with builders and promoters of to-days India. However, the cosulate is not to be blamed for this. It is GOI who implemented this policy which may remind you of a banana republic!

Anyway there was no option. So applied for SC and OCI together. Included mailing fee for both. Consulate receieved my app very early of August.

Till day 56, no acknowledgement, no sign of SC. For SC they just need to put their seal, a signature and send the cancelled passports back (charges $175 + mailing for that!). I was getting really worried as, I did not understand how'd I apply for a visa if I need to plan an emergency visit to India, before I get my OCI, just in case. I started e-mailing the consulate and after 3-4 days of relentless trying one guy replied. He did not read my e-mail at the first place and was giving me 'gyan' on different type of visas etc. After a few exchanges he got it and said in case of emergency, I can apply with a copy of the e-mail exchange and they'll issue the visa without SC. I received the SC a good 25 days after that!

However on day 57, I saw that the app was acknowledged. It moved at satisfactory pace after that.

On day 59 : photo scanned
On day 62 : approved
On day 72 : printed in Delhi
On day 76 : sent from Delhi

(around this time received am e-mail from consulate that my app was approved, which was stale news, by the way).

On day 82 : Received SC
On day 83 : Chicago Received
On day 84 : Sent PP to Chicago
On day 86 : PP received in Chicago

I expected to get back the docs within a week. But did not and got worried again and started a volley of communication through fax, e-mail, VM (because they don't pick up phone). I could have waited another week before doing so but my journey date was approaching so went all out to be heard. Got a reply on e-mail that the received my e-mail!

However felt like winning a lottery (as someone else said in this forum) to have received the passports back in little more than two weeks. Ha!

Why was I so cautios and panicky? Because my friend applied befor me and is ahaving a bad experience. Read about it ...

My friend's experience :

Appiled in June. Got acknowledged after 3 weeks. Received SC too in 3 weeks. Was going great!

However till Oct 2nd week did not see any progress. So re-sent the app and it got refused. She had written 'OCI Cell' on the envelope. The 'intelligent' babus conveniently considered it a new app and happily refused to accept it. (OCI processing was stalled in Chicago Consulate for some reason like a broken printer or something!)

After they fixed the issue and started accepting apps (Oct 11) She re-sent the app again. After one day of receipt the on-line status was updated and it showed that it was completed by end of July, The consulate never updated the nor communicated to her!

After that she has sent her PP for the stamp and card and has not heard from them till date!

I had been worried seeing this.

Anyway, wishing all the luck to ones who did not receive it yet. I feel it will come eventually but you'll really have to be alert from your side, should not rely too much on them.

Congrats and thanks for sharing your experience.
Below are the details on my SC & OCI applications (separate):
07/14 - Sent SC applications (self & wife)
08/10 - Recvd stamped SC
08/13 - Sent OCI applications by USPS Priority mail (self & wife)
08/17 - Applications recvd by Chicago consulate
10/13 - Date of acknowledgement per GOI website
11/2 - Photos scanned per GOI website
11/10 - Recvd email from Indian Consulate about OCI grant approval
11/9 - Registration Status Granted per GOI website
11/22 - Documents printed per GOI website
Not dispatched , Not received at Chicago yet per GOI website.
I'm not sure how long they usually take to send documents. I'm hoping to use my December holidays to go and collect the documents from Chicago, as I don't trust them enough to send my US passport. Hope the timing works out and we'll be done dealing with Indian consulate forever.
Congrats. At last you are out of the loop.
Some more progress

Some progress. Slow and steady. three steps more to go.

Date of application 09/20/2010
Submitted in person and collected SC and canceled Indian PP same day.
Date Acknowledged 11/12/2010
DATE SCANNED 11/22/2010
Date Printed xxxxxxxxx
Date Mailed to Chicago xxxxxxxxx
Date Received at Chicago xxxxxxxxx
Some more progress. Today got an email from Chicago Consulate

Congratulations !!! your OCI application has been granted.

2 Please check the status of OCI card by putting the on-line registration number(s), as mentioned below, in the link http://ociindia.nic.in/ociindia/OnlineOCIenquiry.jsp. :-


3. If you find that your OCI documents are not printed after three weeks of granting your application, then there is a problem with your photo. Since the photo is not as per the specifications provided in the website, it has not been accepted by the on-line printing facility (Machine and not a man) at Delhi. As we need to reprocess your application, you need to do the following things:

(a) Please do the on-line registration once again. Take printout and then scan only first page of the Part-A of the form after you sign or put your thumb impression (as applied) in the box near the space for photo. Please sign or put thumb impression (as required) by thick pen (black or blue ink), do not spill over signature /thumb impression out of the signature box. Please do not paste photo on the part-A. Please send photo as mentioned in (b) below. Please send scanned copy (jpeg format) of this first page and photograph (jpeg format as separate attachment) to us by email.

(b) Kindly take photo as per the following: (i) face should be at the center of the photo and face should occupy 75% of the photo area. (ii) Background should be light e.g. sky-blue, (iii) Background should not be white, (iv) There should be proper light on the face...It should not be too bright, dark or reddish or yellowish, (v) If you have lenses, please take care that there should not be a reflection in the eyes, (vi) Eyes should be visible through the thick frames (vii) It is better that you take photo by removing your spects. Do not take photo at departmental stores, take photo from proper photo studio and take it in jpeg. format from them (with resolution of 300 dpi). Please do not send the same photo which you sent with the hard copy of the application (first time), by scanning. Please do not send the same photos again and again.This will further delay your application.

(C) Please send scanned copy of your new on-line registration form as mentioned in (a) above and photo as mentioned in (b) above with your name and mention both on-line registration numbers (new as well as old) by email links provided in "OCI Card Priting Problem Tab" in our website". We are requesting these things by email to avoid further delay in processing your application. We will reprocess and re-grant your application. You should check the status with new on-line registration number.

4. Once you find that your OCI documents reached at Chicago, then you may follow the procedure explained in the enclosure for collection of OCI documents. However please note that for all Indian origin naturalised US (foreign) citizens, it is essential to get the "Renunciation Form and Surrender Certificate" from the Consulate. Please see the procedure for the same in the website. You may come and collect your OCI documents for all the family members, however you have to bring authorization letter (on plain paper) from the family members mentioning your ID (passport number) so that we will see your ID and give the OCI documents. If you are sending your passports by mail then please send it by FEDEX or USPS-Exprerss mail, so that you will get a confirmation about the delivery of your documents at the Consulate.


( CGI Chicago)

hopefully printing will take place within 10 days.
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Congratulations. I noticed that the same online registration number exists for both Chicago and Sanfrancisco with the prefixes USACI and USASI respectively. SI numbers being served are way way ahead of Chicago numbers. Just goes to show how people who see the red message "not yet acknowledged" waste their time. One of the very well known customer service axioms is that "An Occupied wait is shorter than an Unoccupied one". This is the reason for the magazines in the waiting areas of doctors, barbers, and any other place where people wait to be served. The ability to track one's progress, or the progress of someone ahead of you in the queue is a similar occupation that makes your wait SEEM shorter. For government services there is no option to take your business elsewhere and therefore the service provider can make you wait and offer you no feedback on where you stand with respect to your position in the queue. And BTW thanks to Rajiv K for this chance to post here. Posting in forums is also an activity that helps those that wait and wonder.
Two more steps left

full details

Date of application 09/20/2010
Submitted in person and collected SC and canceled Indian PP same day.
Date Acknowledged 11/12/2010
DATE SCANNED 11/22/2010
Date Printed 12/01/2010
Date Mailed to Chicago xxxxxxxxx
Date Received at Chicago xxxxxxxxx
Oci journey

I have been a silent reader of this forum for more than 3 months.

My OCI journey stated more than 11 weeks back. I had mailed my application( family of 4) on 09/15. It reached the chicago consulate on 09/17. Till today there has been no response from them.

I tried calling them numerous time, filled in their on line contact info query almost every other day after waiting for 6-weeks. NO REPLY NO RESPONSE Their website says wait for 6 weeks to get acknowledgment. Nothing happened in my case.My status changed to ack today 12/01/2010 on the 11th week. I have read of cases of persons who submitted application on the dateline as mine have got cards in other Consulates and are in final leg in Chicago

All the above make me believe all the mails are wrapped up and kept in a corner in the Consulate. They don't even open it. They attend to cases submitted in person. But living so far away from Chicago we have no alternative but to bear the delay.

Is there a way out????

application sent 09/15/2010
application recd 09/17/2010
Acknowledged 12/01/2010