OCI - Chicago Tracker

@ann12, It appears that presenting the application in person at Chicago does not get you a speedy service (on par with Sanfrancisco CGI) either. Look at the poster madh4 just before your post. He had submitted in person and still had to wait a long time before acknowledgement. Perhaps CGI-Chicago is working with smaller number of employees or have a different process-flow than SFO-CGI. In any case, since they have got you by the "short and curlies", you have no option but to wait. You may consider this as a training period for all the other queues and irrational processes you may join once you go to india.
@ann12, It appears that presenting the application in person at Chicago does not get you a speedy service (on par with Sanfrancisco CGI) either. Look at the poster madh4 just before your post. He had submitted in person and still had to wait a long time before acknowledgement. Perhaps CGI-Chicago is working with smaller number of employees or have a different process-flow than SFO-CGI. In any case, since they have got you by the "short and curlies", you have no option but to wait. You may consider this as a training period for all the other queues and irrational processes you may join once you go to india.

Point taken SFO-CGI is faster than CGI-CHICAGO. Look at Madh4 and my dateline. My application was at the Consulate 3 days earlier and i get ack 22 days later. How do you justify it ???

There is no consistency when you look at the case of smithjohnapta application sent by mail much later than mine and acknowledged before me. His/her application came up, as the pile fell down from desk!!!!! There is no queue theory.
Ann12, I agree. There is no theory when it comes to OCI processing (may be for other areas as well, I only have to deal with OCI). My experience with Chicago consulate was not very pleasant; mailed application, and was in person to pick up OCI. Few minutes I was at consulate; in the morning to drop off passports and evening to pick up passports and OCI documents, I have seen lot of people waiting for "darshan" from consulate employees.
may be it's time to send "Get well soon" greetings to Indian consulates. :), or just reduce sending money to India (currently estimated at about USD $50 Billion a year), just to prove point.
My perspective is GOI is not doling out favors by giving OCI or visas.
Point taken SFO-CGI is faster than CGI-CHICAGO. Look at Madh4 and my dateline. My application was at the Consulate 3 days earlier and i get ack 22 days later. How do you justify it ???

No one can justify anything with respect to GoI processes. May be madh4 had done 22 more good deeds in his previous incarnation ? For example, I know that I had been a great sinner in this and previous times; therefore, I planned for a slow 6 month wait for my own OCI process. I am getting this visa so that I can attend funerals in India at short notice. My only hope is that those that I need to send off at their funerals do not depart before the OCI comes. As departing from India is such a popular thing to do, I am sure to miss one or two of them before my OCI gets into my passsport.

There is no consistency when you look at the case of smithjohnapta application sent by mail much later than mine and acknowledged before me. His/her application came up, as the pile fell down from desk!!!!! There is no queue theory.

I like your Falling-off-the-Pile model. It is very similar to airline checked in baggage - last checked-in emerges first on the arrival area baggage claim.

As olddude recommends, one can use our ability to lobby/advise our friends and neighbours to avoid travel to that country and write to our congressional representatives so that we minimize or eliminate any dealings with the country and its consulates.
As for myself, I would personally prefer to forgive and forget. OCI may be the last thing I would want from the indian bureaucracy. I plan to endure the wait, because there ain't any other option.
my application is granted today, now worried started about photo issue (in case it will happen) quick questions to gurus, do they send anything to us letting us know we have a issue with photos or we have to assume after certain days? and if days how many days? I read on Chicago site that after 3 months...?? is that true?

any suggestions/help?

please read earlier post on nov 30th by Madh4, your question is answered. you should be getting an email from Chicago consulate. In madh4 case it took 5 days after Status Granted to get the email. hope it is earlier in your case.Keep us posted.
I am on fast lap

Quite surprising my application has started moving very fast.Details below

application sent 09/15/2010
application recd 09/17/2010
date acknowledged 12/01/2010
photo scanned 12/03/2010
regn status granted 12/04/2010
Docs printed xxxxxxxxxxxx
Docs dispatched xxxxxxxxxxxx
received chicago xxxxxxxxxxx

i feel someone must be reading my posts and sympathize with me and the job (from acknowledgment to registration) done in 2 weeks is completed in 3 days. I have no Uncles in the consulate and neither did i pass something under the table. Hope my luck lasts for some more time !!!!!.
Thanks ann12, I read madh4's post and still acted as stupid and asked the same question, I didnt get any email yet, but sure I will keep my time line posted as progress.
One more step left

Almost a touch down, inches and goal.

Date of application 09/20/2010
Submitted in person and collected SC and canceled Indian PP same day.
Date Acknowledged 11/12/2010
DATE SCANNED 11/22/2010
Date Printed 12/01/2010
Date Mailed to Chicago 12/06/2010
Date Received at Chicago xxxxxxxx
10-12-2010 Mailed OCI application by FedEx
12-07-2010 Acknowledged
grant of OCI in process......
Looks like a mid January finale to the process is on schedule.
My old indian passport was cancelled during May 1994. The blue cover (with the triangular cut off edges) was borrowed by a child to make a show-and-tell piece for an elementary school project. The Ashok-Chakra symbol in gold paint on the front cover was somehow very attractive to kids !! I was glad that I saved all the rest of the pages (and not toss it in recycle paper) long long before this OCI scheme came about.
10-12-2010 Mailed OCI application by FedEx
12-07-2010 Acknowledged
grant of OCI in process......
Looks like a mid January finale to the process is on schedule.
My old indian passport was cancelled during May 1994. The blue cover (with the triangular cut off edges) was borrowed by a child to make a show-and-tell piece for an elementary school project. The Ashok-Chakra symbol in gold paint on the front cover was somehow very attractive to kids !! I was glad that I saved all the rest of the pages (and not toss it in recycle paper) long long before this OCI scheme came about.

Nice to hear that your case is back on track.

I have n't got email that my OCI is approved. But when i look status on web, it say dispatched to Chicago and recieved by chicago on DEC 6, 2010. Do i have to pickup my documents with in 10 days. I have plan to go and pickup the docs and get stamp my passport at end of this month or first week of Jan 2011. Is it ok?

Please reply

I have n't got email that my OCI is approved. But when i look status on web, it say dispatched to Chicago and recieved by chicago on DEC 6, 2010. Do i have to pickup my documents with in 10 days. I have plan to go and pickup the docs and get stamp my passport at end of this month or first week of Jan 2011. Is it ok?

Please reply

No where they have given any time period to collect the OCI. Only thing they have said collect after the status says "received at consulate" or 10 days from dispatch from India whichever is earlier. They want to cover up Consulates who fail to update "OCI online service enquiry" and say contact them after 10 days of dispatch.

I know cases where the OCI was in Chicago consulate for more than a month before collection. Do not worry they have no man power to send it back. Only it can be misplaced in their cupboards.
madh4 - are you going to collect it personally or sending US passport by mail once it reach Chicago consulate?

Do you know if I can authorized my friend to pick my passport in person? he lives in Chicago.
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madh4 - are you going to collect it personally or sending US passport by mail once it reach Chicago consulate?

Do you know if I can authorized my friend to pick my passport in person? he lives in Chicago.

Yes i will collect personally. I collected OCI of my son and daughter 6 months back. It was smooth no problems. My own opinion is that you can authorize anyone to collect on your behalf. Let the authority letter mention proper identification of your friend like his passport number etc. Give him printout, us pp, canceled indian pp and sc if available original and copy of all docs. I find the Chicago Consulate is very cooperative and customer friendly. You can test my opinion and report.