NSC Approvals Tracking Part VII -- Starting Apr. 15, 2002.

Here\'s the scoop again!

This was in the message boards on imminfo.com and I quote:
\'There was a meeting in Los Angeles last night at which some people from the CSC spoke. Among their mostly useless comments, they mentioned that the new security checks are taking about three weeks. It wasn\'t clear if this meant that three weeks should be added to the processing of every matter with the INS, or that AT LEAST three weeks (and maybe a lot more time) should be added to the estimated processing of all matters before the INS.

Ron Gotcher\'

Now, how should we interpret this new info? As you can see, EB3s are being approved in 6 weeks. The security checks can\'t be just for EB2s! Any bright ideas?
I don\'t buy the security reason

I don\'t think the delays are due to security reason. EB3s are being processed in time (6 weeks). Maybe the INS has more EB2s than EB3s. Or has implemented a new mesure for EB2s.

I agree

I have heard that lately there are more EB2 cases than EB3 cases and with recent layoffs, INS has been little more careful in processing EB2 cases, I think. I dont buy the security stuff. If security is being enforced, then it will affect all cases irrespective of the category.
140 EB3

Well, i will be completing 60 days this weekend. I am an exception for EB3 cases....i guess......
I\'ve completed 67 days | 47 business days

I am now worried.. By any chance do they lost files?
Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info guys. This is helpful...rather than being in total silence and not knowing what is happening. take care and have patience. These security checks are more for knowing if you are a criminal or a terrorist. this will be more for running your record through the security agencies. Ofcourse I am just guessing, but that\'s what it should be and things should be ok once the systems are in place. so take patience and wait for around 2 months of inactivity......
Do the lawers said that it takes two months?

Or U guessing it takes 2 months or some one told you? Because 2 months is such a long time.
I am guessing

I am guessing depending on the time it will take to get the systems in palce for the security check and also to clear the backlog that will be caused with the delays.

This gives me to believe that 2 months would be a fair assumption. But once we have the security check is done in the I-140 process, our 485 processing should not require this check again and so that process would be faster. Again this is wishful thinking and things could go the other way.
Same thought here....

Maybe folks who got approvals did not post on this forum. Anyway, things seemed to have slowed down by how much is the question? Hopefully we will see some approvals this week.

Have fun and enjoy life while you wait, should be our motto I guess.

- S
485 required docs


Applied for I140(ND 04/08, EB3) and was preparing the documents for I-485.
I have few questions regarding the documents, would really appreciate
if someone can help
1) I have birth certificate but with just my first name and my mom\'s name is also
not full, do we require all full names??
2) On my marriage certificate is it necessary to have parents full name and the
full place of marriage (with state and country)
3) Do we require an affidavit to support the change of name of my wife.
Right now we have some government certificate.
Does anybody has sample affidavit for birth, marriage and change of name??
INS to be abolished

White House Backs Bill Abolishing INS
In a shift of their position, the White House made a surprise announcement that they are backing a House bill introduced by Representative Sensenbrenner which abolishes the INS. The bill, H.R. 3231, calls for the abolishment of the Immigration & Naturalization Service and replacing it with three new entities. The bill was passed by the House on April 25, 2002. Originally, the White House backed a plan which would have only restructured the INS and wanted to handle the restructuring through administrative means rather than through legislation from Congress. However, while the White House has said they now generally support the Sensenbrenner bill, they will push for some changes as the bill moves through the House.

Under H.R. 3231, the INS would be replaced by the Office of the Associate Attorney General for Immigration (AAGIA), the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) and the Bureau of Immigration Enforcement (BIE). The AAGIA would overseee the Director of the BCIS and the Director of the BIE and coordinate administration of a national immigration policy between the two bureaus. The BCIS would mainly be responsible for providing immigration services, benefits and work on reduing processing backlogs. The BIE would concentrate on enforcement issues such as apprehending and removing deportable aliens along the border and in the country.
may be this is the reason

why officers don\'t want to work on our cases any more. It\'s going to be big blow for the exisiting applicants who are in the middle of their processing.

If govt. wants the existing cases to be transferred to new office there will be more delay in turning over the cases and knowledge .. so that the current INS employees can retain their positions for longer time. Ultimately guess who are the sufferers. What a mess.

BTW I have the same old msg.. 60 to 75 days and I am at 70th day now.