Nov Bulletin guesses??

Official Nov Visa cut-off date posted

Let the fact speaks itself.

It is a hard time for many people. Please keep spirit high and lower your expectation in a rational level. You will get through this ordeal if you rationalize the current situration. Do not take on anyone who provide useful suggestions that may not be what you want to hear.

Good luck.
More to follow

10/18/2005: November 2005 Visa Bulletin Due to be Released 10/20/2005

Reliable sources indicate that the November Visa Bulletin will be released on Thursday, October 20, 2005.
Prediction of the visa movements:
November 2005: There will be practically no changes, especially for India and China.
December 2005: Just a smallo progress anticipated.
January-September 2006: Start moving but very slow
World-wide prediction next year: EB-1= C, EB-2=Cut-Off Date, EB-3=Slow movement
Schedule A: 38,000 recapture numbers are available and visa number for EX is expective to be "C" for the rest of the year.
Labor backlog cases of over 300,000 may affect further negatively.
November visa number for World-wide is confirmed by the priority date released by the American Consultate in Poland.

I know that you are a volunteer moderator. We need your help to control the posts in this forum, pls go through the recent posts and cleanup the mess created by some indecent forum members. (you can ban/delete my posts too, if you want).

pvr726 said:
Sorry I don't live up to your expectation and can't stand this suspense. No I don't know the answer, and I'm from EB-2 India. Whats my cut-off date in November 2005?