Non RIR Discussion Only !

Wish that your case gets picked up

ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Please see the following AJB ad from PBEC regarding a job for MA.

MA had Non-RIR cases cleared all the way upto March 2003 before the BEC mess started. Thoughts? Opinions?

Wish , Wish , Wish. Thats all we can do. All the stupid explanation given by the BEC manager just explains that there is no process. Which ever case comes to their hand is processed rest all are at thier mercy.
Quite a few jobs posted today

Quite a few jobs posted at AJB this morning, including several IT ones. Mostly from NY, NJ, MD & VA...but some from MA too. MA had Non-RIR queue cleared upto March 2003 before BEC.
Who will post the job recruiting

ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Quite a few jobs posted at AJB this morning, including several IT ones. Mostly from NY, NJ, MD & VA...but some from MA too. MA had Non-RIR queue cleared upto March 2003 before BEC.

Does anyone know who will post job recruitings on AJB? Backlog Centers or laywers or employers?


My case:
PD: 11/24/03
From: MA
Non-RIR Process

MA_TR_1103 said:
Does anyone know who will post job recruitings on AJB? Backlog Centers or laywers or employers?


My case:
PD: 11/24/03
From: MA
BEC will post the job on AJB, and they will simultaneously instruct the employer to advertise the job in a relevant publication and also for 10 days on the company premises. Applicants will be directed to send resumes to BEC directly. BEC will screen resumes and send applicable ones to employer. Employer would be required to interview all applicants and then submit a recruitment report to BEC stating the job-related reasons for not hiring any of the applicants referred by BEC. BEC will review the report & make a determination. If they agree with the report they will certify. If they don't, they will send NOF (notice of findings) to employer. Employer will have to file rebuttal of the NOF. If BEC accepts rebuttal, it will be certified. Otherwise BEC will send Intent-to-Deny to employer. Employer can then appeal the denial to BACLA (board of appeals for labor certification). If the appeal is granted by BACLA, the labor will be certified, otherwise denied for good.

Now...imagine the above process for thousands of pending Non-RIR cases at both BECs...and look at the 9/30/07 completion target...and ask yourself this...."who are they kidding?"! :)
ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Quite a few jobs posted at AJB this morning, including several IT ones. Mostly from NY, NJ, MD & VA...but some from MA too. MA had Non-RIR queue cleared upto March 2003 before BEC.

That is a great new. With the exeption that they re-listed the same jobs with a posting date 9-22-06. Some of them are missing however. I did not look under the P-xxxxx number, I looked at the description and town/state where filed.
bharatpremi said:
How did you arrive on the conclusion that MA had cleared all the way upto March 2003 before the BEC mess started ?

-Bharat Premi
Because MA SWA was processing March 2003 Non-RIR cases when they were shut down and all unopened cases were shipped off to PBEC. I was following up closely at that time, since I was expecting my case to be processed within a 3-4 months going by the pace (this was in October 2004). And then backlog reduction happened.
ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Because MA SWA was processing March 2003 Non-RIR cases when they were shut down and all unopened cases were shipped off to PBEC. I was following up closely at that time, since I was expecting my case to be processed within a 3-4 months going by the pace (this was in October 2004). And then backlog reduction happened.

Oh.O.k That makes sense. Now we know that there are not many applications from MA at least for EB3 ( Considering the MA applicants as visitors of this site as one of the indicator and assuming the same pattern is true for non visitors). Whatever MA applicants as visitors on this forum we have come across are mostly applied in 2003.MArch 2003 was done with for EB3 category as per your followup so I believe that once PBEC start taking MA cases on hand to work they will finish them quickly.That is the positive thing at most I can guess for us.
bharatpremi said:
Oh.O.k That makes sense. Now we know that there are not many applications from MA at least for EB3 ( Considering the MA applicants as visitors of this site as one of the indicator and assuming the same pattern is true for non visitors). Whatever MA applicants as visitors on this forum we have come across are mostly applied in 2003.MArch 2003 was done with for EB3 category as per your followup so I believe that once PBEC start taking MA cases on hand to work they will finish them quickly.That is the positive thing at most I can guess for us.

Sorry for being sarcastic....there are so many positive things have happened for us including BRC :D
Hi there,
That is really a helpful information. Well even though we all are suffering its nice to know some guideline what will be the next step. This wait is frustrating.
Guys, good luck to all.
ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
BEC will post the job on AJB, and they will simultaneously instruct the employer to advertise the job in a relevant publication and also for 10 days on the company premises. Applicants will be directed to send resumes to BEC directly. BEC will screen resumes and send applicable ones to employer. Employer would be required to interview all applicants and then submit a recruitment report to BEC stating the job-related reasons for not hiring any of the applicants referred by BEC. BEC will review the report & make a determination. If they agree with the report they will certify. If they don't, they will send NOF (notice of findings) to employer. Employer will have to file rebuttal of the NOF. If BEC accepts rebuttal, it will be certified. Otherwise BEC will send Intent-to-Deny to employer. Employer can then appeal the denial to BACLA (board of appeals for labor certification). If the appeal is granted by BACLA, the labor will be certified, otherwise denied for good.

Now...imagine the above process for thousands of pending Non-RIR cases at both BECs...and look at the 9/30/07 completion target...and ask yourself this...."who are they kidding?"! :)
09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update


09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update

* AILA-DOL Liaison Meeting Minute of 09/12/2006 gives update on the BEC backlog processing as follows:

o Status of Processing of Cases:
+ Total Cases=362,000
+ Pending Cases=approximately 176,000 (45-day letters for all of these pending cases with a few exceptions have been issued)
+ Completed Cases=approximately 182,000 cases. These cases are completed in the following fashions:
# 50%=Closed or Withdrawn or Closed for No Response to 45-Day Letters
# 50%=Either Approved or Denied

+ At the front-end, the cases are processed on FIFO based on the priority date, but adjudication is done on FIFO based on the order of responses to the requests.
+ Processing Times may be posted on the website in the near future.

o Traditional Case Processing:
+ Recruitment instructions and job order with the states are underway for some cases
+ Amendments (non-material changes) can be made in writing at any time before the job order is placed with the states by the BEC. Once the job order is begun, no amendments are permitted, even if the amendments involve non-matterial issues. BEC places job orders at the same time of issuing the recruitment instructions to the employers. Accordingly, once such recruitment instructions are received, apparently no amendments will be permitted. Unanswered Question: It is unclear whether the amendments will not be permitted once job order has been placed when the amendments involve just substitution of alien beneficiaries. Considering the fact that change of the alien beneficiaries does not affect the terms and conditions for the labor market test in the recruitment process in the traditional cases and such substitution had been permitted before the reengineering of the labor certification system, it appears that the foregoing restriction may not apply to the amendment for substitution of alien beneficiaries. The foregoing policies may be limited to the amendments to change the terms and conditions and requirements for the job.
+ DOL is planning to allow conversion of traditional cases to RIR by amending the existing RIR conversion regulation. The specific procedures and requirements will be published in a federal register soon. However, potential benefit of such conversion may be more or less limited in that the DOL is required to finish up all the BEC cases including traditional cases within next one year.

Just for Reference:
04/06/2006: DOL Report of Status of PERM and Backlog Applications Processing as of 03/17/2006
* DOL has reported the following statistics to the AILA:
* Backlog Cases:
* Total Received: 363,000+
* Total Completed: 108,000+ (Total Certified: 50,000)
* Balance: 255,000

* Full data entry will will be completed by 06/30/2006 as scheduled.
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Talking with the lawyer...

Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow at 2:00 pm on Monday 25, 06, I'll be talking to a immigration lawyer. And I'll be asking him about the delays and waits that takes place in PBEC. If you want me to ask this immigration lawyer anything in specific please leave me a message I'll be happy to ask him on your behalf. Just for the record he's not my immigration attorney. I'll tell you the details later on. You only get one chance to talk to some attorney one on one. :D
Waitingfor4+yrs said:
Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow at 2:00 pm on Monday 25, 06, I'll be talking to a immigration lawyer. And I'll be asking him about the delays and waits that takes place in PBEC. If you want me to ask this immigration lawyer anything in specific please leave me a message I'll be happy to ask him on your behalf. Just for the record he's not my immigration attorney. I'll tell you the details later on. You only get one chance to talk to some attorney one on one. :D
I am sure you already must have plenty to talk about in the available time with this attroney, but if you do get a chance, ask him what he knows about Non-RIR processing, what process would BEC's be following, whether its feasible by September 2007, etc.
Can you please ask him :

1. What's the processing status of rir -> remanded to state cases in Dallas BPC ?
2. I have a pending non-rir case (rir -> remanded to state) with PD june 2001 for which an rir-conversion request was filed earlier this year. What's the anticipated jurisdiction timeline for this case ?

Waitingfor4+yrs said:
Hello Everyone,
Tomorrow at 2:00 pm on Monday 25, 06, I'll be talking to a immigration lawyer. And I'll be asking him about the delays and waits that takes place in PBEC. If you want me to ask this immigration lawyer anything in specific please leave me a message I'll be happy to ask him on your behalf. Just for the record he's not my immigration attorney. I'll tell you the details later on. You only get one chance to talk to some attorney one on one. :D
Backlog Stat (now and then)

As of 4/06 backlog status

Cases Received: 363,000
Cases Completed: 108,000
Cases Remain: 255,000

As of 9/12 backlog status

Cases Received: 363,000
Cases Completed: 182,000
Cases Remain: 181,000


From 4/6 to 9/13

Cases Completed: 74,000 (In 5 months)
Cases Completed: 14,800 (monthly)

From 9/13/06 to 9/30/07 (In 12 months period)

14,800 x 12 = 177600 (Close to 181000)

Out of 181,000 cases many will be denied as many NON RIR falls under 245(i). Due to one can find many americans doing the stone pavement job. Few gets approved, like Foreign Cook.

Given the fact that there will be less RIR cases, it may or may not be completed by the time.
Need Help - Another frustrated user

Thanks Bruce Willis for your reply
I did check with my attorney and she said that she will be mailing that info to the Dallas BRC
Any idea how long will they take to correct the information which is mailed to them -

Thanks a lot
New RIR converstion regulation will be issued

"The DOL will be issuing a Federal Register notice to amend the RIR conversion
regulation allowing the conversion of traditional cases to RIR for any traditional cases filed on 3/27/05 or earlier." See Minutes of the 9/12/06 AILA Liaison/DOL meeting.

It appears that DOL is taking the 9/30/2007 deadline seriously but it cannot reach the goal unless it allows all Traditional cases to be converted to RIR. The current regulation only allows cases filed before 8/3/2001 to be converted to RIR. The new regulation will create a win-win situation: DOL does not have to do the supervised recruitment and you can get LC earlier. Help me help you.


labordrags said:
As of 4/06 backlog status

Cases Received: 363,000
Cases Completed: 108,000
Cases Remain: 255,000

As of 9/12 backlog status

Cases Received: 363,000
Cases Completed: 182,000
Cases Remain: 181,000


From 4/6 to 9/13

Cases Completed: 74,000 (In 5 months)
Cases Completed: 14,800 (monthly)

From 9/13/06 to 9/30/07 (In 12 months period)

14,800 x 12 = 177600 (Close to 181000)

Out of 181,000 cases many will be denied as many NON RIR falls under 245(i). Due to one can find many americans doing the stone pavement job. Few gets approved, like Foreign Cook.

Given the fact that there will be less RIR cases, it may or may not be completed by the time.
07162001 said:
"The DOL will be issuing a Federal Register notice to amend the RIR conversion
regulation allowing the conversion of traditional cases to RIR for any traditional cases filed on 3/27/05 or earlier." See Minutes of the 9/12/06 AILA Liaison/DOL meeting.

It appears that DOL is taking the 9/30/2007 deadline seriously but it cannot reach the goal unless it allows all Traditional cases to be converted to RIR. The current regulation only allows cases filed before 8/3/2001 to be converted to RIR. The new regulation will create a win-win situation: DOL does not have to do the supervised recruitment and you can get LC earlier. Help me help you.

Yes, allowing RIR conversion would be one way of getting to the 9/30/07 deadline in time, however, DOL would have to open up that provision soon, since the RIR process itself could be time consuming (don't you have to show a "pattern of recruitment" for 6 months??).
recruitment must have occurred "within" the past 6 months of RIR conversion request, not "for" 6 months.


ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
Yes, allowing RIR conversion would be one way of getting to the 9/30/07 deadline in time, however, DOL would have to open up that provision soon, since the RIR process itself could be time consuming (don't you have to show a "pattern of recruitment" for 6 months??).