Non RIR Discussion Only !

After reading the posts here, I have a feeling that I could get a LC sooner by getting a new job and applying PERM asap (if I can).

What do you think? You can see from my signature, my case is NON-RIR that never goes through advertisement. With so many people with PD 2001 2002 still waiting, I think my case will take for ever.

Another thing is when I started my current job, I didn't have much working experience. The job description was pretty generous that I am not sure what will happen during advertisment. Now with my 3 years experience, I shall be able to find a job that is easier to pass advertisement.
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Another Victim

My data:

Non-RIR SWA case.
Filed 10/16/2003.
PD 10/17/2003

What's RD?

Went into the black box that is the DBEC and never heard a word since. That incluces the 45DL.

- Henri
I got a call from my lawyer today. My LC was approved.

my information:

Pd 11/2004
RD 01/2005
45 day letter in April 2005
Processing Center : Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

Thank you all for your time and information.

Keep Faith, Good Luck!!!!!
invitro said:
I got a call from my lawyer today. My LC was approved.

my information:

Pd 11/2004
RD 01/2005
45 day letter in April 2005
Processing Center : Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

Thank you all for your time and information.

Keep Faith, Good Luck!!!!!

Hi invitro

congratulations on your approval!!!. You even beat the RIR queue the latest PD for RIR is 04/04. The Magic of BEC continues..............


invitro said:
I got a call from my lawyer today. My LC was approved.

my information:

Pd 11/2004
RD 01/2005
45 day letter in April 2005
Processing Center : Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

Thank you all for your time and information.

Keep Faith, Good Luck!!!!!

hi invitro:

cool man!! gratz on your approval. anything can happen at this time. wow~ what a news.

Knew so little???

I'm new here. Today, I just got an email said " Our office received the 45-day letter from the Backlog Elimination Center for the pending labor certification application. We have the option of withdrawing or continuing the processing of the application...."

My info: EB3-NONRIR-MA
Sent ETA 750 to DET: March 2002.

Got nothing until today.
My attorney doesn't helpful.
I'm seeking for an advice what should I do?
From reading previous posts, 45-day letter is a good sign?
Did you usually get LC approved about a year after 45-day letter?
I don't know my case numbers? Should I have one?
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Received 45 Day letter...

My attorney forwarded a copy of the 45 day letter that he had received and replied back. Looks like it's slowly moving but damn slow. Case details in the sig.
Chingari, Thank you for your reply.
Your recruitment done = you already did advertise?

How do I knew my case go to State or Regional?
I have done nothing, only sent documents to DET.
I don't even have any numbers?

If you have any news, please let me know too.
Thanks a lot.
2002 Non-RIR cases

Hi guys ...

Am new to this forum .., this is a great forum, at least we get *some* idea on where we are at vs the BEC blackhole! keep it up!!!

My PD is Aug 2002 / Non-RIR EB3-WI, no 45 day letter, no nothing yet! Am in my 7th yr H1 . company is willing to do PERM if I push them for it but am not sure if it makes sense?

Is there anything I can do besides waiting (like starting recruitment efforts, etc). My company has said that they are willing to do ANYTHING it takes to expidite my process but am not sure what they can do or what I can tell them to do.

Any feedback from the experts will be appreciated. Also any idea on what time I'm looking at for LC approval?

Thanks guys!

PD: Aug 2002
Non-RIR EB3 - WI
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March_2002 said:
I'm new here. Today, I just got an email said " Our office received the 45-day letter from the Backlog Elimination Center for the pending labor certification application. We have the option of withdrawing or continuing the processing of the application...."

My info: EB3-NONRIR-MA
Sent ETA 750 to DET: March 2002.

Got nothing until today.
My attorney doesn't helpful.
I'm seeking for an advice what should I do?
From reading previous posts, 45-day letter is a good sign?
Did you usually get LC approved about a year after 45-day letter?
I don't know my case numbers? Should I have one?

Hi, I wrote wrong year. Sorry about that.
My ETA 750 was sent to DET: March 2003.
Hi Guru,
One of my colleague just got 45 dys letter from DALLAS under Non-RIR filed in April 2001 in CA. Is it advisable to convert from Non-RIR to RIR and what would be the impact

March_2002 said:
My info: EB3-NONRIR-MA
Sent ETA 750 to DET: March 2002.

Got nothing until today.
My attorney doesn't helpful.
I'm seeking for an advice what should I do?
From reading previous posts, 45-day letter is a good sign?
Did you usually get LC approved about a year after 45-day letter?
I don't know my case numbers? Should I have one?

hi march 2002:

just reply the 45 day letter as soon as possible and continue the process.
at this point, it's up to you whether you want to go for perm or just wait.
yes, 45 day letter is a good sign but since your case never had any recruitment done you might have a longer wait than people who have finished the recruitment. the approval does not depend on the time you receive 45 day letter. right now BEC is approving cases randomly. i felt that anything could happen but the most important thing is you have to get the recruitment instruction from BEC first. you will see the case number on 45 day letter. your attorney isn't helpful but he/she should give you the case number from that 45 day letter.

hope this helps and hang in there...

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chingari said:
My attorney forwarded a copy of the 45 day letter that he had received and replied back. Looks like it's slowly moving but damn slow. Case details in the sig.

hi chingari:

welcome to the thread. even though you got yoru 45 day letter quite late, i think you case should be reviewed upon soon. i would say another month or two. don't give up and hope for the best my friend.

zzzf said:
After reading the posts here, I have a feeling that I could get a LC sooner by getting a new job and applying PERM asap (if I can).

What do you think? You can see from my signature, my case is NON-RIR that never goes through advertisement. With so many people with PD 2001 2002 still waiting, I think my case will take for ever.

Another thing is when I started my current job, I didn't have much working experience. The job description was pretty generous that I am not sure what will happen during advertisment. Now with my 3 years experience, I shall be able to find a job that is easier to pass advertisement.

hi zzzf:

to do perm or not to do perm...i really don't know maybe friends from this thread can help you on that.

your have a pd in 2004 which i think would ultimately be the big winner because once they pick up the pace on recruitment instruction, you case will be review in no time. but again, this is only my personal opinion. while most of us spent 4 or 4.5 years waiting for labor it might only take you 3 years or less.

hope this helps...and welcome to the big family.

hankdane said:
My data:

Non-RIR SWA case.
Filed 10/16/2003.
PD 10/17/2003

What's RD?

Went into the black box that is the DBEC and never heard a word since. That incluces the 45DL.

- Henri

hi henri:

rd is regional date. regional date is the date regional labor department receive your case after recruitment is done.

movetocanada0o0 said:
Hi guys ...
Is there anything I can do besides waiting (like starting recruitment efforts, etc). My company has said that they are willing to do ANYTHING it takes to expidite my process but am not sure what they can do or what I can tell them to do.

Any feedback from the experts will be appreciated. Also any idea on what time I'm looking at for LC approval?

Thanks guys!

PD: Aug 2002
Non-RIR EB3 - WI

hi movetocanada:

welcome to the thread :) unfortunately, you have to wait for BEC's instruction on recruitment. my company wanted to help me expedite too but there is nothing we can "control" about the situation. that's why we have this thread to help non rir friends to relieve some anger, concern and share some pain together.

we have seen some randome approvals in 2002 or 2003. i am always optimisitc about the situation because we never know what can happen next. i would say just hang in there and don't loose hope.

hope this helps...

-shagua (not an expert ;) )