Non RIR Discussion Only !

ohpdfeb2003 said:
I got my approval yesterday. I wish every body best of luck

Here are my details

EB-2, Non-RIR
PD : Feb 5 2003
Case Source : Region
State: OH
ETA CASE No. D-05102-*****
45 Day Letter Recieved : Sep 09 05
Approved : Jan 18 2006
Letter Recieved: Jan 26 2006

A big congratulation to you. Would you be able to tell us if yours ad stuff were already completed? Feb 2005 was the date while they were processing Feb 2003 applications in State level in Ohio. And then it went back to backlog center on March 2005. When did it move to Regional queue or the chicago region? The latest on Dec 2004 states chicago region was processing Aug 2002 cases, then it moved to DBEC? All, I am trying to figure out is when it moved to region and when did state ask you to do the ad stuff?
labordrags said:
A big congratulation to you. Would you be able to tell us if yours ad stuff were already completed? Feb 2005 was the date while they were processing Feb 2003 applications in State level in Ohio. And then it went back to backlog center on March 2005. When did it move to Regional queue or the chicago region? The latest on Dec 2004 states chicago region was processing Aug 2002 cases, then it moved to DBEC? All, I am trying to figure out is when it moved to region and when did state ask you to do the ad stuff?

Thanks every body for the wishes.

Yes ad stuff was already completed at State level. Recruitment results were submiited to the state in Feb 2005.

I am not sure when it went to federal ( or if it even did) but when I requested my screen shot in April the case source was "region", probably because when state forwarded the application to DBEC it marked it as completed.

Hopefully this answers your questions
Hangin2001 said:

This is another random approval for a case beyond PD in April 2001. Not sure what the BECs are upto.....but good to know that they are looking at cases beyond 2001 also. What are your thoughts on this?


hi hangin2001:

i am optimistic about your case because yours is a remanded one. i am sure you will hear some news before mid 2006. i am always positive about our green card fight because we never know how fast or how slow DBEC, PBEC, CSC etc will work on cases. for example, just when we think 2003 pds will take a year, and ohpdfeb2003 comes here to post an approval. please do keep the faith and hope for the best. once we get through this hell, we will see our sky :)

congrats OHPDFeb2003

ohpdfeb2003 said:
Thanks every body for the wishes.

Yes ad stuff was already completed at State level. Recruitment results were submiited to the state in Feb 2005.

I am not sure when it went to federal ( or if it even did) but when I requested my screen shot in April the case source was "region", probably because when state forwarded the application to DBEC it marked it as completed.

Hopefully this answers your questions

can you share what the ad process you were asked to follow for your Labor byt he state. Liek how many ads/ duration of ads. / which newspapers etc?

Many thanks
Hello guys

Hello All,

I have a feeling that Non-RIR folks without prior advertisements are going to be sitting in this thread posting dates forever unless we act.. I am thinking about joining hands with you all and filing a lawsuit against the BECs. That will atleast make them to act(or react) on our cases.

How many would be willing to join ? Please post your views in the thread below.
NON RIR Labour

EB-3, Non-RIR
PD : JUNE 25 2004
State: OR
BEC Transfer Letter Revd : Jun 2005
45 Day Letter Recieved : Not Yet Recd
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GCBy2010: I'm In


I'm interested to join.

Please count on me.

Michigan: Non-RIR
PD: May 2002
45-D letter: Jan. 2006

GCBy2010 said:
Hello All,

I have a feeling that Non-RIR folks without prior advertisements are going to be sitting in this thread posting dates forever unless we act.. I am thinking about joining hands with you all and filing a lawsuit against the BECs. That will atleast make them to act(or react) on our cases.

How many would be willing to join ? Please post your views in the thread below.
shagua said:
hi hangin2001:

i am optimistic about your case because yours is a remanded one. i am sure you will hear some news before mid 2006. i am always positive about our green card fight because we never know how fast or how slow DBEC, PBEC, CSC etc will work on cases. for example, just when we think 2003 pds will take a year, and ohpdfeb2003 comes here to post an approval. please do keep the faith and hope for the best. once we get through this hell, we will see our sky :)


Hi Shagua,
Thanks for your kind words and for being so optimistic. I thought I am at a disadvantage since mine is a remanded case. But, you tell me that I am more likely to get approval soon. Don't you think DBEC will try to be more stringent on a remanded case?

On the other hand, the cut-off dates for retrogressed countries and rest of the world seem to be moving at a rapid pace and sources tell me they will continue to be that way. That surely is good news to everyone.
Thank you Shagua

Thank you Shagua! That gives me hope. I will add my info on the bec priority date tracker.

shagua said:
hi windynewyork:

please add your info on the thread call "bec priority date tracker" so we can see the big picture.

i feel ur pain for the wait...but i think your approval will come very soon. before mid 2006

Hangin2001 said:
Hi Shagua,
Thanks for your kind words and for being so optimistic. I thought I am at a disadvantage since mine is a remanded case. But, you tell me that I am more likely to get approval soon. Don't you think DBEC will try to be more stringent on a remanded case?

On the other hand, the cut-off dates for retrogressed countries and rest of the world seem to be moving at a rapid pace and sources tell me they will continue to be that way. That surely is good news to everyone.

hi hangin2001,

at first i thought the remanded cases will be harder to get approved too. however, after all these days/months of following the tracker i think otherwise. i felt that remanded case will be faster because you guys have gone through the recruitment stage. if your case is a good and strong one i think your approval will be soon. if it's not a good case(meaning there are things that the officer can pick on) then at least your case will be reviewed first.

many people think we are in a hopeless fight...i think differently. just when we think the visa numbers will take months or years to open, there comes a good news. i say we got to keep faith, be positive and optimistic. no matter how tough it seems we should stick to our goal.

-shagua :)
Non Rir Eb3 State

Does any case get recruitment instructions from Dallas BEC yet after 45day letter replied?
amending labor certification application

My case is EB3 - Regular (TR) with priority date 2/13/2004, WA. I asked about converting my case from BRC to PERM. My attorneys are telling me that since my job title has changed (even though I work in same department and same job description) and there was a small raise in the salary, they cannot convert my case from regular queue to PERM.

Is it true ?

I don't know how can a person stay in this country without a salary raise for 3+ more years or change in job titles. Sometimes company streamlines the job titles and why should an applicant be tortured for it.
I lost hope in getting GC in the next 3 years.
tarikida said:
My case is EB3 - Regular (TR) with priority date 2/13/2004, WA. I asked about converting my case from BRC to PERM. My attorneys are telling me that since my job title has changed (even though I work in same department and same job description) and there was a small raise in the salary, they cannot convert my case from regular queue to PERM.

Is it true ?

I don't know how can a person stay in this country without a salary raise for 3+ more years or change in job titles. Sometimes company streamlines the job titles and why should an applicant be tortured for it.
I lost hope in getting GC in the next 3 years.

Sometime, the company attorney is nothing but evil, I got the same isuss. But try to persuade your boss to support you. Such as after promotion keep the same job title e.g. entry level call ananlyst and manager level also call analyst
File date: Non-RIR EB2 11/2002 IL
no reach region level
No 45 DL
Dallas backlog center

I am going to convert to PERM process.

Based on some research on, here are some findings:

Of course, the assumption of my findings is: the 62 postings at can represent all pending cases in Dallas backlog center

1. They are focusing on processing the cases filed during 11/03 - 3/04
2. They are focusing on processing the cases which replied 45 DL during 1/05 - 5/05
3. Only one Non-RIR was approved, therefore, they are focusing on processing RIR case now
4. From 11/05 to 1/06, they speeded up the case process

I totally agreed on your observations/findings.

I noticed that you have an early PD 2002 case (like mine). If you can convert your case to PERM and keep the PD, that sure will help the process. However, I contacted my lawyer to seek for this option last October/November. He told me that it will be hard to convert the case to PERM because the specifications have to be exactly the same on the old TR case and the PERM case. If not, then you may lose your PD (i.e. DOL will treat it like a new application).

I cannot find any posting regarding to a successful conversion case. If you do, could you please shred some lights? I think most of us in this non-RIR thread is eager to find a way out especially like us who have been waiting for 3-5 years and see those PERM people get certified in months.

Thank you.
yyang18 said:
File date: Non-RIR EB2 11/2002 IL
no reach region level
No 45 DL
Dallas backlog center

I am going to convert to PERM process.

Based on some research on, here are some findings:

Of course, the assumption of my findings is: the 62 postings at can represent all pending cases in Dallas backlog center

1. They are focusing on processing the cases filed during 11/03 - 3/04
2. They are focusing on processing the cases which replied 45 DL during 1/05 - 5/05
3. Only one Non-RIR was approved, therefore, they are focusing on processing RIR case now
4. From 11/05 to 1/06, they speeded up the case process
NonRIR approved


I just came to know that my labor is approved.
My pd id Jan03.
It reached Chicago sometime in Jan05 and then to dallas.
If mine is just a 3 year's labor horror story, i can imagine how painful for those who are waiting longer than me.

you will find the successful store at

Also, I read another successful store from a Chinese website. The conversion case took 4 month to get aproved by the end of 2005

txtramdream said:

I totally agreed on your observations/findings.

I noticed that you have an early PD 2002 case (like mine). If you can convert your case to PERM and keep the PD, that sure will help the process. However, I contacted my lawyer to seek for this option last October/November. He told me that it will be hard to convert the case to PERM because the specifications have to be exactly the same on the old TR case and the PERM case. If not, then you may lose your PD (i.e. DOL will treat it like a new application).

I cannot find any posting regarding to a successful conversion case. If you do, could you please shred some lights? I think most of us in this non-RIR thread is eager to find a way out especially like us who have been waiting for 3-5 years and see those PERM people get certified in months.

Thank you.
Congratulations!!! When did you receive and reply the 45 Day letter?

I just wonder that my case looked like never reach regional office even if my filing date is earlier than you.

The filing date is the same as region date?

File date: Non-RIR EB2 11/2002 IL
no reach region level
No 45 DL
Dallas backlog center

badluckinusa said:

I just came to know that my labor is approved.
My pd id Jan03.
It reached Chicago sometime in Jan05 and then to dallas.
If mine is just a 3 year's labor horror story, i can imagine how painful for those who are waiting longer than me.
