Got done with my interview and oath today.
Scheduled for 9:00 in the morning. Got there around 8:00. Parked and was on the 15th floor by 8:10. Gave in the paperwork at window 1 for both myself and spouce. Then long wait. People seemed to be getting called in no apparent order. Around 10:20, first wife was called and then 2 mintues later I was called. Pretty routine stuff - oath, go over the application, reading, writing, civics. No documents besides GC, DL and passports (1 have 3 old ones) asked for. None were provided. I had travelled a few times after the application and had a small slip of paper with the dates and places, she just made a mental note and saw that they were small tips. No traffic incidents solicited, none volunteered. Asked to sign pictures and then was given an approval notice with 2:00 pm written (said I might make it to the 11:30 am one). The whole thing was over in 5/7 minutes. Wife was out soon after I come out. Same story for her (routine).
Then the long wait. Around 11:20 am, name gets called and I am asked to sign on a copy of the certificate and original certificate, am offered a choice of going at 11:30 or waiting till 2:00 to go with my wife (who might be scheduled at 11:00, not sure at this point). Take the 11:30 am option, am taken to the room by 11:40 am or so. Very short ceremony, no video, just oath and pledge of allegiance. The wife was in the main room, since they were adding people till the last minute and we were hopeful she would make it to the 11:30 and we would not have to stick around till later. No such luck.
Come out after oath, have to wait till 1:00/1:30 before they start announcing names for the 2/2:30 ceremony. It is a good hour away, decide to step outside for lunch. Take the car out(talk to the guy to let me come back in within the 14 daily rate, he agrees). Drive around, pretty sorry state of affairs as far as lunch choices are concerned. Double back. Notice there is a subway a block away that is the best option. Park on the street, eat there and head back. Am back in the building by 1:10. Wife's name called 5 minutes later. She checks and signs.
At 2:20 or so, they ask everybody to be in the oath room. This one is more elaborate. They explain that the wait today was extraordinary since they have had an error and scheduled everybody (260 people) for morning rather than breaking them up into morning and afternoon. Then they show a video, oath, pledge and then they have a song where they expect you to sing "proud to be an american". (was like a karaoke session, just in a large group).
Anyways, out of there by 2:45. Big part of journey over. Going for same day passport tomorrow to NYC agency(am planning to travel in the next 2 weeks). Have appointment already. (Hope the snow is not strong in the morning, and they dont close the place down).
Besides the wait time. The journey was quite painless.