New York SESA Tracker

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AD-NY02 said:
I am sorry - the above link was for user '161' and not for you 'Triashu'.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
No probs AD-NY02.....but still I didn't receive any response to my question....
I simply would like to ask what is the option of getting 7th year extension if PERM is filed in the 6th year of H1.

Originally Posted by triashu

Hi Friends.
I have 9 more months before I will reach my 6 yr limit of H1. My current employer has filed labor for me in Dec 2003 from NY. The way things are progressing in Labor department, I can estimate no less than 2 -3 years before my LC is approved. To make the situation worse, my employer is not doing that well and can be bought over by someone or I can be laid off. I would like to know what my options of getting 7th year extension if I join a new company and the new employer files labor in PERM immediately.

I will greatly appreciate all the responses.
richshi thanks for the draft, will fax/mail it soon to philly BPC.
Some of the people in this forum are really taking effort to move things for good (unlike most of us just sitting, waiting and bearing injustice)

thanks to all your efforts
JustWatching said:
did you get a case no.?

yes... P-05123-88XXX

It is a very simple letter. Basically asking whether my employer wants to continue or not. If withdrawing, then give the reason for withdrawing.

Justwatching and all other 2001 NYers. Call your lawyers. My letter is dated August 12. Your lawyers must have recieved the letters by now. Its just that they may not have opened their mail.

We are replying tomorrow itself by priority mail. I will keep you posted.
JustWatching, you got be concerned now

JustWatching said:
did you get a case no.?
Give it one more week, if you still have not heard anything, you should do something.

If fact, if I were you, I'd send a request for screen shot immediately. Nobody give it a shit if you are genuinly need it for 7 year extention.
I strongly encourage you to do it.
Reply to 45-day letter

Does anyone have an estimate of how long it would take to process the application once the 45-day letter is replied to ?

richshi said:
Give it one more week, if you still have not heard anything, you should do something.

If fact, if I were you, I'd send a request for screen shot immediately. Nobody give it a shit if you are genuinly need it for 7 year extention.
I strongly encourage you to do it.

Wasn't really asking because of me. I am trying to keep track of case no's to figure out if 45-day letters will be sent out based on PD, case no. or the BPC's favorite - randomly.

Could be that my attorney got it already. My attorney firm is the largest in the country so I am sure if they got it, it came with a few hundred more. It will show up soon enough.
no 45D letter yet

Called my attorney yesterday, not received anything yet.

My PD 12/11/2001, ETA # : T-05132-XXXXX
Eighth Year Extension, when to apply

My Eighth year extension I due by end Feb ’06. From your experiences, how soon should my attorney apply for this.
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you can apply for your extention six months before the expiry of your current H1.It is always recommended to apply much at that time as some times it will take 4 to 5 months for getting the H1 approval in reguar processing
Confirmed.. approved on Aug 11th and recieved on Aug 18th.,

I send another mail to H1B7YR@PHI.DFLC.US yesterday midnight
and recived reply today just now I checked..
Now the Case status is showing
Case Status: CERTIFIED
previously it was RIR

I will update once lawyer receive approved certificstion in mail..

My PD is Oct 30,2001
45 day letter recived and replied in March 2005 last week

ETA Case Number:
Priority Date:

Processing Type:
Case Source:

Good weekend to all

god bless you ALL!!
JustWatching: is your attorney with Fragomen?

If so, there might be some problem. My girlfriend's attorney is with Fragomen, her PR date November 2, 2001. Last time (may be in May 2005) she checked with her attorney, the lawyer said she has not received any 45 day letter yet. But then we know there were many people in the oct-nov 2001 range received 45 day letter back in March.

She again asked and received a screen shot yesterday, the same "awaiting for processing" shit, not even a T#.

Could it be the Fragomen handled case being treated differently? For god's sake, they are the largest immigration law firm in the country. Many big companies use them to handle cases.

I appreciate your positive thoughts, though. Hopefully the Phily backlog center will look into the Fragomen bulk (I heard they sent LC applications in bulk, otherwise my friend's case would have been filed in early October 2001). Good luck.

JustWatching said:
Wasn't really asking because of me. I am trying to keep track of case no's to figure out if 45-day letters will be sent out based on PD, case no. or the BPC's favorite - randomly.

Could be that my attorney got it already. My attorney firm is the largest in the country so I am sure if they got it, it came with a few hundred more. It will show up soon enough.
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