New York SESA Tracker

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This news is obviously a good news but I don't know how much we can trust it. I just called NY labor dept. The lady said it will take another 2 weeks to finish April 30th for RIR. They will start working on the May RIR cases from mid to end of Feb.

I hope this is true.
some news to cheer after a long time

yep araina77
i spoke to another guy in NY DOL just now
she told me they'll be changing the dates for RIR within few days and they'll start MAY 2001 in 2 weeks..
hope everything will be going good

lets hope the best for our future....
Amazing news, I hope its true.

I have suggestion: Don't contact the DOL individually and let them finish the cases of April, since we are consuming a valuable resource on the DOL by using him/her to answer our phones, instead we might setup one phone call every week ( Thursday ) and publish it to the forum, may be ZAMQ can help us in that.
definetly ahalem
i'll take the initiative to call DOL on every Thursdays...
if anyone wants to take this let him take orlese i'll be doing...

lets hope we'll have good days ahaed...
Re: some news to cheer after a long time

Originally posted by zamq
yep araina77
i spoke to another guy in NY DOL just now
she told me they'll be changing the dates for RIR within few days and they'll start MAY 2001 in 2 weeks..
hope everything will be going good

lets hope the best for our future....

My lawyer told me: Nothing will change with NY DOL up to July-August 2004. He works for State and knows the real situation. According his words the April 2001 backlog MAY BE cleared to the end of this fiscal year....
Wait for October.
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why dont you call to this number and find out how many cabinets still are there for april 2001 and ask more questions
you'll get some to your lawyer
we spoke to those guys who are working now there in SESA NY DOL..
number is 212 621 9374

let us know the outcome...
H1 Extensions in NY

For those who are going to extend their h1 to 7th year and have difficulty in getting the proof of LC application:

My attorney sent a letter to the Deptt of Labor in NY and they promptly sent back the information about my application with priority date and case number. They also mentioned that they received close to 39,000 application for april 2001. Though no info on how long they are going to process those 39,00 cases.
39,000 seems correct number but they start processing these cases almost a year ago , so it should be much less by now.
can you tell me how many cases NY DOL process everymonth??

i am running out of time ..means i'll be completing my 6 years this may company already extended my 7th year..

but i want to make sure how many days it may take to clear my labor
mine was aug 2001..
now layoffs are going on now and i dont know i'll be there in it or not..if i know something that our cases will cleared then i can talk to my manager...

let me know
I really do not know how many cases they process per week or per month, but I remember Justwatching had great numbers and anaylsis for that, he might be able to help
LC 2001


Based on what we are hearing , those 38,000-39,000 that were submitted in April 2001 should almost be gone by now. Past April 2001, 15,000 more cases were submitted between May 2001 - December 2001.

Based on some PWC statistics, I calculated about 1,500 cases per month.

So if you are August 2001 , after they finish April 2001, there are ABOUT 6,000 cases before yours. So about 4 months after they are done with April 2001.

You also have some hope if they implement the backlog centers to have this move faster.
Keep it up guys, great statistics. Ahlem and zamq, you the man. Please call on thursdays only so we know the progress(if any). oberton, have you been able to find some other news fact? My lawyer also told me they have "one" cabinet remaining for April 2001. Lets get the real part of the story too.
How many cabinets

This is some Great news that there is only one cabinet left. Lets hope thay finish this in 15 days !!

Now , it is " KISSA CABINET KA".

Very soon there will be a movie in Bollywood.

NY SESA will get OSCAR on this movie as they will be director and producer.
Labor cases in 2002 and 2003


Do you have data for how many cases filed for 2002 and 2003?
My lc is filed on Oct 2003
Please let me know.

Thanks so much.
Progress on Status of the PERM Program

This is from , very confusing, I though the backlog centers are facts, any idea what is happening there in DOL:

The President signed into law the legislation that includes the Department of Labor (DOL) budget on January 23, 2004. As we reported in our January 16, 2004 MurthyBulletin article, PERM and Backlog Reduction tied to 2004 Budget, the DOL budget is significant for the PERM program, as the budget is necessary to move PERM forward. The PERM program will completely change the labor certification process through use of online processing and greatly expedited procedures. [Those interested in PERM can find articles on the subject in the PERM Section of MurthyDotCom.]

Because the DOL budget now has been passed, we expect that the DOL will submit the PERM regulation to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The OMB must clear the regulation before it can be published in the Federal Register. The OMB process can take up to 90 days. The regulation will be effective 120 days after publication in the Federal Register. Therefore, those people who are closely following PERM will have to wait for the DOL to send the regulation to OMB, the OMB to process the regulation, and the Federal Register to publish the regulation.

We note that those with pending labor certifications may also benefit from the DOL budget, if the backlog reduction plan goes into effect. This program, designed to clear out the backlog of labor certification cases, was also on hold awaiting the budget.

As PERM is within six months to a year of becoming reality, those who want to file for labor certification using current procedures need to take action very soon. To pre-advertise and use the RIR procedure, the case generally must begin four to six months in advance of filing. It is always better to allow more than the minimum time. Once PERM is put into place, the existing labor certification procedures will no longer be available for new cases.
Re: Labor cases in 2002 and 2003

Originally posted by lcaNY

Do you have data for how many cases filed for 2002 and 2003?
My lc is filed on Oct 2003
Please let me know.

Thanks so much.


I am sorry but I do not have any information for 2002 and 2003.
DOL website got updated today

DOL website got updated today , but NY still shows the good old status of April 2001.

May be in March they may update it, if they are to be trusted !!
Re: DOL website got updated today

Originally posted by sankat_mochan
DOL website got updated today , but NY still shows the good old status of April 2001.

May be in March they may update it, if they are to be trusted !!

It's official - two states left working on April 2001 RIR, New York and Indiana....
we do not care about Indiana

Hope fully the folks there may be after their SESA.

NY-SESA better finish processing April 2001 soon....

If they are to be trusted. They should finish it next month. If it goes beyond March 2004, it Ain't going to happen this year
Re: Re: DOL website got updated today

Originally posted by JustWatching
It's official - two states left working on April 2001 RIR, New York and Indiana....

Hey, the Maryland folks got their date to Dec. 2001. It seemed that we didn't make an effective noise as they did. NY is ignored and lagged behind. I'm so sick of this bullshit.
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