New York SESA Tracker

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Thanks ahalem. I ended up making my id also.

I think this article is not forceful enough to make any impact. People wil lread it. People like us will read it maybe twice and forward the link to 3-4 more people like us waiting for LC/GC.... and everything else will remain same...

Well... waiting for the update on DOL's website...
Something strange going on?

I think...

I think I missed a reorganization of the regional offices...

I believe this is what happened:

Before regional offices were (they each support multiple states - ie. New York used to NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands):

New York
San Francisco

It seems Boston and New York have merged into one region. Dallas and Denver merged into one region as well.

Does this have any impact on processing times? I do not know. Dolores DeHaan who is the certifying officer for NY DOL seems to be the certifying officer for the new Boston Region and continues to list a 212 number.

See link:
it looks like it might slow down more, since Boston office was slower then NY one from the begining .
Re: Something strange going on?

SO NINE REGIONS became SIX regions:

9 --- > 6

SO labor clearance will be 3 yrs ----> 5 Years


Originally posted by JustWatching
I think...

I think I missed a reorganization of the regional offices...

I believe this is what happened:

Before regional offices were (they each support multiple states - ie. New York used to NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands):

New York
San Francisco

It seems Boston and New York have merged into one region. Dallas and Denver merged into one region as well.

Does this have any impact on processing times? I do not know. Dolores DeHaan who is the certifying officer for NY DOL seems to be the certifying officer for the new Boston Region and continues to list a 212 number.

See link:
Re: Something strange going on?

on page

you will see

Region I - Boston

Contact Information
Mr. Joe Stoltz
U.S. Department of Labor/ETA
J.F.K. Federal Building, Room E-350
Boston, MA 02203
Phone: (617) 565-3630
Fax: (617) 565-2999

Region 1 serves:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands.

click on more on region 1 on
this page you will go to

browse to the bottom
see the state partners as only

New Hampshire
Rhode Island

These 4 states are not there

New Jersey
New York
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands.

Forget about filing from NY&NJ and getting approval with in 2 to 3 years!!!!

New York----New York !! New Jersey :p :p :p :p :p :rolleyes:

Originally posted by JustWatching
I think...

I think I missed a reorganization of the regional offices...

I believe this is what happened:

Before regional offices were (they each support multiple states - ie. New York used to NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands):

New York
San Francisco

It seems Boston and New York have merged into one region. Dallas and Denver merged into one region as well.

Does this have any impact on processing times? I do not know. Dolores DeHaan who is the certifying officer for NY DOL seems to be the certifying officer for the new Boston Region and continues to list a 212 number.

See link:
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my guess this is a preparation for the PREM , how it will effect us , god knows ? it might slow down things little bit but not too much, since they can not physically erase the NY office in one day
some news from regional:

I called AVM yesterday,

one of the cases from my company that got to regional on 01/30/2004 has been certified on 03/31/2004

So all in all, it takes regional 2 months as of now.

The next case from my company in the queue got to Regional DOL on 03/21, so if it is mine I have 6 more weeks to wait.

Good for you !

I hope I also gfet to see the day when I can say that at least something cleared for me... waiting with PD of Dec 2004 !

Originally posted by ny-quant
some news from regional:

I called AVM yesterday,

one of the cases from my company that got to regional on 01/30/2004 has been certified on 03/31/2004

So all in all, it takes regional 2 months as of now.

The next case from my company in the queue got to Regional DOL on 03/21, so if it is mine I have 6 more weeks to wait.

Originally posted by kohls
Good for you !

I hope I also gfet to see the day when I can say that at least something cleared for me... waiting with PD of Dec 2004 !

Nah, I really have no idea wheher it is my application the next or not. So "Good for you !" does not apply here. Not yet, at least.

For all that I know my application might still be lost somewhere in the labyrinth of SWA or worse...

anyones laber moved to Regional office in Feb 2004 ??
coz..I verified last few days messages and didnt find any info labers moved from state to regional offices in Feb 2004.
my company 2 labers moved to regional on March 2004 which was filed on July 2001.
looks like labers moving to regional office in batchwise. found March 5 th and 24 th only here. nothing in Feb 2004.
My Company has few cases that moved to NY Regional On Feb 18th , March 4th , and on March 24th.

Don't know which one is mine. It could one out of them.
My priority Date was 2001 Aug 1st week.

Will let all know when I have any more information...
Any Cases moved to Regional in April

Originally posted by sp2004
My Company has few cases that moved to NY Regional On Feb 18th , March 4th , and on March 24th.

Don't know which one is mine. It could one out of them.
My priority Date was 2001 Aug 1st week.

Will let all know when I have any more information...


:) :)
Is it true that post Sep 11, there were very few Labour filings in NY State?

Any way we can get these numbers??

If that is the case we could potentially see faster processing once they reach that date.
Originally posted by srikums
Is it true that post Sep 11, there were very few Labour filings in NY State?

Any way we can get these numbers??

If that is the case we could potentially see faster processing once they reach that date.

My feeling is that lot more people were trying to file post 9 11 to get legal status and all the good stuff. So, I am not sure if it's gonna be faster or slower. But hey, giv me the giood news and I'll owe you beer/chai/coffee or whatever gives you a kick :D !
Originally posted by srikums
Is it true that post Sep 11, there were very few Labour filings in NY State?

Any way we can get these numbers??

If that is the case we could potentially see faster processing once they reach that date.

This is my guess:

There are less filings in 2003 and 2004 in New York as every body rushed to fast processing states like Delaware,chicago etc during that time!!
My LC has moved to US DOL !!

This is the info I got from my lawyer. The case was filed on July 17th 2001 with EB2 RIR.



Good news! The application has cleared the NY DOL and will be going to the US DOL sometime next week. The US DOL is currently working January 2004 cases so it should be just a few more months for the final determination.
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