New York SESA Tracker

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Re: Re: DOT codes

Originally posted by ny-quant
Gee, thanks,
makes me wonder if this lucky guy approved on 02/20/2004 was me... I'll keep you posted.


Not to make you do this all over again, but there is a faxback capability, did you try it? I have never seen what it looks like but maybe that has more info than the AVM.

JUNE 2001 PEOPLE - Give it a try!

All ,

Case status is correctly updated in my case , updated on Feb 20th . Good Luck to all

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hay Senthil
i think you and ny-quant are from same company??

am i right??

becoz as per ny-quant wrote
Originally posted by ny-quant
Actually I called the AVM this morning and after listening through the awful lot of old applications (I work for a big company) I got to the recent ones --

One got to the regional on 1/14/2004 and was approved on 2/20/2004. Another got in on 1/30/2004, and still pending.

Isn't that a great news -- they are only 5 weeks behind on processing.

I have no clue whether one of these can be mine - AVM does not tell any details (except the DOT code which I do not know).


maybe you both are from same company ,
you got cleared and ny-quant is waiting for his labor to clear
What is AVM? I haven't been following this thread in one week or so. Can you tell me how to find details about my case filed in June 2001
call this number 212 337 2193
you have to have your company details

company taxid number
company phone number
dot code for your case

you have to follow and press 2 once it will reach fresh dates if your company have filed more .
please let us know
just wondering is there any kind of system like specific specilization (ie programmer analysts) labers approve prior then others??
Re: Link once again

Originally posted by jani2711
For those who dont know about this link....

details of regional satus for LCs applied by your company

Notice it says not updated after 12/03/03.

I didn't find my information there. Is there any possibility that this database doesn't have all information? My case might be submitted in March 2002.

Thank you.
Re: Re: Link once again

Originally posted by xmmm
I didn't find my information there. Is there any possibility that this database doesn't have all information? My case might be submitted in March 2002.

Thank you.

For sure your info is not there, this has cases that went to regional before December 2002 i.e. cases filed on or before April 2001
Re: Re: Re: Link once again

Originally posted by JustWatching
For sure your info is not there, this has cases that went to regional before December 2002 i.e. cases filed on or before April 2001

Thanks, I figured that out by reading the last column.
Our Employers

Hi folks !
Do u think its a good idea to declare which companies we are employed with ? so that we can communicate properly with each other in case needed.
let me start with myself. I m employed with Amtex Systems inc. , NewYork.
I think one of us better to call NY DOL and findout the status are they going forward to July/ aug 2001 or backword to April 2001 -:)
yesterday i called them they told me to call 212 621 0747 for automated system

she is not at all cooperating yesterday when i called her, may be everyone were calling and asking all questions
can someone take initiative and call them ..
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Originally posted by zamq
yesterday i called them they told me to call 212 621 0747 for automated system

she is not at all cooperating yesterday when i called her, may be everyone were calling and asking all questions
can someone take initiative and call them ..
They don't like the day starts with "yes".
Only employer/lawyer could get answers, better call them.
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