New York SESA Tracker

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That was a nice e-mail you sent gcby2020!

gcby2020 said:
I will continue writing, espousing our cause. What benefit will this accrue? I dont know. My experience at my hospital has been that Americans are totally ignorant of our plight and when I tell them they are genuinely horrified and dismayed at the actions of DOL/USCIS. Now one can make an argument, this positive response that I am getting is because this is NY and people are very liberal. Maybe true and maybe people in the rest of US may not be open to immigrants. But as you can see from response of the editor of newspaper from Arkansas we may get support from so called conservative states.

All it takes for me is that instead of watching TV I work on this. Not a big sacrifice for me.
GoodJob gcby2020!

To all: If you think pointless to send a letter as they are already implementing a plan to reduce these backlogs, maybe we can ask them, howlong it will take to get to NY cases and that way we know whether they are exactly following the already set plan or not.

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Here are some information about how the BECs are going to work:

1/. Phil and SF. Regionals' cases will be processed together.
2/. The date to send out those letters is 11/22/04
3/. Total amount of cases for both regions are about 35,000
4/. All the cases for the above DOLs will be processed according to the applications' REGIONAL DOL's RECEIVE DATE rather than Priority Date.
5/. All the state levels will be processed afterwards

Copied from other thread.
If NY state cases go afterwards to the BEC (rather than to the NPC or NY regional DOL, ) then it will be processed after 35,000cases/100staff/50cases/month=7 month +2 month of data input and letter reply + unknow other state cases before NY state cases =9+ month from now :( :mad:
Does anyone know what will NY regional DOL do after they catch upto Oct cases of current state level? Since no much more state cases (due to slashing of the state DOL staff)will be forwarded to them ,will they process unopened NYstate cases directly? I don't understand why BEC cannot process NY state oldest cases (oldest PD at national)directly? Why they let us wait untill all the regional cases be cleared, thoses cases (from other states other than NY)at this level are not that old at all compared to us! :confused:

richshi said:
Here are some information about how the BECs are going to work:

1/. Phil and SF. Regionals' cases will be processed together.
2/. The date to send out those letters is 11/22/04
3/. Total amount of cases for both regions are about 35,000
4/. All the cases for the above DOLs will be processed according to the applications' REGIONAL DOL's RECEIVE DATE rather than Priority Date.
5/. All the state levels will be processed afterwards

Copied from other thread.
Most of you probably already know that NY SESA staff has been reduced from 45 (peak time) to 15 (now) to accomodate with the new plan. Therefore, it is just "normal" for them to ponder on the October 2001 cases for the past 2 months. Quote from a friend who knows someone working at NY DOL, there are a big batch of cases received on Nov. 2, 2001 (filed by a law firm named Fragomen something), it is their target to finish that batch by the end of year 2004. Then they will start wrap things up, moving the remaining cases to BEC in early 2005. Well, I hope they can do better than that.

Wonder how fast they need to move things at BEC to eliminate all backlogs in 2 years. I have sent to faxes to complain the unfairness to New York filer, but some people on this forum think it is useless. They think it is only fair for SF and PHily regional to be processed first because their original office have been closed, and such such.

I can do no more. My case was in early 2003, it makes no difference to me. Up to you guys. Good luck. Be happy!
richshi said:
Most of you probably already know that NY SESA staff has been reduced from 45 (peak time) to 15 (now) to accomodate with the new plan. Therefore, it is just "normal" for them to ponder on the October 2001 cases for the past 2 months. Quote from a friend who knows someone working at NY DOL, there are a big batch of cases received on Nov. 2, 2001 (filed by a law firm named Fragomen something), it is their target to finish that batch by the end of year 2004. Then they will start wrap things up, moving the remaining cases to BEC in early 2005. Well, I hope they can do better than that.

Wonder how fast they need to move things at BEC to eliminate all backlogs in 2 years. I have sent to faxes to complain the unfairness to New York filer, but some people on this forum think it is useless. They think it is only fair for SF and PHily regional to be processed first because their original office have been closed, and such such.

I can do no more. My case was in early 2003, it makes no difference to me. Up to you guys. Good luck. Be happy!

I do not agree that what you are trying to do is useless. I believe that unless we all try to do something - maybe talk to our employers, lawyers, attorneys and get some of our concerns moved up the ladder, we would be no better than worst.

Would it be possible for youto send me a copy of what you've faxed (and to whom). I'll modify some contents (keeping the same theme) and also fax / mail to the concerned people.

My case PD is Nov6,2002, close to yours. I waited for two years to become closer to 1 year to be processed. Now I find that I need another 9 month to be get lined in BEC then unknown months to be processed. Nobody know how fast will BEC process cases. I think 10 day- process speed is too optimistic. The BEC plan is worst than none to NY state backlogs. We need them to address our issues according to the FIFO rule!

richshi said:
Most of you probably already know that NY SESA staff has been reduced from 45 (peak time) to 15 (now) to accomodate with the new plan. Therefore, it is just "normal" for them to ponder on the October 2001 cases for the past 2 months. Quote from a friend who knows someone working at NY DOL, there are a big batch of cases received on Nov. 2, 2001 (filed by a law firm named Fragomen something), it is their target to finish that batch by the end of year 2004. Then they will start wrap things up, moving the remaining cases to BEC in early 2005. Well, I hope they can do better than that.

Wonder how fast they need to move things at BEC to eliminate all backlogs in 2 years. I have sent to faxes to complain the unfairness to New York filer, but some people on this forum think it is useless. They think it is only fair for SF and PHily regional to be processed first because their original office have been closed, and such such.

I can do no more. My case was in early 2003, it makes no difference to me. Up to you guys. Good luck. Be happy!
Thanks gcby2020

Big Hand to gcby2020, Great job.
Any effort made will never be in vain, it will have some impact somewhere. So Lets keep doing it,

Thanks everyone for doing a good job on this board.

Lets act togather and we can turn the tide.

from nj thread

from nj thread

As of 11/08/04, NY DOL is processing cases received on July 14th,04.

July 14-----------Case# 02509034 was processed as per AVM.

Long Wait for Inquiry Process

Hi, my PD is 8/2/2001. Our attorney office said DOL had inquiry about my job on 5/17. I immediately provided the updated job description. Due to attorney office delay, the response was finally submitted in June. So far, no update. NOTHING. I checked regional office, and my case is not there. My questions are:

1) Did anyone experience such a long delay after response to an inquiry has been submitted? In my case, it's been 5 months.
2) How do you deal with a reputable attorney office but with zero responsive attitude?

I am applying GC through company. I'm indeed excruiatingly frustrated.

Thanks for your advice!
We should demonstrate somewhere in NYC?

Maybe in front of the DOL building. It's one of the most in-humane things that is happening in this so-called free country. They should not hang people in lines for so long! I hate this country, no joking.
nylcvictim said:
Maybe in front of the DOL building. It's one of the most in-humane things that is happening in this so-called free country. They should not hang people in lines for so long! I hate this country, no joking.

I thought abt that. We will do it if need be. If we can send atleast 50 letters from NY to DOL chief with cc to Clinton and Schumer it might help. Of course there are lot of naysayers on this board who disagree with this approach, I say we have nothing to lose by writing.
Overall things are looking very bad for us locally and nationally. With Bush almighty planning to revive his bid to legalise illegal immigrants, things are going to get incredibly worse for us after LC is done(whenever that happens). I140/485 backlog is likely to balloon to over five years if Bush has his way. That means for 2001 filers, we will get our GC somewhere around 2007 to 2010. That is if we hold on to our jobs for that long. If we dont want that to happen, the only alternative is to fight and fight hard.
gcby2020, why dont you prepare a letter again asking them prioritize NY applications in BECs or NPCs and we will send the same letter to DOL and senators. Even if we all send the same letter, it does not hurt, all we need is their attention. It does not have to be that long but a short one would do I guess.


gcby2020 said:
I thought abt that. We will do it if need be. If we can send atleast 50 letters from NY to DOL chief with cc to Clinton and Schumer it might help. Of course there are lot of naysayers on this board who disagree with this approach, I say we have nothing to lose by writing.
Overall things are looking very bad for us locally and nationally. With Bush almighty planning to revive his bid to legalise illegal immigrants, things are going to get incredibly worse for us after LC is done(whenever that happens). I140/485 backlog is likely to balloon to over five years if Bush has his way. That means for 2001 filers, we will get our GC somewhere around 2007 to 2010. That is if we hold on to our jobs for that long. If we dont want that to happen, the only alternative is to fight and fight hard.
NYWait100 said:
... I immediately provided the updated job description. Due to attorney office delay, the response was finally submitted in June

There should be a deadline for the answer to the DOL. Are you sure that your attorney answered in time?

NYWait100 said:
Did anyone experience such a long delay after response to an inquiry has been submitted?

My delay was about 2 months.
You have to check with State DOL first. In my case they confirmed that they got our answer and next they gave me the exactly date when they send my case to the Regional DOL.
Calling to the Regional DOL is a big problem. :( In my case I try to get the real answer during last weeks without any good result. I know my case number from the attorney, but an automated system could not locate it by the employer phone # :confused:
Good luck!
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