New York SESA Tracker

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Hi longway01,

this is good new, i am happy for you.

Do you work in IT field , do you know what is you dot code ?


longway01 said:

Just called the NY regional office, I was told that my case was received in the NY regional DOL on July 15, 2004. The nice lady at the DOL office told me that this case should be processed soon. I am asked to check back with the NY regional office in 4 weeks.

Finally I know where my case is now.

I will pray.
659 cases entered from Oct 13 th

cases entered into NY DOL SYSTEM between Oct 13 th and Nov 4th

02511848-02511189 = 659

Qucick mouse Confirm your case in the below by any chance..

11/4/2004 0251-1845 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1846 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1848 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
ahalem said:
Hi longway01,

this is good new, i am happy for you.

Do you work in IT field , do you know what is you dot code ?


The DOT code is 030.062_010. I don't know what it is at all.
I work for a major finanical institute firm. Generally speaking, my job function is about application development.
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On Nov 03/04/05, there are more than 10 cases from my company entered into the system. I haven't get a chance to speak with someone in regional DOL. I probably should do it on coming Monday. Let's see what will happen...

cases entered into NY DOL SYSTEM between Oct 13 th and Nov 4th

02511848-02511189 = 659

Qucick mouse Confirm your case in the below by any chance..

11/4/2004 0251-1845 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1846 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1848 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
longway01 said:

Just called the NY regional office, I was told that my case was received in the NY regional DOL on July 15, 2004. The nice lady at the DOL office told me that this case should be processed soon. I am asked to check back with the NY regional office in 4 weeks.

Finally I know where my case is now.

I will pray.

We will all pray for you provided you pray for all of us who are left behind :)))
Did I get get it right that LC filed in oct2001 was moved to regional DOL on July 15?? And your lawyer was never notified. So you just tried your luck and called up and got a response.

What I am seeing over here is that the oct 2001 cases have been moved to regional anytime from may 2001 to nov 2001. Does that mean that good number of november and december cases are also at regional level. Maybe I should also call and see what happens. What number did you call and information did you give?
gcby2020 said:
We will all pray for you provided you pray for all of us who are left behind :)))
Did I get get it right that LC filed in oct2001 was moved to regional DOL on July 15?? And your lawyer was never notified. So you just tried your luck and called up and got a response.

What I am seeing over here is that the oct 2001 cases have been moved to regional anytime from may 2001 to nov 2001. Does that mean that good number of november and december cases are also at regional level. Maybe I should also call and see what happens. What number did you call and information did you give?

Let's all pray for each other until we are done with this lengthy,painful, and frustrating GC process, shall we?:)
To answer your questions:
1. Yes, I just called the NY Regional DOL randomly.
2. I don't know if my lawyer has been notified on this or not. My guess is not since I was not informed about any notice recieved at the attorney's office.
3. See my previous post for the number. It is also posted on the DOL website.
longway01 said:
Let's all pray for each other until we are done with this lengthy,painful, and frustrating GC process, shall we?:)
To answer your questions:
1. Yes, I just called the NY Regional DOL randomly.
2. I don't know if my lawyer has been notified on this or not. My guess is not since I was not informed about any notice recieved at the attorney's office.
3. See my previous post for the number. It is also posted on the DOL website.

I will call on monday and see what happens. Also hope to send out letters this weekend to DOL officials and cc to Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.
I called regional DOL today. And yes, they just put my case onto their system on 11/04. It's about 1.5 month delay between SWA forwarded the case and regional DOL actullay put it up there.

Given the fact they are processing case received in May, I have no idea when they can process my case in regional office:(

cases entered into NY DOL SYSTEM between Oct 13 th and Nov 4th

02511848-02511189 = 659

Qucick mouse Confirm your case in the below by any chance..

11/4/2004 0251-1845 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1846 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
11/4/2004 0251-1848 030.162-014 Programmer Analyst
It is about execution!

In reply to a friend's question as to what to write in the fax to the DOL officials to complain about the unfairness.

The DOL has a plan to eliminate the backlog. That is good. Problem lies with the execution. We want fairness and efficiency. First in first out, regardless where the labor was filed.

PERM has been talked about, promised and then trashed, for more than 5 years. Now it seems everyone has given up hope on that.

Elimination plan, also still in the very early stage, honestly, we should protest the slow progress they are making on the elimination plan. How could they spent 3 months doing so little. So far it seems not a single case has been done via the BECs. Then you have the unfairness. Why Phily and SF federal level get treated first? Do their cases have earlier priority date than NY's?? People get to ask the question. Or maybe new york filers have been behaving so docile?

I filed my case in early 2003 as financial analyst from a major bank, but I still think I should make my voice heard to get myself ahead in the struggle. You must cry, the louder the better. Who has their LC cases wait in line for longer than 3 years? Feel sorry for you guys, but admire your patience. But hi, have you done anything to help yourself?
Tracker as of 11/08/04

Updated quickmouse transfer date

quickmouse - I have tracking processing at Regional, they are actually well into June and the June volume is low. I think they will hit July in the next couple weeks.

I still think it will be 4 months for you to get approved.
I fully understand your pain. And I am one of those who have been waiting for more than 3 years. But how do you know if we have done anything or not?
In another word, is this your first time to deal with DOL/BSCIS?

I believe we sent letters to senators more than once over last 3 years. And I believe they probably checked with DOL. But what was next? Absolutely nothing!!!

It's fine to announce your unhappiness about the long waiting or advocate to voice out. But don't laugh at other people. While you are still at your early waiting stage, I wish you best luck on this. We can wait and see who will win the battle -- you or DOL/BSCIS.

richshi said:
In reply to a friend's question as to what to write in the fax to the DOL officials to complain about the unfairness.

The DOL has a plan to eliminate the backlog. That is good. Problem lies with the execution. We want fairness and efficiency. First in first out, regardless where the labor was filed.

PERM has been talked about, promised and then trashed, for more than 5 years. Now it seems everyone has given up hope on that.

Elimination plan, also still in the very early stage, honestly, we should protest the slow progress they are making on the elimination plan. How could they spent 3 months doing so little. So far it seems not a single case has been done via the BECs. Then you have the unfairness. Why Phily and SF federal level get treated first? Do their cases have earlier priority date than NY's?? People get to ask the question. Or maybe new york filers have been behaving so docile?

I filed my case in early 2003 as financial analyst from a major bank, but I still think I should make my voice heard to get myself ahead in the struggle. You must cry, the louder the better. Who has their LC cases wait in line for longer than 3 years? Feel sorry for you guys, but admire your patience. But hi, have you done anything to help yourself?
quickmouse said:
I fully understand your pain. And I am one of those who have been waiting for more than 3 years. But how do you know if we have done anything or not?
In another word, is this your first time to deal with DOL/BSCIS?

I believe we sent letters to senators more than once over last 3 years. And I believe they probably checked with DOL. But what was next? Absolutely nothing!!!

It's fine to announce your unhappiness about the long waiting or advocate to voice out. But don't laugh at other people. While you are still at your early waiting stage, I wish you best luck on this. We can wait and see who will win the battle -- you or DOL/BSCIS.

Just curious, when and which senator have you mailed letter to? You sound beaten up. I am pretty sure senator won't give it shit because you are not eligible to vote. Instead, try to voice your opinion to the DOL directly.

I have sent out 2 fax to DOL officials. And it is not a battle between me and the DOL, it is us and them. Got it? Who will win, that is anther silly assumption. If my call make them pay attention to NY sufferers like you, you will win. I am not laughing at you, wonder what make you feel that way. I am doing my part, just hope you will do yours. That's all, my friend!
Hey Guys:

All of us are in the same boat over here. Unless we speak up and make our voices heard, nobody is going to help us. Agreed senators havent listened to us before. But we need to contnue using our pen and take to the streets if need be. LC is just a start. Look at the backlogs of the further stages. And in this distinctly anti-immigrant mood of the country we will be facing thousand more hurdles. Unfortunately we are the collateral damage of this country's fight against terrorists and illegal immigrants. Unless we repeatedly point out this inhumane treatment of the legal immigrants to the senators/congressman/mewsmen and lay American citizenry, expect more misery.

Richshi, I am glad that yo took the initiative to fax out the letters. Keep up the good work. Its a long battle ahead. As they say, something that doesnt kill you only makes you stronger. Probably we all emerge as more stronger and mature individuals after surviving this torture.

Thanks. I appreciate your we-must-fight attitude. I hope you can also send fax or make phone calls to the DOL officers who are in charge. The more people do it, the better result we will get. The more frequent we do it, the faster result we will see. No one will punish you for voicing your concern, this is after all a free speech country. Besides, things will not get worse than this, waiting for 1.5 years just for the LC (some folks have been waiting much longer in this state) drives me nuts. I have fought all the way to my position today, there is no way I will let this slip without a fight.

Let me quote Lincoln here: Good things will eventually come to those who wait, but only after those who fight.
Your time will come.

There was a time when we sent letters to DOL officials, senators, even the press. The DOL alone got about 50 of these letters. We made a point to send the same letter so that it would not go unnoticed.

Not sure we got anything from them. I do think it did help us to at least try to make a difference.

richsi - I wrote the letter (with help from multiple people on this forum).

Do you have the right to try to make your voice heard? Sure, be my guest.

Now, let me give you a point of view. And before I do this, remember my PD is 11/14/01 - i.e. one of the oldest.

Do I think senators, DOL are going to change anything at this point? Improbable at best, our best chance is if we actually give them an alternative as opposed to I don't like what you are doing. Beyond that this is what I think.

The Backlog Elimination Plan is MACRO plan to reduce the backlog. The goal is to eliminate the backlog. Is it unfair at a MICRO level? Sure it is, there is no way it couldn't be...

NY wants to go first, or others states with older PDs still waiting.
States with quick turnarounds, like Maine want no part of it.
Yet, others could care less because it will take about the same time.

Bottomline, someone will be affected negatively regardless of the path followed.

Practically speaking from a management position you want the MACRO plan that works that GENERALLY will address the issue.

Why Philadelphia and San Francisco first? Well, because an implementation plan has to be PRACTICAL. And if you are moving your staff from your Regions first, then you need to get the cases out of there right?

What about PERM? Here not here? Same thing it is all about the MACRO solution. Think about it, are there regions in the country where shortages are greater than others? Sure, but things this scale need to be managed at a MACRO level. Unemployment exists in the US and after all citizens get first shot at jobs. This is a political issue. Is it unfair at the MICRO level? Sure it is.

So, would I write a letter? At this point only to the Backlog Elimination Centers themselves AND OLNY if I had a plan to propose. Otherwise in a MACRO sense - a plan that seems to make sense is already in place.

By the way, I began drafting a letter a few weeks back with such a plan. Will I ever send it? I don't know yet. At this point I don't think so because I honestly think approval times for NY cases will be better for most of us under the current plan.

Think about it:

My case 11/14/2001

- under current plan: 4-6 months to approval.
- BEC acting on it immediately:
---- 30 days to pack, unpack, data enter
---- send letter, reply to letter, capture response, 30-45 days
---- 10 days for approval.
---- Total 3 months - Yes I know three months is better than 4 but after waiting for 3+ years, not that big a deal for me.

Think about a January 2002 case

- under current plan: 5-7 months
- This gives BEC another 3 months to get there act together and they still would process this case in the same time or less.
- And the newer the case, the more this applies.

So write the letter if you want to, run naked in front of the DOL if you'd like.

I CHOOSE to do nothing because at a MACRO level I believe this plan makes sense.

Oh, and feel free to comment for or against - if nothing it helps to pass time faster and get closer to the date I get my approval.

Good luck to all on your LC approvals
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State approval : 3 years
Regional approval : 5 months
I140 : 1 year
I485 : 2 to 3 years

For everything else, there's MasterCalm...

p.s : Justwatching said it all, no need to speak my opinion on this subject.
I fully agree with your last posting.
What can we change? The answer is NOTHING.
However we have rights to leave this country.
Good luck to all who will survive in this infinite LC process...
I have been writing to the newspapers.

I am copying my earlier post from the main thread. I wrote the following repsonse to articles in newspapers fron Arkansas and San Fran immediately after the third presidential debate and got ecouraging replies from the editors (pardon my typos).

"I read your article with interest. Though the plight of illegal immigrants is well publicised in thiscountry, nobody is talking about the horrors that the legal immigrants like me are going through due to the backlogs in the processing of the "greencards" and other immigration related issues like visas, work
permits and travel documents.

I am a physician from India, in this country legally since 1995. I finished my masters, then the residency training and started working in Bronx, NY taking care of the poor uninsured minority patients. I have paid taxes like any other American and havent broken a single law since the time I have landed in this
wonderful country. Like most of other immigrants I see myself settling down over here... if DHS/USCIS allows me to do so.

I have applied for green card since 2001. The way things are going in New York agencies and in the rest of the country, I am unlikely to get my green card for next five years. The whole process of getting a green card for the legal immigrant used to take one to one and half years. Now it is taking upto ten years in places like New York and California. I am sure you are well aware of all these ramifications of not having a green card. Not having a green card means that I cannot change my employer, my wife cannot work, cannot apply for any reasearch grants, cannot advance my career, have to pay exorbitant high interest rates for housing and student loans, cannot travel outside the country. This list goes on and on. And I have to maintain continuous employment till I get my green card. If get laid off before I get my gren card, I have to pack my bags and leave the country immediately. Now which
employer is going to give you job security for ten years.

If you think I am a aberration, by USCIS own admission, there are upwards of six million applications for green card since 2001. And there are million more applications waiting for labor certification which is the first step of getting the green card. Seven million lives and careers of legal immigrants have been destroyed.

While everybody has been discussing the issue of illegal immigrants, it is very disheartening to note that nobody has brought up the plight of legal immigrants in these country due to the incredible backlogs. And it seems very bizarre that when the country cannot even process the paperwork of legal
immigrants in a timely fashion, then what is the point in discussing about illegal immigrants. Dont get me wrong, I am not against illegal immigrants. I share their pain and suffering. My point is that it is useless to promise something when you know there are absolutely no mechanisms or resources to fulfill those promises.

Why this tragedy is being is tolerated in this country? Your article provides an answer to the above question. We have no one to speak on our behalf since
it wouldn't be politically correct to do so in times of war and job losses. For DHS we are security threat (doesnt matter that some of us have been in this
country for a decade already and gotten advnaced degrees in fields of science, computers and medicine) and for politicians we are pawns in the hands of "Benedict Arnolds" who are supposedly hiring us for less pay while displacing American workers (despite the evidence that the pay of H1Bs is at par or higher than their American counterparts).

The upshot of all this is that the country reputed for its rich pro-immigrant history is projecting a image being rabidly anti-immigrant to the rest of the world. While this will drive all the legal immigrants away, I dont think it will stop the illegal immigrants from coming. How this shift in immigration pattern will affect the US society and the economy, only time will tell.

Meanwhile what can I do to do the rectify the failure of imagination yet again in the country? Likely a true US citizen (though I am decades away from becoming a US citizen, it doesn't prevent me from acting like one. My friends say I am delusional. Maybe I am, so what?) I can only write to individuals like you who I hope will be more attuned to our plight and suffering and likewise help us out.

Thank you for reading such a long email"

I got the following responses:

From "Lochhead, Carolyn -- Chron" <>

"very interesting and horrible. where do you live? i may be covering
this in future and would like to be able to reach you.

And from
Wesley Brown, Business Editor, Arkansas News Bureau
Stephens Media

"Thank you for you response. I have a good friend who is legal immigrant and I have written about the issue in the past, but I will do further research and think about writing another column on the subject soon."
I will continue writing, espousing our cause. What benefit will this accrue? I dont know. My experience at my hospital has been that Americans are totally ignorant of our plight and when I tell them they are genuinely horrified and dismayed at the actions of DOL/USCIS. Now one can make an argument, this positive response that I am getting is because this is NY and people are very liberal. Maybe true and maybe people in the rest of US may not be open to immigrants. But as you can see from response of the editor of newspaper from Arkansas we may get support from so called conservative states.

All it takes for me is that instead of watching TV I work on this. Not a big sacrifice for me.
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