New York SESA Tracker

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LoveNY said:
Gcby2020, did you put your name under sincerely ? If you did not, can we ?

Yes I did. Otherwise they will not take us seriously. They will think this is one person mass mailing to them. I am really glad that you so many are taking the initiative to write to DOL. I am not sure what will be the result of all this. But it is nice to know other victims of this mess are not apathetic and will not take it lying down. That gives me great hope. Keep it up guys.
richshi said:
Permanent Excuse Repeatedly Mentioned. :eek:

In the letter to Carlson, maybe we should also address the nationwide (at least New York state and federal level) slowdown, if not a halt, of the current processing system. For example, it is taking SESA 3 months for them to do October 2001 RIR.

Liked your definition of PERM very much. Keep the humor flowing. Helps me alleviate the stress (and yes I am stressed despite my signature :)))))
Hi Kohls

Can you please give us some detail of how the process works in the 7th years extension, did your lawyer have to contact the DOL at all ? did INS request evidence of the DOL case?


kohls said:
Mine took like 2 months end-to-end
ahalem said:
Hi Kohls

Can you please give us some detail of how the process works in the 7th years extension, did your lawyer have to contact the DOL at all ? did INS request evidence of the DOL case?

This may useful to you.I got 7th year extension last week
Labor pending with NJ state so lawyer requested letter from nj state before apply 7th year.
I went premium processing, approved in a week.
ahalem said:
Hi Kohls

Can you please give us some detail of how the process works in the 7th years extension, did your lawyer have to contact the DOL at all ? did INS request evidence of the DOL case?


I think they did, and got some kinda paperwork/confirmation from DOL.
Old news?

New Labor Department Centers Will Cut Backlogs in Foreign Labor Certification Program

Tue Nov 16,11:30 AM ET

To: National Desk

Contact: Lorette Post of the U.S. Department of Labor, 202-693-3984, or U.S. Department of Labor Public Affairs, 202-693-4676

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the opening of two backlog elimination centers to expedite the processing of permanent foreign labor certification applications. The centers, located in Philadelphia and Dallas, will handle the processing of approximately 310,000 backlogged applications over the next two years.

"The establishment of these centers reflects the President's determination to make government operations more timely, efficient and effective," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "Reducing the backlog will help us better serve the needs of workers and employers and ensure the efficient and proper handling of their applications."

----Elaine L. Chao, how dare you talk about efficiency??? Where have you been for the past 3 years, bitch??

Changes made to the Immigration and Nationality Act over the past several years have led to a dramatic increase in applications for alien certification for permanent employment. The Department of Labor estimates that all but about 60,000 new applications are the result of statutory revisions.

The Permanent Labor Certification Program processes employer requests for foreign workers when U.S. workers are not available, willing, and able to fill job openings. The new centers will coordinate with state workforce agencies and DOL's Employment and Training Administration Division of Foreign Labor Certification to shrink the backlog.
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some more action?

I am very much pleased to see people sending messages to the national officer and BEC officers, have faith, this is gonna help you. Now I have some suggestions to people who filed in Nov and Dec 2001, because I think it is likely your cases will be unfairly treated. gcby2020, ahalem, and justwatching, if things go at the current speed at the state level, there is a good chance your case (opened, but not done yet by 12/31/04) will be processed the old fashion way, which means they will be transferred from State to federal, instead of going to BECs, in Jan 2005. If they treat your case the same way they do things now at federal level, it will be at least 4-5 months for your cases to be certified. It is not too bad considering that you have been waiting in pain for more than 3 years already, but this is not RIGHT. Assume someone filed in March 2002 in NY, their cases will be most likely sent to BECs, and from there it may take less time for them to be certified (BECs are going to run fast as well expected in order to reach the 2 year goal).

I understand since Jan 1, 2005, all the pending LCs shall be processed on FIFO, and priority date should be the initial filing date with state. In this case, how will NY federal office process the LC received?... right now they are processing based on the federal level receipt date. That's why you see LC filed in NJ is being processed up to mid-2002, while NY is being processed up to Sept 2001. But with the new policy in effect since 2005, is this to be changed? Now, if the priority date was to be reset nationwide, would you care to voice your concern to the federal office in NY (which is responsible for several states including NY, NJ and now MA, etc) that your case should be given preference to cases filed in other states because yours are the oldest ones.
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Not right, sure I agree with that...

but think about my case - November 14, 2001 (happy anniversary ahalem)

Let;s say it sits in SWA until end of December, then transfers to Regional. I get an approval in April 2005.

If I yell, pound, cry, set myself on fire...and DOL decides to listen to me. My case would be packed and transferred to BEC in December. Entered in January 2005. BEC sends 45-day letter sent to attorney, attorney checks with employer, employer says yes, attorney reponds...its now end of February. If I'm lucky they get to my case in March. 2005 - after all there are other states with PDs older than mine.

So I can do nothing and get my approval on April 2005 or I can spend a lot of energy and get my approval on March 2005 - and this is assuming that someone at DOL says today, oh my, we really are being unfair - SOMEBODY get on it and get JustWatching's case over here right now!

Don't misunderstand me, what richshi, gcby2020 and others are doing is a GOOD thing. It can never hurt - it's just that my time has passed...

Good luck everyone.
Happy anniversary Just watching. mine is 13 as you know

I kept silent for the last few days, but its time to speak: First I can not believe its already 3 years with no progress. But it’s the reality which I have to face: economy slowdown , September 11th, labor department policy changes, being careless with us and others.
I agree with Just Watching, I think you guys should express your frustration to everybody in the congress , labor department and even the white house.
I will support you by faxing this letter too , but for my case which I think it got the worst of worst situation can any body get in this process, I do not think they care about few hundreds cases or they will do any kind of acceleration for it , they are more worry about where to buy the turkey for thanks giving day and the charismas gift.
Well , happy holidays every body, and wish that 2005 become a better year for us.
JustWatching , one last question, why do you think our case will not be moved to the BEC and will be processed by SEAS ? they reduce the labor to 15 person and going slowly already
ahalem said:
JustWatching , one last question, why do you think our case will not be moved to the BEC and will be processed by SEAS ? they reduce the labor to 15 person and going slowly already

Actually, I don't know that they will NOT transfer our cases to BEC. Maybe they will, to be honest I would rather they didn't.

I'm unclear as to how the BEC is operating...some say Philly DOL and SF DOL cases will be processed before anything else...this would be bad news for us if we got transferred. Others say, that once you are transferred, they will process by PD, this would be good news for us.

I think if we stay in NY SWA and NY Regional at least I have a better sense of how long its going to take to get approved.
JUstwatchin, Ahalem...

All 2001 filers like you and me are in worst shape. Yesterday my employer called NY SESA. He was politely told that things are in transition and they may have more details after Jan 1st. They refused to give any indication as to whether they have stopped opening new cases and where do they stand. Looks like they have completely stopped any new cases and preparing to transfer the cases to BECs. The staff at BECs are going to be in their learning curve for the first six months. There are going to be lots of RFEs/denials/appeals. So there is very good chance that our aplications are not going to be processed for another one year. We may celebrate one more anniversary. The alternative is to protest. I sincerely thank all those who have faxed/mailed the letter. I am confident that even if we dont reap the benefits of our protests, future applicants definitely will . Therein lies my satisfaction.

I am planning to write to the Secretary of Labor. Wish me good luck.
I agree with you , I am worry of how long it will take from them to stabilize the process in BEC and if SF/PHILLY cases will be processed before other cases as many mentioned before. I guess i will have to wait and see.

JustWatching said:
Actually, I don't know that they will NOT transfer our cases to BEC. Maybe they will, to be honest I would rather they didn't.

I'm unclear as to how the BEC is operating...some say Philly DOL and SF DOL cases will be processed before anything else...this would be bad news for us if we got transferred. Others say, that once you are transferred, they will process by PD, this would be good news for us.

I think if we stay in NY SWA and NY Regional at least I have a better sense of how long its going to take to get approved.
I tried contacting my attorney et all, and i was told that there are 'rumors' about how the cases are being picked / processed etc, but they don't have any clear indication from INS ( gosh, I still can't really write the USCIS... or whatever they are now) about it.

But do I take their word for anything ? Probably no, because people other than attorneys generally give out news before it's legally out.

So, I am still not sure if the Philly and SF are being picked befoer NY or not.

Hopefully PD is what they go by, but only time will tell.
What is the relation between USCIS and processing the cases in BEC? can you please give more detail

kohls said:
I tried contacting my attorney et all, and i was told that there are 'rumors' about how the cases are being picked / processed etc, but they don't have any clear indication from INS ( gosh, I still can't really write the USCIS... or whatever they are now) about it.

But do I take their word for anything ? Probably no, because people other than attorneys generally give out news before it's legally out.

So, I am still not sure if the Philly and SF are being picked befoer NY or not.

Hopefully PD is what they go by, but only time will tell.
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