New Thread for Transfer cases

Gotu ps can answer

My case has been transferred to Chicago Local office
where is the Chicago INS office ?? addess .. directions ..
 Is there a phone number I can call and check the status of my case ?/

Also what was the message at AVM you got from NSC when your case was tranferred ...

ps can you answer these questions

Check out my details at the start of the thread.
 More info:

 My Local INS : Detroit
 Case Transfer: 16-Feb-02
 Interview notice: 20-Apr-02
 Interview Scheduled: 07-Jun-02
 Approval: NOT YET!

They looked at my passport and wrote down
the last day of my entry. Since I did not have AP,
they did not ask for it.

I do not know if this is the standard procedure or this
is a special case.
I mean, after the interview, I thought you either get stamped or
rejected. I did not expect this.
Question for 485Detroit

How long after the transfer from NSC did you get the interview call from INS Detroit office? Could you tell some dates please.
Hope that your approval comes soon. Good luck
How about AP

Are they going to call for AP also. Did you check about your I-485 case when you were at local INS. I remember reading somewhere on the board, that one guy went for this EAD, asked the officer the status of his I-485..officer checked the status told him to bring some document and approved his case very next day.
We are based in Orlando, I don\'t know how long they take here for intervirew. Its more then 2 months now
Hi, RGN828

Congratulations and good luck! I have the very similiar situation with your wife. Fail fingerprint twice and transfer to local Chicago INS. Could you please do me a favor to contact me at I will appreciate your help very much if you can kindly share your detailed information with me. Thanks in advance.
TO: Prakash Easwaran .. Good Luck with your Interview..

It is on 17th, Right?

Want to wish you all the best !!

Please post your interview experience.

I am still waiting for my interview date from INS Denver.

AVM message didn\'t change since we replied to RFE (on BC). After the case has been transferred, it changed. I just saw a posting by Amrish Shah "Got interview notice for my wife". It looks like even though you get the approval and your wife didnt, still you both might be called for the interview. Which makes me think that my lawyer was right??? I have to stick with the company I am working for 6 more months....
To Prakash Easwaran

I think 485 Detroit\'s interview went fine. Now, he is just waiting for the approval letter. It is not as bad as not knowing where one\'s file is, RFE or any other problems.

All the accounts of local office interviews I heard so far are quite encouraging & pretty straight forward. Nothing to worry.

All the Best !!

I want to end this message with this prayer that I heard often : "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Approved after a long long time

ND Dec 2000
Transferred in Dec 2001
Got interview notice in May 2002
Interview date 14 Jun 02
Very peaceful interview. Got my passport printed. Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!
What a ride it has been?

Yes my wife is working on EAD and she never worked on H-1B before getting EAD. I hope you are right that they will call only my wife. I still predict Fingerprints as she had to give them twice.

Please let me know if you get an interview, contents of the interview letter and most important your experience at Local INS.

My lawyer got the transfer notice for my wife\'s case but we didn\'t get any. Who will get the interview letter ??


I did left a query for my case in chicago INS.
how long does it take for them to respond?
i filled a yellow form and left it a counter on
2 nd floor?
no repsonse yet. 21 days have passed.
Hi Munu...

My wife and Myself went for first finger prints in 02/01. Later my wife got another firnger print notice saying that the earlier finger prints were "Unclassifiable" It had appoontment date and where to give finger prints (same as our first FP notice). My wife gave her second FP in 03/01. After that in 11/01 when I spoke to IIO in both of our cases, IIO (nice lady), said that, my FP were approved but she doesn\'t see any approval for my wife\'s FP. This is the reason I think its a FP issue.
12/00 RD , case transferred to chicago from Nebraska !!! Urgent questions .. ps

Hello Guys,
Yesterday as per the AVM, " Your case transferred to Chicago Office "You will written decision as soon as processing is complete "

Please can some body say if this is a normal message for transfer cases ?
Does anybody have the number of the chicago local office?
If case is transferred to local office is it for sure you recieve a interview letter ?? or can a case be decided without an interview ??

What time frame am I looking at ???
My interview... Still not approved!!

I had my interview on Friday morning.
I went there with all my papers (W2s and schedules,
employment letter and everything.)
The interview was pretty much like:
"Do you belong to any org ? Were you ever deportted??
 Did you prosectue anyone?? etc.. etc.. "
My wife was asked the same details.
And then they asked for my employment letter. That is it.

Then I was told that my approval notice should come in mail
in 2 to 3 weeks! (Barring some problems.)
I think they are running security checks again, now that
so much is happening @ FBI/ CIA etc.

So, no approval yet...

And still waiting...

Overall, interview was very lenient. Very easy.
But I wish I had it all done with.