New Thread for Transfer cases


Our Lawyer got the transfer notice, it says something like \'Initial processing is completed and case is transfered to local office...\'.

When did you get the second finger print notice for your wife. I mean after the first one expired or before that.

I have seen lot of spouse cases are getting transfered recently. I am just waiting for someone to post the experience after the interview.
Case transfered from TSC to NSC

RD 03/19/01
ND 04/03/01
Recvd 2 EADs and 2 APs (latest on 03/20/02)
Transfered from TSC to NSC on 4th,Jun\'02

AVM message - On Jun 4th your case has been trasfered to the NSC for them to schedule and conduct an interview NSC will inform you for the interview or of any action they take on your case.

Any inputs as to what to conclude from this will be appreciated.
Gotu ps can answer

My case has been transferred to Chicago Local office

where is the Chicago INS office ?? addess .. directions ..
 Is there a phone number I can call and check the status of my case ?/

Also what was the message at AVM you got from NSC when your case was tranferred ...

ps can you answer these questions
Hi, RGN828 (Case Transferred to Local Chicago INS)

I have a similar situation like yours. I got the approval but my wife\'s case has been transfered to local Chicago INS office. My Wife\'s fingerprints were rejected once and she had to give her fingerprints twice. Can you please let me know your experience at Local INS.

Thank You
No Title

Chicaog INS is on 10 W, Jackson.
no phone nos. for chicaog INS where you can talk to someone
there is 1800 no. for cust. service of INS there you can
call them and inqure about ur case status.

AVM message not changed, no transfer notice also.
Exact address/directions you can find it on INS website
interview at denver

went for my int. today
paperwork etc went smoothly. they asked std questions, we gave the usual answers.
They took index prints for self and wife for the physical card.
But they did\'nt stamp the pp. Some BS about having to request State Dept in DC to pull our A #\'s from the yearly quota of immigrant #\'s for 2002. Of course when request was faxed it was 2.30 PM MDT , 4.30 EST and state dept was closed so now they\'ll mail us the approval notice and we have to go back and get our pp stamped.
Basically what 485 detroit went thru.
The wait continues....
Prakash Easwaran and 485 Detroit

It will be OK. I wish you will get your approval letter soon. Best of luck. Please keep updated this thread.
Prakash Easwaran.. That gives us all hope..

Did they ask you to show them any documents?
Did they take any documents from you?

I think it is a matter of few more days.
Denver seems to be better than most of the other local INS offices.

Have faith.

Best Wishes.
Prakash Eswaran - I think it is not a problem.

Portland-OR, thanks for the encouragement...

And Prakash, I think it should not be a problem.
Keep posting any progress... If I ge any information, I
will let you know.

The thing that I am not alone makes me breath a little
Number for Cleveland INS

The correct number is (216) 522-4777 and not (216) 522-4770. My case was transferred there on the 05/20. Have yet to receive the interview letter from them. The Cleveland office told me that I should be hearing from them soon. The interview letters are sent out 3~4 weeks prior to the interview. Furthermore, she said that I could be called in July or August at the latest.
485 Detroit- I am sure you will be approved.

I think you need not to worry, as they asked you simple questions and you replied them properly. You are right they are doing security check may be many folded security check. This 9/11 have created problem for all of us. Even for security check they don\'t need 2-3 week. Hope you will be getting your approval notice in 1 week. Good luck.

It depends on your local INS. Some local
INS issues EAD without appointment. You may
call your local INS or check at reception/information desk
if you have time to visit local INS.

They looked at my passport and wrote down
the last day of my entry. Since I did not have AP,
they did not ask for it.

I do not know if this is the standard of this is rare.
I mean, after the interview, I thought you either get stamped or
sri san

Is it possible to go for EAD renewal without appointment letter. My wife case was transfered to local INS. yesterday her AP also got transfered and now EAD could any time now. So I don\'t know how long local INS takes to schedule interview...Can we just go there and apply for EAD renewal.
485 Detroit good luck

I hope it is just a formality. They will just search your record and will send you approval letter. Question for you - Didn\'t they took your AP,I-94 etc?

Bubbame, What did they ask you in the interview and what were the documents you were asked to bring? Did you get you passport stamped at Columbus INS? Enjoy your freedom.
PP stamped

I and my wife got our PP\'s stamped at Denver today. The INS faxed the approved I-81 to my lawyer who faxed it to me yesterday.
RD 12/19/00. ND 12/26/00
I 140 was approved for CP originally.
PD 8/99
EB 2 nonRIR , India

The I-81 had the wrong address on it even though I told the officer at the time of the interview what the right one was.
The guy stamping the PP said there was nothing he could do as the approved I-81 had already been mailed to KY where they apparently make the actual card. So now I have to call their Customer Care # after 10 days to get it fixed.
The romance with INS continues...