NEW THREAD FOR 420 -CSOFT-NJ based company

tammy2 said:
Do the appeal. Your I-140 was approved a year before. You are an victum. If they have used your labor for some one else you can show AC-21.
You can fight.

But he cannot fight, if it was denied due to either fraudulent activity or due ability-to-pay issue. MTR always requires new evidence. I don't see any possible new evidence if it is denied due to above reasons. MTR can be filed only if it was revoked by company (original sponsorer) and beneficiary used A21 meanwhile. I don't think this is the case here.
u r as dumb as anybody is

pralay said:
After reading all the threads and messages for last two weeks is that all you got? Where did you get the idea about "the lack of visa number"? Is it coming from the company management too? This company management brainwashed your brain so much that you just cannot think in your own. Good luck for your future!

I-485 denial notice clearly says "The immigration petition filed on your behalf by XXXXX (company name) was denied.". Does it ring any bell in your brain? This line has only one meaning - your I-485 denied because underlying I-140 is denied. You know why I-140 is denied. In case you don't know, just read the NOID letter that was sent to company about a month back. If you don't have it, ask for it. If they don't give you, request for FOIA at USCIS. Help yourself. Unless you do that yourself, nobody will be able to help you.

Sorry for being rude, but it's amazing to see the level of ignorance and self-denials after all these.

Do you have the NOID letter? If you had it, you would have been suing the company right now. moreover, my question remains the same and if you have done FOIA, do you have any idea how long it takes for you to get it? I have done FOIA and it has been 4 mos already, it takes about 8 mos to a year. Just by guessing and taking things for granted does not help. So if you cannot help stay put and read my messages. I'm not here to mention we CAN we MUST we SHOULD, i am here asking HOW. If you have the letter(NOID)/concrete reasons for the 140 denials, i shall send you a PM and have you fax it to me so that I me me me me me can take some concrete action and not sit on thoughts coming to my or everyone's head. This is ridiculous, you are giving me all the info and knowledge and i want to see if you have all of these with you.
ok..take action

pralay said:
After reading all the threads and messages for last two weeks is that all you got? Where did you get the idea about "the lack of visa number"? Is it coming from the company management too? This company management brainwashed your brain so much that you just cannot think in your own. Good luck for your future!

I-485 denial notice clearly says "The immigration petition filed on your behalf by XXXXX (company name) was denied.". Does it ring any bell in your brain? This line has only one meaning - your I-485 denied because underlying I-140 is denied. You know why I-140 is denied. In case you don't know, just read the NOID letter that was sent to company about a month back. If you don't have it, ask for it. If they don't give you, request for FOIA at USCIS. Help yourself. Unless you do that yourself, nobody will be able to help you.

Sorry for being rude, but it's amazing to see the level of ignorance and self-denials after all these.

Having said what i had to say and hopefully that you gives you some idea of me being brain washed, i do not wish to be rude. but guys this will not cut it, no thinking/assuming/reading non factual info. We all know we got NOIDs. All i have is 485 denial letter. Today what can we do to prove fraudulent activity?

dipkrants2005 said:
Do you have the NOID letter? If you had it, you would have been suing the company right now. moreover, my question remains the same and if you have done FOIA, do you have any idea how long it takes for you to get it? I have done FOIA and it has been 4 mos already, it takes about 8 mos to a year. Just by guessing and taking things for granted does not help. So if you cannot help stay put and read my messages. I'm not here to mention we CAN we MUST we SHOULD, i am here asking HOW. If you have the letter(NOID)/concrete reasons for the 140 denials, i shall send you a PM and have you fax it to me so that I me me me me me can take some concrete action and not sit on thoughts coming to my or everyone's head. This is ridiculous, you are giving me all the info and knowledge and i want to see if you have all of these with you.

Because you posted that "Looking at the denial letter it seems like lack of visa numbers", pralay pointed it. You need not get irritated for that. You know very well that I485 is denied not because of lack of visa numbers. It's because I140 was denied. It's your I140, you paid for the expenses, you earned money for them all these days. CST has the responsibility to give you the copy of denial notice. You fight for that with them. There is no use of fighting here.
UN and pralay are advising us with their experience in these matters. If they had not predicted this and advised to take backup 1 month back, some of us would have been out-of-status by now. Guessing by analysing the situation with experience some times help to take precautionary measures.
Regarding fraud, you need not prove anything. I believe DOL/USCIS is already investigating.
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ok.. i agree

NewVictim2005 said:
Because you posted that "Looking at the denial letter it seems like lack of visa numbers", pralay pointed it. You need not get irritated for that. You know very well that I485 is denied not because of lack of visa numbers. It's because I140 was denied. It's your I140, you paid for the expenses, you earned money for them all these days. CST has the responsibility to give you the copy of denial notice. You fight for that with them. There is no use of fighting here.
UN and pralay are advising us with their experience in these matters. If they had not predicted this and advised to take backup 1 month back, most of us would have been out-of-status by now. Guessing by analysing the situation with experience some times help to take precautionary measures.
Regarding fraud, you need not prove anything. I believe DOL/USCIS is already investigating.

Newvictim, i agree with you that UN and pralay have warned and have helped. i am not denying that. but the sarcasm is what i do not understand. Why think that we are short on information or do not know what is happening. I clearly mentioned in my previous message that I485 being denied is not the issue but the I140 is. If you are suggesting we wait on investigation from DOL/USCIS we are blinding ourselves and have no alternative but to wait and watch and by then the imp people of the company will be roaming free.. i am probably taking this too personal !! good luck guys. I am going to take things in my own hands and do it my way.. you folks keep discussing..
dipkrants2005 said:
Newvictim, i agree with you that UN and pralay have warned and have helped. i am not denying that. but the sarcasm is what i do not understand. Why think that we are short on information or do not know what is happening. I clearly mentioned in my previous message that I485 being denied is not the issue but the I140 is. If you are suggesting we wait on investigation from DOL/USCIS we are blinding ourselves and have no alternative but to wait and watch and by then the imp people of the company will be roaming free.. i am probably taking this too personal !! good luck guys. I am going to take things in my own hands and do it my way.. you folks keep discussing..

I think dipkrants2005 is right..... with all the noise we are making
till now we havent reached so far.. do u know N can be arrested in one
single day if we just get a good attorney/lawyer
With so much evidence cops can put a freeze on him right away..
its just that we have not been able to unite and get a lead....
any good lawyer who is young and willing to take up the case canbe ahero
i know of a senior old person who was with family and very close to N
even he went out of status...

used original labor and was on ead..
Texas ??

Pls tell me all the denial happened only for VSC ?? Any one got affected by Texas Service Center..
I didnt see any denila or LUD changes for the people who are applied in TSC.
If those guys are OK then how come the employess belongs to the same compny got rejected in one center and got approved in another center ??
Can any one think abt this???
Any suggestions ??
dyingforgc said:
refer my above post. in continuation of that if you don't have any H1-B valid with any company then you can get new H1-B and come back with valid stamp and I-94 however since H1 quota for current year is already over, this option is not going to help.

If nothing works and you can file I-140 and I-485 (this is what matters) in less than 180 days, you would be okay and covered udner 245K. Once you file another I-485, you again would be back in legal status to stay in the country. But if you can't file another I-485 within 180 days you should leave this country to avoid 3-10 years bar.

This company has screwed up so many people's status.

or you can join Cybersoftec in Bangalore for 3-4 lakhs. Dude you have a valid job offer :). These ba$tard$ have ruined many lives. They will go straight to hell. No stops in between.
ap_gc said:
Pls tell me all the denial happened only for VSC ?? Any one got affected by Texas Service Center..
I didnt see any denila or LUD changes for the people who are applied in TSC.
If those guys are OK then how come the employess belongs to the same compny got rejected in one center and got approved in another center ??
Can any one think abt this???
Any suggestions ??

Dude...wake up. Its just a matter of time that they will get theirs. Even if your GC is approved today. It will be revoked as the basis itself is false. Dont think why it happened here and not there. Think what you have to do. This is a land of laws. If you feel injustice has been done, hire a lawyer. Please dont in the slightest sense believe what was in the 420 Companies mails.

Just for a laugh...."For reasons unknown" VSC rejected some cases. Everyone in the world knows the reasons.
Law chris: I need some info from you

Did you file H1 based on this this I 140 and 485. How did you get the extension.Now you got denials. What happens to the H1. Is your H1 valid after denial? I want some information from you.Can you please give your contact number?
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Belmont99 said:
Did you file H1 based on this this I 140 and 485. How did you get the extension.Now you got denials. What happens to the H1. Is your H1 valid after denial? I want some information from you.Can you please give your contact number?

I got a new H-1 based on i-140. The i-140 was in approved status at that time. After denials, the H-1 is still valid
Belmont99 said:
Did you file H1 based on this this I 140 and 485. How did you get the extension.Now you got denials. What happens to the H1. Is your H1 valid after denial? I want some information from you.Can you please give your contact number?

If your H1 extension was filed based on I-140 and WHICH IS DENIED NOW. Since you acquired H1-B extension based on pending application, which is denied now your H1-B extension is no more valid.
bear23 said:
I got a new H-1 based on i-140. The i-140 was in approved status at that time. After denials, the H-1 is still valid

I am afraid bear. you are wrong here. your extension was applied based on I-140, agreed that it was approved when extension was applied but once its denied, your extension is no more valid.
pralay said:
That's a very good sign. He understands immigrant worker's problem/reservations/uncomfortness regarding this issue.

Somewhere in your earlier posts you or UN mentioned that this guy (the immig investigation officer) is genuine. How do yu know that. I am 100% sure that there are moles and the way the threads were being deleted at the crucial moments raises doubts. Based on experience I am skeptical.

Did you talk to him. Did he identify himself. Do you think calling Vermont and finding out theinfo from the main office helps.

DeepSeaDiver said:
Somewhere in your earlier posts you or UN mentioned that this guy (the immig investigation officer) is genuine. How do yu know that. I am 100% sure that there are moles and the way the threads were being deleted at the crucial moments raises doubts. Based on experience I am skeptical.

Did you talk to him. Did he identify himself. Do you think calling Vermont and finding out theinfo from the main office helps.


no doubt he is a genuine guy. why don't you call and verify yourself? If you are afraid of calling . call him after work hrs to listen his voice mail. from voice mail you should be able to confirm his genuineness with name, department he works for, his designation etc.