New Jersey SESA Tracker

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Working outiside.

Hi folks,
Am working in California and my employer is in NJ and filed in SESA/NJ. IS my case be treated the same as others or different (as I work in California)?. Does anyone has such situation?
Gurus, Please reply.
I think the information on that site is not current upto the minute. We all have some idea from this forum that NJ is currently processing Sept 2001 cases. However, It is quite possible there are cases from Aug 2001 still pending in NJ labor dept. Hence, probably you see Aug 2001 on the website. Just my 2 cents.
the DOL website is about 1 month behind in terms of processing times. NJ DOL is definitely processing Sep 01 cases.
After each processing, there is a bottle-neck ? for next.
1- Fast SESA slow down Regional
2- Fast Regional slows down I140
3- Fast I140 slows downI485
I do'nt know, I am thinking it this direction, passing more than two years VA people still stuck in BCIS (Formerly INS) processes.
Re: Working outiside.

No one replied to my query.

Originally posted by Gottaget
Hi folks,
Am working in California and my employer is in NJ and filed in SESA/NJ. IS my case be treated the same as others or different (as I work in California)?. Does anyone has such situation?
Gurus, Please reply.

Hi pain_labor,
Thanks for ur reply. I dont know whether some one in this forum are also like me...working outisde NJ area.
Working Out side NJ

I am also working outside in NJ, and so many of my friends got their laobr working outside, so, shouldn't be a problem
Still waiting

My PD date is Sept 15 2001. I wait everyday to hear something from my lawyer. As soon as I hear something from him, I will let this forum know about it.

Hopefully it happens soon...

did u ever tried calling up NYDOL to check if your case is moved to federal. People who have filed in first week of September are getting their labor cleared. so i think your case should have been moved to federal. pl. keep posted and all the best.
Yes, Did you try getting status from NY DOL via your EMPLOYER FED-ID or EMPLOYER PHONE or YOUR CASE NO. May be your case has been forwarded to NYDOL.

The total turnaround time to get the news from NJ SESA that labor is approved and sent to NYDOL may be about 3 weeks. It would be better to get in touch with NYDOL to find out earlier if labor is approved by NJ SESA.

my case moved on June 23rd. Its 26th july today.
Has NY DOL slowed down, though it shows current.
Or is it only my case getting delayed?


DOL number


I am trying the DOL number (212-337-2193) that I got from this forum, to see if my labor has been transfered from NJ SESA, but no one seems to be picking up the phone. IS the number correct ?


the no. is correct. but they have this problem every now and then. also no one would answer the phone. its an automated system. even i tried calling but it just keeps ringing. may be they are updating data or who knows. keep trying and good luck.
Hi Guys,

I was using below e-mail id to check status of labor by providing my employer phone #.

But somehow it's now working now-a-days. I am getting error message
was not delivered to:


connect to[]: Connection

Any clue or please send me correct e-mail id if I am using wrong.

NJ DOL itself seems to have stopped functioning, how will the email system work!!!! Its a terrible terrible wait with these people
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