New Hampshire SESA Tracker

Labor Filing in NH

Mine was filed with NH SESA in May 2004; still waiting. My friend who filed at the same time in Non-RIR got her labor cleared from Regional Office-Boston. Anyway, let us wait and watch...
higv2000 said:
Mine was filed with NH SESA in May 2004; still waiting. My friend who filed at the same time in Non-RIR got her labor cleared from Regional Office-Boston. Anyway, let us wait and watch...

We need to find out how are some people getting the labor cleared so fast from NH in Non-RIR. Specially when the recruitment process will eat up about a month and a half. This makes it only one month of processing time in NH SESA and about one and half month in Boston DOL. It cant get better than this. Is it the lawyer who is making the difference?
My case is still awaiting to get picked up in Boston DOL. I filed in Dec 2003.
Please update nhlabor.xls

Folks those who cleared or awaiting ... please update our excel sheet. Add as much information as you would like .. even a big 2 paragraph note !!! the more information you give .. the more it would be useful.
gc_xp said:
Here is the updated list..

I updated mine. I dont see others updating the sheet. specially Non-RIR guys. Remember this will help us see where our cases stand compared to others.
Also will help others understand how fast the NH labor is really. It would have helped me a lot if this existed before I decided to apply from here.

neocor said:
I updated mine. I dont see others updating the sheet. specially Non-RIR guys. Remember this will help us see where our cases stand compared to others.
Also will help others understand how fast the NH labor is really. It would have helped me a lot if this existed before I decided to apply from here.


I Agree. My non-RIR was filed in April. I have no updates so far. processing dates have been updated to Feb 2004.
I remember reading on the forum that March applications have been processed recently. Are there any one on this forum who have applied in March/April and have received notification of processing?
I believe that NH SESA is processing March RIR applications. I have seen atleast one posting to confirm this. I have applied on 25th March RIR but yet to hear from SESA. Anyone who have filed in March and got some status, please update in this forum.
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NH Labor Cert Facts

All of the guys in NH Labor Tracker and any one concerned on GC matters: I am Ravi Obbu, VP with Infowave Systems. NH Labor processing dates are as current as Sep 30th 2004 on state approvals (least to us) and more or less same or better dates with Region i.e Boston. RIR or NON RIR it is more or less same.
Dates vary largely with the companies ....for an established proven NH based companies it wud be faster and for others approvals will be along the timelines. DOL objective is to ensure the services are not exploited..well that cud be a debatable topic on forum such as here. But I am pro DOL as for as these matters are concerned. And thus I volunteer here to give info as much as I know and am willing to share with you. My objective is to reduce/eliminate anxiety among us due uncertainnities in these matters.

Best possible source to get latest updated info is only from the respective company...all other sources are, as all of u are aware ,cud give relative picture only and may not be true to your specific case.

Any how please do let me know if you need any clarifications I shall try. Thx Ravi

1) Do you have any idea why the case takes more time to reach the regional office though the application is approved from the state office . Does the state office mail the paperwork to regional office? I thought the case is electronically transmitted from State. Is it true?

2) In my case it took more than a month to reach regional office from State. I mean only after month and a half; I was able to obtain the status from telephone system.

You said for established companies the processing will be faster? What do you mean
Data Entry

Its just the data entry at regional office that takes longer time else no other reason as for I know. I am sure u wud have observed once it is in the system action is taken fairly quick.

Following is my general opinion on things. Pl read if you have time else ignore.

All of you who read pl undertsand DOL has to establish the fact that RIR efforts were genuine, has been advertised enough and responses from PR's/Citizens were seriously considered, interviewed, well documented and concluded on skills mismatch etc. Also company must establish the fact that job that has been advertised has existed and continue to exist and is not tailored made to specific individuals. Company must also has to establish the fact business is performed from that state as principal office etc etc. Pl undertsand when people are being laid off, it is difficult to conceive the fact there is need for non immigrtants to be sponsored for immigrants. I understand and am aware of various studies and reports that show non availability of professional work force but it is Govt offcials job to make sure things are done correctly.

Some of you who have had RFE's NOF's etc is a result of such efforts by State agencies to establish the facts. As I keep syaing employers are the best source of facts in your specific cases. Not DOL, Not Attorneys Offices and Not the individual. All said and done, good or bad, employer remains the key element till u r 485 are filed and 6 months have past and 140 is approved.

If someone is desparate and 6 yrs are ending and not a possibility of 7 th yr extension it is reasonable to understand that they follow faster ways such as substitute labor etc. But others, who wish to speed up things, take shorter routes and want to be aggressive, are entertained by few companies and file in way that may not be inline with the recommendations. That sends a wrong message, thus lead to misrepresentation of entire community. No one is right or wrong, my point is may be we shud do what is right rather than what is good. Its just my opinion. Thx Ravi
October Updated

The Process times were updated that RIR Processing times as Apr 2004? Please share us if anyone who filed in Mar/Apr got their responses from NH SESA?
gc_xp said:
The Process times were updated that RIR Processing times as Apr 2004? Please share us if anyone who filed in Mar/Apr got their responses from NH SESA?

Non RIR processing has now moved to March. Thats a great news. Things are getting really better. Forum members - please provide your updates on processing here. If you have heard about processing of Non RIR applications outside this forum, please share those details here. Any details/ rumors of processing March / April applications will be helpful.
New Permanent Labor Certification Processing System

I got the breaking news from about the labor processing. It seems there is a new system come into effect from 01.01.05.

Processing Changes and Timelines: The current Regions and State Offices will be gradually phased out as follows:
The State offices will cease to take a new permanent labor certification applications effective January 1, 2005 regardless of the PERM program.
Until January 1, 2005, the State Offices will take new cases under the existing labor certification regulation.
If the State Offices complete processing of certain cases and are ready for forwarding to the current Regional Offices for certification before the end of the year, they are required to forward the completed cases to the current Regional Certifying Officers as they did it in the past.
If the State Offices opened the cases but were unable to complete processing of the opened cases by December 31, 2004, they are required to continue and complete processing of such cases and forward such cases for certification not to the Regional Certifying Officer but to one of the NPC in Chicago or Atlanta.
If the State Offices have cases which were received but unopened or processed, such cases are required to be transferred to the BECs in Philadelphia and Dallas under the following schedules:
10/1/04: Large number of oldest cases will be transferred to the BEC from San Francisco.
Early October - End of October 2004: The oldest cases from other Regions and States will be transferred to the BEC.
January - March 2005: Rest of the backlog cases will be transferred to the BEC (Philadelphia, Dallas) or the Regional Offices in New York, Boston, San Francisco.
Under the schedules, only "unopened" cases are allowed to be transferred to the BEC. Consequently, "opened" cases will be kept being processed by the State Offices even after March 2005.
The new system is equitable and admirable in the sense that it totally eliminates inequity and unfairness that have existed until now depending on where an immigrant goes through the labor certification process. It will, however, be taken by some people in certain states as a shock. Life changes.

I dont know how far is this true. As per the new system all the backlog cases will be processed first. So who ever filed their labor in recent months will be getting the labor last. My labor is going to be filed from NH in nov 2004. Is it a good idea to file now or file under the new system that starts from jan 2005.
Where should I file from

I know I am cutting short my efforts but seems like it will work with all your help guys , My company has offices in
1) Sacremento CA
2) Delaware
3) Florida
4) NEW Hampshire
5) New Jersey

Please Advise where should I file my GC from to get it asap
now there will be no difference whether the office in NH OR CA, everything will be centralised in Jan05 also those cases not processed until 05 those will also move to Centralised center.
So Pl. let us know your reply.

UniqueCase said:
I know I am cutting short my efforts but seems like it will work with all your help guys , My company has offices in
1) Sacremento CA
2) Delaware
3) Florida
4) NEW Hampshire
5) New Jersey

Please Advise where should I file my GC from to get it asap

If your position is consulting and you move from one state to another, then file from your company headquators. There are lot of Virtual Office scam's going on and DOL is aware of this. From Jan 2005, they are implementing a new system and it doesn't matter from where you apply. All applications will go to a centralized location in Chicago or Atlanta.
New Regulations

rb180 said:
now there will be no difference whether the office in NH OR CA, everything will be centralised in Jan05 also those cases not processed until 05 those will also move to Centralised center.
So Pl. let us know your reply.


Partly true. Now main focus wud be back log reduction in states such as CA NJ NY TX start with focus wud be on Regional centers and then States such as these. Good news for those guys from these back logged states. U will certainly see progress from mid next year.
And then uniform processing for all staes that is thro PERM whenever that goes thro. Thats is what I understand from all of these happenings.

My only suggestion is whatever you do please keep longer term in mind for your processing ....thus select a good employer to be with. For those who do not have time on H1 I consider them as exceptions.

If you have time on H1 say a year or two I wud prefer giving importance to employer than betting on faster processing. Call me if you have any questions Ravi Obbu 860 202 9407. NOTE: I am an employer but my opinion is not biased.
Ravi, I appreciate your comments here, very informative.
Now I am processing through multiple states and even then I found that a reply to a RFE never got registered with that labor Dept. After a year long wait ... finally on inquiry they said they never received it. Hence we sent them proof of rebuttal etc.
Now what happens to this cases ? They get handled on a priority basis ? Another question, Do NH sesa give receipts with case nos on receipt of a application ?