New Hampshire SESA Tracker

NH SESA status

raviobbu said:
If u r gets in teh Boston Systems I presume it will be processed by Boston and may not be forwarded to BRC/BEC's. The new guide lines are for new cases that are filed. I don't think and I have not been given to understanding that is the case. As long as u r goes thro even by Dec 04 u r safe.

Mind you even if it gets into BRC or BEC whatever u call them u still will benefitted by being from a NH state. and thus will be processed faster than the other states. Take care and Good Luck. Still questions feel free to call me on my cell 860 202 9407.

Hello Ravi .. Thank you Mr. Ravi. your information really is very informative . actually i am also in the same boat . my LC was filed(NON RIR) in NH in march 04 and i got the ad instructions in october and today (nov 18th) my attorney sent back the report of result of the ad ( there were no responses to the ad) to NH SESA.

Any idea how many days it takes generally to approve and forward the case ot Boston DOL?

what are the chances that the Boston DOL approves before dec 04?? if not what will be the consequences. can u please let me know ur openion on this .
thank u in advance for ur reply
in same boat

gc_nh said:
Non RIR processing has now moved to March. Thats a great news. Things are getting really better. Forum members - please provide your updates on processing here. If you have heard about processing of Non RIR applications outside this forum, please share those details here. Any details/ rumors of processing March / April applications will be helpful.


i had mine applied in NON RIR in march 9th 2004 . we received the ad instructions in ocober and the ad wasplaced and the report was filed on nov 18th . i am waiting for the state approval by end of nov. i donty know how long it takes to get the federal lc clearence.
my co is a utility co in NH . Not the consulting co.
Redds777 said:

i had mine applied in NON RIR in march 9th 2004 . we received the ad instructions in ocober and the ad wasplaced and the report was filed on nov 18th . i am waiting for the state approval by end of nov. i donty know how long it takes to get the federal lc clearence.
my co is a utility co in NH . Not the consulting co.

what difference does it make wheather the co is consulting or the utility?

Guys Guys Guys

We need to get some update on whats going on with NH labor? We also need to find out how fast the cases being forwarded to BOSTON DOL. Please reply any sort of finding, that could be helpful to lotta ppl.

Info from My lawyer

My lawyer told me today - I had spoken to the Head of the NH Dept of labor. He is transferring to a new unit and is in the process of training a replacement. As a result, processing of applications pending at the NH Dept of Labor for all companies has slowed
Not sure what is true and what is not, I am all concerned about this lame slow process, c'mon man, its too much, somebody needs to do something about this long awaiting freakin process and noone knows the end result of it.

labordrags said:
Guys Guys Guys

We need to get some update on whats going on with NH labor? We also need to find out how fast the cases being forwarded to BOSTON DOL. Please reply any sort of finding, that could be helpful to lotta ppl.



I understand your frustration, i just went thorugh it.
This is my experience with NH Labor (Non-RIR)

6 months to send instructions for recruitment.
4-6 weeks of recruitment efforts by your company.
2-4 weeks of processing of Recruitment results by NH SESA.

you are looking at anywhere between 7-9 months before the applications gets forwarded to Boston.

anything below 7 months is lucky, more than 9 months is unlucky. anywhere inbetween is normal.

Took me 10 months, so i was a bit unlucky. When I applied from NH last Dec the waiting time was supposed to be 2 months.

Remember you have keep your employer on the toes and make him send the recruitment results back to NH sESA in time. He can send back recruitment results back as early as at the end of 4 weeks since start of recruitment.

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Thanks Neocor,

Your Info is certainly vital and crucial to get me going, as of writing this page, no developments been made to my applied petition, god knows where my file is, and I started feeling like I am in the bottom of the barrel.

company bought while labor is pending

hi any one who can guide me on this please.

my co filed Labor inNH in MARCH 04 from our plant in NH and my application is still in State labor processing (sent back the results of the ad in nov 18th 04).
but now my co is being bought over by another co. but the problem there is that the new co is not buying NH plant . it is buying plant in Rhode island state . is it possible for me to use the same labor PD (march 04 ) and continue my LC with new emp If i get my state labor clearence by then???

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi, Can the employee directly call NH state office about the case status enquiry?
If not can employer talk to them instead of the lawyer?
Labor Filed in Nov 04 and H1b expiring in July 05

Hi All,

How true is the statement that in Jan 05 onwards nobody will be able to file I-140/1-485 concurrently under EB3 category. My labor got filed from NH in RIR in Nov 04 and my employer is saying that it should be certified by Feb 05.

My worry is assume if it get certified also I won't be able to file I-485 and my 6th year is going to be over in Jul. 05. What option do I have in that case.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

GannyMids said:
Hi All,

How true is the statement that in Jan 05 onwards nobody will be able to file I-140/1-485 concurrently under EB3 category. My labor got filed from NH in RIR in Nov 04 and my employer is saying that it should be certified by Feb 05.

My worry is assume if it get certified also I won't be able to file I-485 and my 6th year is going to be over in Jul. 05. What option do I have in that case.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

At current rate NH RIR looks 7 months for State approval and 3 months for Federal/ Regional approval. Moreover change of labor process is coming from Jan 05 and nobody knows how it's going to affect the current processing times. By luck, if your labor got approved by July 05 then you can file for 7th yr H1B extension. Otherwise you should look for some other employer who has approved labor and ready file your 140 & 485 on labor substitution. You don't have much choice here.
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gc_xp said:
At current rate NH RIR looks 7 months for State approval and 3 months for Federal/ Regional approval. Moreover change of labor process is coming from Jan 05 and nobody knows how it's going to affect the current processing times. By luck, if your labor got approved by July 05 then you can file for 7th yr H1B extension. Otherwise you should look for some other employer who has approved labor and ready file your 140 & 485 on labor substitution. You don't have much choice here.

But do you think I can file 7th year extension, as my labor or I-140 won't be 365 days old. Secondly what about i-485 , will it be still available in Jan 05 for filing concurrently.

GannyMids said:
But do you think I can file 7th year extension, as my labor or I-140 won't be 365 days old. Secondly what about i-485 , will it be still available in Jan 05 for filing concurrently.

In your case, if the labor is not approved in July'05 then you cannot file your 7th year extension. EB3 Priority date for i485 has moved back to 01/01/2002. See my post for more details..
gc_xp said:
In your case, if the labor is not approved in July'05 then you cannot file your 7th year extension. EB3 Priority date for i485 has moved back to 01/01/2002. See my post for more details..

Could you please answer my first question, Assume if my labor gets approved before July 05 , Can I file 7th year extension, as my labor or my I-140 won't be 365 days old ?
As I-485 can't be filed next year it means no EAD also ...
GannyMids said:
Could you please answer my first question, Assume if my labor gets approved before July 05 , Can I file 7th year extension, as my labor or my I-140 won't be 365 days old ?
As I-485 can't be filed next year it means no EAD also ...

This is my opinion:
If your LC is not pending >365 days, you cannot file 7th year extension. It doesn't matter if your LC is approved or not and 140 is applied or not.
If you can get a preapproved LC, that has a PD earlier than July04, then you may be able to file your 7th year. Ultimately you may or may not use that LC as if required, your 8th year ext can be filed using this LC that you have pending right now.
Hope it helps.
GannyMids said:
Could you please answer my first question, Assume if my labor gets approved before July 05 , Can I file 7th year extension, as my labor or my I-140 won't be 365 days old ?
As I-485 can't be filed next year it means no EAD also ...
The American Competitiveness in the Twenty First Century Act (AC21), in certain circumstances, allows persons in H1B status to obtain extensions of that status beyond the six-year period (usually referred to as "seventh-year extensions"). Sections 106(a) and (b) of AC21 set forth the following two requirements for such extensions: first, a labor certification application must have been filed for the person at least one year prior; and, second, either the I-140 (Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker) must also have been filed and be pending or approved, or else the I-485 must be pending. In those cases that do not require the filing of a labor certification, like the national interest waiver cases, the I-140 must have been filed a year prior and the I-140 or the I-485 must be pending.

In your case, as soon as your labor is approved you need to file I140 to become eligible to apply for 7th year H1B extension.
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Labor Certified NH Non-RIR

My labor finally got certified this week., and hopefully in time for me to apply the I-485 before Jan 05.
Its almost exactly one year to date since I applied for Labor from NH.
At that time thought it would come be 3-4 months.

Labor Filed (Non-RIR) : Dec 3rd Week 2003
Recruitment effort begin : Aug 1st Week 2004
Results Submitted : Sept 1st Week 2004
Move to Boston DOL : Oct 1st Week 2004
Entered in DOL System : Oct 4th Week 2004
Final Certification : Dec 3rd Week 2004

I dont see anybody updating the excel tracker. Here it is with my information.
All the best to all remaining.

Chance of I-140 denial

Hi All,

My case is something like this, my future employer is using substitue labor for me and he is filing for I-140/485 concurrently as he won't be able to file after dec 31st (labor is for EB3) as I am not currently working for him so he don't have any pay stubs to attach while filing above mentioned.

I have couple of question in regards to same:

1) Is it mandetory to provide Pay stubs while filing I-140 or it's better to have it ?

2) Can INS just deny blindly based on not providing the pay stubs at the time
of filing or INS will send a RFE asking them to provide pay stubs.

3) Lastly Is it uncommon not to provide pay stubs while filing for I-140.

Thank you so much for your time.