Hi there.. the interview went well!!!.. I passed!. this is what happened.
First you get sworn in, right hand, tell truth etc. etc
Then the officer goes through all your N-400 form, (name, address, employer, where have you lived in the last 3 years, [exact addresses and dates], when was the last time you left the US, name of spouse, birth-dates, when did you start working?.
he checks all your trips outside the US against your passport stamps, so if you have more than 1 passport because they expired make sure to bring them.
The officer was not mean/grumpy at all, he was straight forward, and of course I was not expecting to be talking to my best friend either, but he was very respectful, polite and to the point so this definitely made it less difficult on me.
After going trough all the N-400 (comunist, arrested, prostitution question.., ) he said "now we are moving forward to your English tests".
He took a piece of paper with 3 sentences, A, B and C. he said to "read" line A, probably a 5 word sentence, so don't expect to be reading a book in there

Then it was the writing text, same thing, in a piece of paper there were 3 spaces, A, B & C, and he said a sentence (same thing, 5 word sentence) and I had to write it.
These pieces of paper are pre-printed, so the writing test and reading test are not randomly chosen by the officer, they have your name on top, and my guess is that they have A, B & C because you have 3 chances to pass these exams.
The officer also writes down ALL your responses and checks the Yes or no ones.
And finally my civic questions:
6 out of 10, once you respond correctly the 6 questions the officer does not ask you the rest,
they were exactly the same as the ones in the Citizenship guidebook,
1.- If the president and vice president are not longer in service who becomes the president
2.- how many senators
3.- how often do we vote for senators
4.- name one branch
5.- what does the president's cabinet do?
6.- cant remember, sorry... to much excitement.
and again these questions are pre-printed and the officer writes down your responses in these forms.
After that he said congratulations, you passed!!! (WHAT A RELIEF) so I had to sign the bottom of my N-400 and another piece of paper stating that I passed.
I also signed my photographs, and he said that my case was going to be recommended for approval.
One more thing.. he went through all my back up documents that I had with me.... bank statements, bills, taxes, photographs (collages), and he kept those for his records, also a copy of my marriage certificate, I prepared photocopies for him (attorney's advice), and this really seemed to help!
I asked the attorney right before the interview if I was to pass would I get my oath letter that same day?? he said that sometimes this happens but sometimes they say that you will get the oath letter in the mail within 3-4 weeks.
Anyway... he said I should not worry, but I am still crossing fingers hoping everything went well.
So far the officer said congratulations, you passed, wait for the letter and take care
I'll be sitting next to the mailbox for the next few days

please let me know if you have further questions.. . I know what you are going through and believe me I understand the stress you can be under, but you are not alone.., just be a good resident, pay your taxes, don't commit any crimes and you should be good to go.
cheers. !!!!!