Movement To Remove Retrogression And Have A Better Life

srinireddydgl said:
Where Is Everyone?????????
As no changes have been suggested till now, I guess we can for now do the following.
1. Modify contents of the template and send an e-mail putting your personal story at the AILA website
2. Take a copy and send it by mail - if possible separate ones for each family member
We can have a subcolumn in the Excel sheet in this thread to make sure that there is activity on that front.
I agree with you Sandeep.

Sandeep_N said:
As no changes have been suggested till now, I guess we can for now do the following.
1. Modify contents of the template and send an e-mail putting your personal story at the AILA website
2. Take a copy and send it by mail - if possible separate ones for each family member
We can have a subcolumn in the Excel sheet in this thread to make sure that there is activity on that front.
Corrected Excel Sheet

Soemone updated the wrong spread sheet and put it back.
I just merged the two and am putting back the correct one.

Guys please always update the latest one and dont change the name of the spread sheet.

Someone please check if noone is missing.

I see 60 entries as of now, that is a good number but still not enough. This needs to be a bigger movement in order to be effective.
We need a lot more. There was a great enthu in the begining and everyday there were new people added there information, but now only here and there somebody comes and add the information.

Srini can you create a similar spreadsheet in the Yahoo Group you have created and ask the people to have there entried there and then we can merge the two. Because it seems there are some people in that yahoo group who are reluctant in comiong here and adding there information.

Also I do not remember who, but I beleive it was Srini who said that he has more than 200 people from whom he can get the support. So can we pursue to get there information on the spreadsheet so that we know who all there and how many people are there.
Jaggy said:
How many do you need in order for it to be effective?

Bill status is still same: Referred to the Subcommittees (21st Century Competitiveness, Workforce Protections and Employer-Employee Relations) on 5/31/2005.

By the way, cosponsors increased to 14 (+5 = 19), which is good sign?:

Anyway, we all should start writing to Senators/Congressman aggressively to make aware them our suffering due to retrogression and its earliest resolution. I think someone was saying there is hearing on this bill sometime in this month.

baby_mde said:
Kewl and others,

Is there any idea what is happening to the New Bill. We already half way of July.
The larger the better. should be above 500 atleast

Jaggy said:
How many do you need in order for it to be effective?

For this to be effective this needs to be a really big movement. Atleast above 500.
Remember how the Shecdule A workers have jumped ahead and got their way. EB3 tech workers are in really bad shape, as such its is very diffuicult get our employers behind this effor. The Schedule A workers had all the hospitals lobbying behind for them and their number was huge.

Therefore in absence of big organisation backing we better have big numbers. Surely 70 odd is not going to cut the cake.

By the way I dint see your entry in the spread sheet. Please dont think that just putting an entry is not going to serve any purpose. Put in your info, pull in others in the same boat and contribute to the movement and have some patience. Its not going to happen overnight, and also waiting for others to do all the work isnt going to halp either.

neocor and Saurabh,

I see problem why we are not getting much response is because people go to 485 forums for their respective service centers. If we request moderators on all these 4 forums to put a sticky at the top on all 485 forums, we will definitely see differant results. In fact to be frank I check "NEbraska 485" forum every day but I came to this forum after more than 2 weeks. Max hit ratio is in regular service center forums for 485 not in "485 general discussions forum".
Please include me in the list

I am not able to update the xls file. Please include my details -

b0mbay PD: sep2002 NJ CANNOT TALK TO EMPLOYER ..

do you think if there is a possibility for the
EB3 dates to futher retrogress than the
june 2002 date after the october release of the
visa dates.

Visa dates

what happens if the priority date is not current will they
still call for the interview (I-485) and not allot the green card
or will they not even care to call for the interview.

My priority date is nov 2003 I-140 cleared and I-485 pending
more than a year in EB3 and iam thinking it will be three years
before my priority date becomes current because if i see this
year it just moved from jan to june in one year and i guess there
is even a possibility for EB3 category to retrogress further than
june 2002.

Any way give your thoughts. I stayed with my current employer for three years for this green card. Cant think how i can stay three more years with
him for this green card but i guess i have to.
kalimmigration said:
what happens if the priority date is not current will they
still call for the interview (I-485) and not allot the green card
or will they not even care to call for the interview.

Any way give your thoughts. I stayed with my current employer for three years for this green card. Cant think how i can stay three more years with
him for this green card but i guess i have to.

I dont know if they will call for the Interview. But I have heard a case where a person in retrogression was called to the interview and after the interview when the officer was ready to stamp the passport he realised that the priority dates were not current and he had to let him go. So this clearly was a mistake on the part of INS to call him for an interview. But in the end the guy wasted a day, but hopefully he does not have to go throught the interview again. He will get his approval the day the dates become current for him.

And yes come Oct 2002 there is a high possibility that the dates may moved back further from June 2002. Remember the Schedule A workers get the first preferance when the number for FY2006 become available. I am not sure how it works but from what I understand from the ruling last month for Schedule A Nurses the visa numbers may not become available even in Oct 2005 for tech workers. Its the same reason why the numbers are not available now.

I had asked this question to Rajiv on the coference call but he does not seems to have the answer or the correct interpretation. But this ruling somehow does not look good at all for EB3 tech workers. I just hope that my interpretation is wrong. We will know in the first/second week of Sept when the Oct 2005 bulletin is released.

And why do you think that you have to stay with your employer for three more years. You are already free to go. You have the 485 pending for more than a year and the 140 is clear. You are good to go.
SOmebody please make this thread sticky and place it DIRECTLY under I485 issues

I came across this thread while uploading the excel sheet and then found it with a great difficulty.
mydearcard said:
neocor and Saurabh,
I see problem why we are not getting much response is because people go to 485 forums for their respective service centers.
Have sent a mail to to make the following "sticky"s
It would be good if a few of you can also send a follow up mail so that it gets done.
Please help


I am new to this forum. I have one question please help me out.

My I-485 application is send out on last week of June'2005 just before retrogation. I did not received reciept yet. Just want to know here is, If I get receipt of I-485 than my case is accepted? and will be processed further?

Is ther any other conditions to know my case is accepted or not? Any numbers to call?

