Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja


You mean send the consulate an Email ? I'll try it. I am running out of time. I am scheduled to fly on Dec 31st with my medical on Jan 5th..
I am very worried...

somebody last week on this board had the same problem (i think it was thokoto). He emailed the consulate and they faxed him a copy and mailed one as well. NVC should also be able to do this for you since all P4's for Montreal come from NVC and not from the consulate directly.
The staff at the consulate responding to emails is friendly so email them and they will help ya.
Port of Entry

After my interview, i fly out of Montreal back to the US. Would I need to hand off my papers and get my fingerprints taken in Montreal or in my first transit stop in the US?

we left from dorval airport where there is US immigration pre-clearance. everything happened right at the airport.
Original Birth Certificate

I'm assuming that all of you have submitted your original Birth certificate to NVC and the original one will be collected after the interview. Is this true?

Yes, I submitted all originals to NVC. I think I will get them after the interview (I hope...)

one more thing please: did you need to pay $65.00 or the $335.00 basically covers all the fees?

the lawyer collected 335 *2 for me and my wife some months ago. there were no other charges at the consulate or poe during our interview or immigration. some people on this forum have suggested you take proof of payment to the interview although they didn't ask us for it.

we did get our original birth certificates back. the lawyer wasn't sure this would happen so he sent (and had us take to the interview) photo copies as well with our p3 submission.

My case was completed on Jan 5th at NVC. Long delays and two
separate requests for documents which could have been avoided if the lawyer had advised us properly. I am applying for my adoptive daughter and was on an exchange visitor status previous to my current H1-B.

Do I just have to wait and call NVC after the second week of Feb.
for my Visa date?

Congrats to all who have completed the GC process. Could someone post a checklist of documents that they took (for Packet 4). This would be helpful for guys waiting. I see one or two posts with the documents that they had taken.

In the US, do any of Dept. Stores take photographs for immigration? Any ideas where to go for the photos? Any info is greatly appreciated.

congrats on the interview. it will probably be best to get out of that montreal chill and back to the sunny south. FYI: it only took 12 days from the POE for us to receive our cards.
Montreal consulate email./tel

Can anyone please post the tel number and email id of the contact person at montreal consulate?

Original documents?

Can we send in notarized copies of documents like birth and marriage certifiactes? Has anyone done this before?


As soon as I received my Visa I drove to the border to get it processed and I flew out of Dorval the next day.
Because I needed a suite to stay (family of 6) I stayed a few nights at L'appartment hotel on Sherbrooke and few nights at Le Montfort hotel.
If you any question please post.
The only advantage is I am not really pressed fot time. The process might take from 1 to sevaral hours depends on the officer and how bussy they are. I did not want to take any chances and might miss my flight.

Congrats to you. Can you please post what documents you took and what documents they asked for in the interview.
