Missouri SESA Tracker

RFE -> Request for evidence

It is a catch-all request for anything that INS rerquires more info for (either you forgot something, made a clerical error, or worst -- they suspect you are lying).

I applied Academic LC at Jan. 2003. I heard from my lawyer that Academic LC was stuck at May, 2002 when I applied. It was four month ago. Since RIR case moves so fast, I hope Academic LC also starts moving.

Does somebody know about Academic LC status?

Thanks for your help
What's the Academic LC?

Are there 2 kinds of LC, Academic or regular (in company)? I never heard that in the RIR category there is another academic. Does anyone has explaination?

Anyone who could help

Once applications get forwarded from MO SESA to the regional office, how soon do the attorneys get any kind of notification from MO SESA...Are we talking of a month or more in some cases...Or is it a lot lesser... and is that when we must realize the attorney is just beating around the bush & sitting on a case..

What's your concern?

The fact that your Lawyer does or does not notify you at the point that MO SESA is finished processing does not harm you in any way.

MO SESA forwards the petition (as long as no problem was found) DIRECTLY to Chicago, without any input form your lawyer.

There is nothing your lawyer can or cannot do to impede/speed this.

If however, an RFE has been sent to your lawyer by MO SESA, then indeed he could "sit on it" to your detriment.

What is it, you don't trust lawyers?! Pshaw!!:D

hi,I know very well that lawyers cannot impede the process...BUT I also know that MO SESA only sends a notification to the lawyer -who in turn then lets the employer know that the case is now in Chicago...Getting this notification or NOT even receiving it has no bearing on the GC process and I know that...Dont get me wrong, not everyone here has lawyers who are hyper pro-active and prompt..and hence the question & concern. Thanks anyways.

No big whoop

I prefer my lawyer to be busy doing things that matter.

Thus I would not classify a lawyer who does not transmit every bit of information back to HR as "beating around the bush".

I would term it being efficient.

you know what, i have had people whose cases never showed up at the Automated system on the regional office and still their LC's got approved one fine day. Well, if you prefer to just wait till you hear that approval news, it's fine but it may be quite a wait... Exercise your right to be informed :D - especially if you pay the big bucks for the lawyers..never mind.

Anyways, latest from Ms.Graves seems to suggest that they are working on may-mid-may cases... Can't elaborate,i'm quoting someone here... Stay away from those twisters & hold tight.
state labour approved

State LABOR Filed date - May 09,2002
RFE sent on April 29,2003
Reply sent back on may 02,2003

Case moved to Regional office(chicago) for further action on May09,2003 .
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When was ur case sent to chocago DOL and whats the status.

My case was sent to chicago DOL on April4th and its not updated in the AVM so far??

Labor Application Update

My attorney got a query from MO SESA asking for my credential evaluation....My priority date is May 22,2002..So looks like MO SESA is processing applications deep into May 2002.

Shanmugam, I remember you got the same kind of query...how long did it take for them to approve it from MO SESA after you sent the required documents. I dont know why my attorney didn't send the Cred Evaluation in the first place as I had mailed it with the other documents a long time ago.

Usha, AVM is the Automated Voice message system in Chicago DOL..the number is 312-353-1059.

DinZ. :cool:

From Shagmugam's post just above: it took less than 2 weeks from his response until MO SESA approved it and sent it forward
Also one more update...Another guy filing with the company (with the same priority date as mine) got a query from the DOL saying that the salary specified in the application is less than what DOL estimates for the position here in MO.The figures were high enough though we thought..Anyways,they wanted the employer to do an amendment to the application (or something like that) if the employer wishes to pay upto the DOL estimate...We dont know if it means re-posting the ad (i think not) or just furnishing supplemental documents,i will keep the thread posted about it...I never heard of anything like this before though and i'm glad my application made it coz it barely met the DOL estimate...I wonder if the attorneys shouldn't be knowing of these things..

If anyone has any comments or updates to this, it will be appreciated...I will let u know what my attorney plans on doing for the same too....

Thanks Nelson & Shanmugam.

Depends on how much

Getting an RFE to determine if you are qualified is one thing -- and easily fixed.

However, a finding that the salary in the Labour Cert is too low, might be enough to scuttle that LC, in my opinion.

State could say: "No wonder you found no qualified applicants. You were offering sweatshop wages!"

I hope your buddy's salary was only a tad under their requirement, or he might have to go back to RIR (which would mean at least another year's delay). :(