Arranging the documents for family OCI.
- cover letter with mentions of no mailing fee(write that you will send when OCI reach Consulate)
- certified check for FEE$XXXX (for 4 persons)
- Additional photographs for each applicant in envelpes with name and registration number on envelope Attached with each Application Part A SET 1
- Set 1*
- first applicant part A, and all copies of supporting docs+ PartB
- spouse part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- first minor part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- second minor part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- Part B
******Extra Photographs attached for each application in envelops and envelops attached with Part A of Each.
- Set 2*
- first applicant part A, and all copies of supporting docs+part B
- spouse part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- first minor part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- second minor part A, and all copies of supporting docs
- Part B
Is this ok?