Michigan SESA Tracker

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Howz it goin...?

Any idea abut the case the MI DOL doing..? Please keep updaed..
Thanks for seniors in advance for their suggestions adn valuable info...

Ur juniors are waiting for ur ino.

Thanks and good luck.
is there a number to call so we can check the status of our MI cases? i saw guys in the chicago tracker talk about calling illinois state level for their status
Message From My Lawyer

Msg recd from Lawyer:

Michigan is still working on December 2002. There has been very little movement of application in Michigan and almost no movement of applications in the Regional Office in Chicago for the past few months

It still is a major mystery. Chicago has just stalled and Michigan is crawling along. There has been a major shake up over RIR cases. DOL is remanding a number of cases for further testing of the market. No telling what is happening within the agency and when the state or the regional will move along. This is happening across the country. Your guys will just need to be patient, if possible. There is nothing that can be done at this time to move anything along faster.

My PD is 03/10/03...I guess I should give up.
labor seeker..even though ur lawyer is right - he got his info from the official trackers..but he is still not right,my friends got their labor cleared - PD jan 1st week..they got approved in feb 3rd week
Hello all I am new to this forum.
I am working as a consultant. My employer agreed to apply for my GC in KY. I have given my papers to lawyer. He said he will apply for my labor in few days. I know this employer very well. But my project may end in 1 or 2 months.

I heard I can buy labor certificate if some one has it. I want to go for it. Since my project is uncertain.
Is it required to get one more H1 to apply for I140 & 485 if I get labor clearace form someone?

If you know some one who has labor clearance I am ready to pay.

Please help me in this.

To Kumarsr. What u r asking is not legal.

Its ok if some employer has a pre approved LCA and finds you are good candidate for it but to openly bid for it like this makes all indians look bad.
Please dont do things that will affect your fellow indians and make them the victims of stereotyping.


when your cases in chicago gets cleared,can you update that info on here again? wud like to keep track of it..my michigan labor PD is jan 23,03..just 2 weeks after you
Dol Site Updated, March 12, 2003

Dol Site has been updated on March 12

Chicago (regular)Aug. 2002 (RIR) Nov. 2003

Michigan: (regular) Apr, 2001 (RIR) Jan, 2003

MDCD site still stuck on Jan, 2003 for RIR.
even the chicago DOL seems to have slowed down for the last 3 months..its crazy..someone shud be held accountable for this
Query from the Michigan State...

My lawyer informed me that he has received a query from the Michigan labor processing department to justify the need for my position in the labor application. Has anybody had such an experience? Does the query on a case delay your response significantly in Michgan MDCD or Chicago Feds?

P.D. Jan 31, 2003 (RIR)
gcemail, when were u notified of ur michigan labor being cleared? in ur earlier post,u mentioned that they moved ur case to chicago on 23rd Feb..so i guess my question is on which date did they mail the notification to you/ur lawyer? was it a week before?

wonderbuddha, my PD is a week before yours..but i haven't recd news as yet..
My PD is Jan 19th, 03 and am still waiting to hear from my lawyer.

I have not heard of any similar query. My best guess is that the MI labor would want your company's organaization chart and your position in that and its responsibilities. Once it is furnished, I am of the opinion, the MI MDCD will quickly process the file. However, your lawyer would be better placed to advice you in this respect. Best of luck.

higcoptimist, its weird that our cases are pending..gcemail whose PD was Jan7, his case was done on Feb 23rd...so based on that,ours should have been done by now..its so frustrating cos if u look at the people who applied in Dec 02, everyone got it by Nov 03..and here we are still awaiting it
Policy of MDCD

Is there a policy change regarding state labor processing? It seems that the applications filed in and since Jan 2003 are being scrutinized in super detail with queries being raised.

Good Luck to all those who filed since Jan 2003 (including me) ;-)
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