Michigan SESA Tracker

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Program Title: Regular Permanent RIR Date Updated
Michigan Apr. 2001 Dec. 2002 Jan 2004

But according to this DOL site, its still Dec.2002. and it is updated on Jan 30th or so.

Are you sure it moved to Jan 2003?. My priority date is on Oct 6th,2003. does anyone think i can get it in Oct 2004?.

appreciate your input.
Michigan is Jan 2003 @ LUISSANCHEZ


Doleta.gov is a lagging indicator. They post thier dates after checking various State Gov website.

On Jan 30th , the Michigan.gov/mdcd was still showing Dec '02 , hence the Doleta.gov website posted that date. But on Feb 4th Michigan.gov/mdcd changed to Jan '03. so Jan '03 is the current processing date.

We certainly hope Michigan processing go faster, I hope Your Oct '03 filing comes in much much earlier than Oct ' 04.

Mucho Gracious Hombre

Senor Kpallekonda and Senor Kanjoos
Mucho gracious.I guess i will be seein you guys more here.Lets keep the spirits up.

Baale, Binga, gracious, adios amigos.
transfer the Labor Certification

My Labor was filed by my company "X" now the Labor is in Federal Level of Labor Processing. Now My company asked me to join their Business partner company "Y" So I will be on the pay roll of Company "Y". I asked my new company "Y" about my pending Labor, and they said that we will transfer the Labor Certification Form and we will continue the process.

I need your asdvise on this how will this going to work. Is it possible that my Labor will be valid even I am with the Business partner of my Sponsoring company.
non RIR anyone?

almost any post that I saw here is for RIR case. OK, mine is a non RIR in MI and the date shown in the website has stuck on 04/2001 for at least for months!!!..:(..this is ridiculous. ANybody in the same boat?
Re: non RIR anyone?

Originally posted by jroll
almost any post that I saw here is for RIR case. OK, mine is a non RIR in MI and the date shown in the website has stuck on 04/2001 for at least for months!!!..:(..this is ridiculous. ANybody in the same boat?

Hello Jroll,
Yes, it's really unfortunate that MI labor is not progressing for non-RIR cases. My case was filed in Dec 2001 and the end still seems very very far. What's your filing date? True, there are not many people who's labor has been filed in non-RIR and it looks like it's going to take more than 3 years for state labor to clear.
How to find it LC moved to Chicago from MI?


I had filed my LC on Jan 31, 2003. How do I find out if it has moved to Chicago? I can call-up my lawyer, of course, but is there a way I can track it myself over the Net or Phone?

Anyone's LC moved from MI to Chicago around this time?

Thanks in advance.
wonderbuddha, am in same state as you - mine is jan 23,2003
trying to figure out how to track the case? i guess we have to just wait for the letter to lawyer
DOL's Site updated

The DOLs website is updated for February. No change for Michigan/Chicago. Still stuck in Dec '02 / Oct '03.

If I ever have a kid in USA, I am going to encourage him to be President and then force Congress to change the immigration laws!!!
Wake Up Friends!!!!!!!!!

My State Labor got cleared and now moved to Chicago for Federal .


PD : 01- Jan- 2003 EB3 RIR
Moved to Federal today (23- Feb-2003)

Thanks for all your support.

Sorry... Change in PD


PD : 07- Jan- 2003 EB3 RIR
Moved to Federal today (23- Feb-2003)

Thanks for all your support.

My employeer told me

Thanks for all your wishes. I came to know through my employeer. I think they got this message from Lawyer.

Good Luck Everybody.

State labour approved

Hi Guys,

My PD: 12/22/2002 moved to Chicago DOL on 02/23/2004.

Good luck to evey one on this thread.

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