Maryland SESA Tracker

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LC_va and muppaneni

is there anything I should know since i also have labor pending through ajilon??


did have u r labor substituted or did u apply a fresh labor??

Ajilon here too

Dear LC_VA, Muppaneni, hmd:

My labor is also pending from Ajilon. Please update me on whats happening. I appreciate your assistance.
Maryland only please

Please post subject only related to Maryland

Please open another thread for Ajilon .

By the way any new info on MD? Did any one find out about may 1 processing (any truth)?
Processing date


I did talk to Yolanda Miam yesterday 2003.04.15. There are still processing April 30, 2001.


Thanks for information. But did you asked then what is the probable date for compleation????



I applied my State labor in 10/2001 (EB3). Sent to Phily DOL on 1/2003. DOL back to SESA regarding the Requirement of new advertising for the job in 3/2003.

Now Sesa says they notified my laywer for the new job advertisement clipping.

My Quesion:

1. Once they receive the new advertisement response from my lawyer, what is the usual process take place?

2. In this scenario, do I have to start the process from the beginning or they SESA will verify the lawyer's response and forward it to DOL?

3. Once Phily DOL Receive the response, how do they process? Do I have to wait again in the queue or they will give some preference?

I am desperatly looking for answer for my above queries. Thanks in advance for you guys taking some time to respond.

Processing Time


She told me the total # application for April 30, 2001 was 7000. Their capacity to process per month is 600. She claims that it will be years to complete this load. But she did give the same answer for april 27 too. But it went very quickly than I expect. Our best hope is wait another 6 months to clear this backlog.

I really don't know why MD is such a pain in bud..

Pray for the best....

Prevailing Wage

My employer has submitted the reply to Notice of Finding saying they are accepting the prevailing wage proposed by SESA.

I am eagerly awaiting further communication from SESA on my case. Then it has to move to Philly DOL!

Labor from new state

If my company has an office in Wsiconsyn,
Any idea what needs to be done to start my labor certitifation from state.
Do I have to add Wsiconsin as location of work on my H1B ?
OR is it OK to start from new state?
What kind of difficulties I may face in the path of my GC?
Your input is appricated.
Re: No news

Originally posted by yhcheong
As of today, I have been waiting for 2 years.
But, I didn't get it.:mad:

I'm being tired.

Hey Yhcheong,

I read it in some other forum, this guy filed in MD on April 27 2001, now DOL asking him to go again for Ads as its been too long. How true this news is ?
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