Might be a good news
Check this out.
excerpted from above site.
...Other Employment and Training
The FY 2004 budget includes $742 million for Other Employment and Training Programs, a net decrease of $870 million below the FY 2003 request. The net change is largely due to the proposal to make the Employment Service part of the new Consolidated Adult and Dislocated Worker State Grant program. The decrease also reflects the end of the H-1B skill training grants effort, funded in FY 2003 at $98 million from fees that expire in FY 2003. In addition, an increase of $49.5 million is provided for Foreign Labor Certification to eliminate the program's backlog in two years.
Under the Administration's WIA reauthorization proposal, the Employment Service, including Allotments to States and Reemployment Services Grants, will be reauthorized under that Act, and funded through the Consolidated Adult and Dislocated Worker State Grants program. In FY 2004, $797 million will be provided for labor exchange services, the same level in the FY 2003 request.
The FY 2004 budget includes $101 million for new methods of providing employment and related information through One Stop Career Centers and its America's Labor Market Information System (ALMIS), a decrease of $12 million below FY 2003. In FY 2004, a $500,000 program increase is included for Wage Record Interchange Systems (WRIS). Services include America's Job Bank that lists about 1 million jobs and over 400,000 resumes, and America's Career InfoNet that provides information on occupational and career-related items. Efforts to improve access to One Stop information and services include enhanced technology for serving individuals including those with disabilities.
In FY 2004, an increase of $49.5 million will be provided as the first of a two-year investment to eliminate the 300,000 case backlog in the permanent Foreign Labor Certification program. In addition, funding will be provided in the Program Administration account to provide the Federal support necessary to address the problem. The backlog elimination will actually begin in FY 2003 as DOL makes changes to the program that will prevent future backlogs by expediting certification and eliminating the state role in the processing of applications.
What will happen after Labor Certification?
Backlogs in I-140 and I-485, and CP?
Now it's INS(BCIS) turn..