Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

797 Received

Hi Guys,
Today I received 797C. My application Number is: NBC*xxxxxxxxx. Is everbody's Appl # starts with NBC. I am planning to do walkin for finger prints, any suggestions on this.
04/09/09 Application Mailed
04/10/09 PD
04/20/09 797C NOA received
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Looks like we applied a week diff, My application is forwarded to: National Benefits Center (also known as MSC), is your appl also forwarded to this address or CSC
Recd FP Letter For Wife

Recd FP notice today within 17 days of filing N 400

My wife and i filed togther but she got her FP notice today,i guess mine wil come in a day or two.

See signature for other info

I applied from Orange county and DO is Santa Ana and they are suppose send my appl to California Service Center but they send to National Benifit Center, any one know why they send to NBC.
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I applied from Orange county and DO is Santa Ana and they are suppose send my appl to California Service Center but they send to National Benifit Center, any one know why they send to NBC.

What makes you think they are supposed to sent it to California Service Center? The current process is that you send the application to the lockbox facility (in your case Phoenix) for initial processing after which it is sent to NBC until an interview date becomes available at your DO.
Has anybody received Interview Letter recently? It's been 4 weeks since my FP, but still no sign of IL.
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Hi Guys,
Today I received 797C. My application Number is: NBC*xxxxxxxxx. Is everbody's Appl # starts with NBC. I am planning to do walkin for finger prints, any suggestions on this.

You can't do it until you have your fingerprint appointment letter with you - the office can choose to send you away if you try and do a walk-in. It will not cause your application to be processed any more quickly that if you go on your assigned day.
I applied from Orange county and DO is Santa Ana and they are suppose send my appl to California Service Center but they send to National Benifit Center, any one know why they send to NBC.

It is the new 'lockbox' process which is more centralized. NBC performs the initial work, then sends the file to your local DO after your fingerprints are approved and the local DO interview is scheduled. The new process seems to be decent speed for most thus far.
Finger Prints Done

Finger Prints Letter recd and Done

04/09/09 Application Mailed
04/10/09 PD
04/20/09 797C NOA received
04/24/09 FP Letter Recd for 5/7/09
04/25/09 FP Walkin Done
Waitin for Approval

Hello I had my interview on 3/06/09 in downtown LA.
I was given F n-652 I passed the civic part of the interview which was the longest interview of my life..I was interviewed for about 2hrs.. and the AO asked me to bring back certified arrest reports from LAPD ..and as soon as she recieved them she said she would request for an aproval from her supervisor..
she also said she would try to schedule me for the April 9th Oath ceremony.
03/16/09 LAPD sent certified police report.... that stated that there is no police report on record because its to old.
on april 16 I had an info pass appointment to find out if eveything was okay ...and the supervisor(kinda rude) told me that I had just been interviewd on 3/6 and that she couldnt look at my case at this time and that I need to give it more time.
This has made me very nervous and anxious....:confused:..
I also requested a name change on my n400 app and during my interview the AO officer had me sign 3 forms with my old name and with my new name, could that be holding me from being approved and given an oath date???????
Any advice.

my timeline
11/05/08 SENT N400
11/17/08 PD
12/12/08 FP
04/16/09 INFO PASS INT
OL ??????????
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My brother has arrest reports that were too old to be produced as well, he passed. I tend to see that OLs are sent near the end of the month, for a ceremony near the end of the following month.
That's cool that they're having a ceremony on 04/09, it sounds like they're passing more people than can be accommodated once a month? Either way, it's the end of April and I'd be on the lookout for an OL.

I have no experience with name changes and how that could affect the process.
Helo elec99
you have made me feel a lil better ...can you do me a favor and give me more info on your brothers timeline...I am checking my mail all the time now in hopes of having my N445.
have you checked out the calender for the oath dates for LA on cacd.uscourts.gov/CACD/GenInfo.nsf
and select Naturalization..
My brother was exactly 3 weeks ahead of me, with the exception that he hasn't applied for his passport. His ceremony was end of January.

3 weeks ahead in terms of app, fp, interview, and OL.

Btw, I had a dui in year 2000 and it DID affect my app in the year 2001. I had no idea what the process was but that's why I had to wait so long before reapplying. I'd say as long as you have 5 years of a clean record you're in the clear, though I'm sure it also depends on what the citation is.

The OLs seem to be coming out of Nebraska, mine was postmarked near the end of January but I didn't get it for about 6 days after the postmark, something like that.
Ok...I also had a DUI in 1999 and my record is clean since then.
Checked my mail today already nothing...
I guess I should keep on waiting for a few more weeks if not I will do an info pass again..
I thought since the AO had said to me that she would try to put me on the 4/09 oath ceremony ..even though she gave me n652 that said a descision could not be made.
I would have been done by now...
ahh.. the n652. Ok, so important. Both of us did pass the n-652, despite our past. Btw, I have no idea what my brother did, I can only imagine that they were misdemeanors.
A 'decision cannot be made' is different. If anyone out there has experience with this please chime in. I don't remember, but I can only imagine this is what I received in the year 2000 when I did not pass. They don't really tell you you've failed in person, normally they do that via mail. According to someone else on this board they've been doing it via certified mail actually.

However, if all you can think of is the dui in 1999 then that doesn't explain it fully,that's 10 yrs ago. That alone isn't a deal breaker. A name change isn't a deal breaker either.
When I passed in Dec 2008, the IO even got up and said he needed supervisory approval (don't we all?), He then walked around in search of someone who wasn't there that day, then found the 2nd in command if you will, and all I could hear, in a loud voice, was 'DUI?!'
My heart sank when I heard that and it was a tumultuous 7 weeks after that, up until when I got my OL.
So if all you have is a 10 yr old dui and a name change, i wouldn't sweat it. But if there are more violations in addition to the dui, then who knows. The 'strong moral character' is taken seriously.
I've been told they've revoked the Green Card of an applicant at time of interview! Though he had about 3 duis, serves him right.
My interview was about 2 hrs she went thru my whole aplication...
She said that my arrest was along time ago and that I had nothing the last 5 yrs...
but the reason she couldnt approve me was because I had the court depositions but I didnt have the certified arrest report from LAPD so she left the room for about 20 min during my interview and she went to speak to her supervisor ..she then said her supervisor said everything was okay and for me to bring in the certified police report(which LAPD send to her thru certified mail within 5 days)...she looked at her calendar and then said she would try to schedule me for Oath on 4/09 as long as she recieved the needed docs....
Im kinda lost...and wondering why the supervisor ( was kinda rude whith me when I did the info pass)...and she said for me to give it more time...

I spoke to the Immigration lawyer that I got advise from befor applying (He advised me to apply)...and he said that from what I said to him from my interview and my n-652( with A descision cannot yet be made about your application please follow the instructions on form WR-822 requesing the certified police report), and from my info pass, he said that he believes everything is gonna be ok, that I just have to give it time because USCIS is very busy...and for me to keep in touch with him and let him know the outcome....
My mother told me of a few cases that she knows of some people that got dennied during there interview from people from her church with different reasons..
I believe this week is 7 weeks from my interview date but they recieved my police report about 1 week after that ...i dont know if i should start counting from interview date or the time LAPD sent them the requested info...
on the n652 it says Send any question about this application in writing to the officer name above. Include your full name. alien # and copy of this letter.
im wondering if its a good Idea to send a letter ..I dont want them to give me any troubles because i am Inquiring alot...I have checked USCIS website and all I see is the same thing since I applied ...YOUR CASE HAS BEEN RECIEVED AND IS PENDING...
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