Priority Date ............ Nov 2, 2004
Fingerprint Date ....... Feb 10, 2005
Interview Date.......... Apr 13, 2005 at El Monte
Oath Date................ waiting
The interview went ok and was over in about 15-20 mins.
I was asked a bunch of silly questions:
1. Why I changed apts so much (didn't think there was a law against this).
2. The interviewer went over my overseas trips in great detail (they total about 7 over the past 5 years, only one of which was a month and a half). I was asked for my old passport to match the dates. Then the interviewer just flipped through the pages???!!???
3. Why I changed 3 jobs. Hello, heard about the tech industry changes over the past 5 years?
4. No selective service question at all.
At the end, I was asked to verify my name (the interviewer fixed the typo, I'd glad), dob, height and was told "Congratulations, you have passed the interview". Then I was smiled at briefly. No shaking hands though, must be an LA thing. I got a form with the "Congratulations..." box checked on it too.
I proceeded to ask about the name check thing and was told "I need to check that". There is a form with a bunch of checkboxes that the interviewer filled out after completing the interview. One of the checkboxes said "Name check". I wonder if they simply have to look it up in their system and make sure everything they want is all there.
Then I was told I would get an oath letter in 3-4 months(%$#??).