Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

Traffic citation just before Oath ceremony


I am trying if anybody in LA tracker can help with their suggestions to my problem.
I got a traffic citation during this long weekend holidays in LA.
It is a traffic violation only( crossing double yellow lanes).
My oath is on 11th July at Los Angeles Convention Center.

I called LA Superior Court and they mentioned it will not be in the system till 2 to 3 weeks.

I am worried what happens during the oath ceremony.
Will they allow me or refuse to take oath ?

I am ready to pay fine and clear it if I can but the time is so short I could not do any thing about it.

I need to mark it as yes for traffic citation on N-445 form(Oath invitation)

Please help if you have any suggestion.

I got an approval letter!!!!
So I will post my experience within a day or two, it was quite remarkable because my case was not straight forward...
But I am exhausted right now 10:30 at night here and close to 4 years of fighting with USCIS! It is over or at least almost over...
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I'm new to this forum. After a long wait for my N-400 application to be processed, I started searching online to see how I can get more information and came upon with wonderful forum.

My time line (Los Angeles District Office/ California Service Center):

05/16/07 - PD
05/27/07 - CC
06/08/07 - FP Notice sent
06/20/07 - FP Date
06/19/08 - Filed a Service Request ("have to perform additional review" was the reply)

After reading many of the postings, I think my application is stuck in the FBI check.
Congrats ftm!!!

Jedi, what's up with your oath letter? It's been two months since you passed your interview yet you haven't received an oath letter yet. Is that normal for LA and Southern Cal in general? Anybody know how long it's taking to get an oath letter these days?

I'm really not sure. I'm just taking things slow; living life, doing my research. I will get my oath letter at the proper time. Though, to be completely honest, I contacted the USCIS by their 800 number and got a second level IO. That person said that "I was in queu for an oath." I have no idea what that means.

My one year anniversary was July 2....according to the PD on my first letter.

Let's see what happens.

Warm Regards,
IL update from USCIS

Spoke to an IO today and she mentioned that I should be receiving IL in the next 30 days, but she couldn't comfirm the interview date.
I am very busy with new 2 jobs recently, but i will try to check back couple times a week to update stats and definitely after July 17th when they post new timeline and hopefully October people start getting ILs

here's LA, OC and SB Oath schedule for September 2008 (scheduled for July ID): total 36 075 ceremonies per month, can you believe it??? seems like they finally got busy


September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 9:00 a.m.
September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 1:00 p.m.
September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 4:30 p.m.
September 17, 2008 (Wed.) U.S.D.C. (L.A.) 75 1:30 p.m.
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sporst Arena 6,000 9:00 a.m
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sports Arena 6,000 1:00 p.m.
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sports Arena 6,000 4:30 p.m.
I got an approval letter!!!!
So I will post my experience within a day or two, it was quite remarkable because my case was not straight forward...
But I am exhausted right now 10:30 at night here and close to 4 years of fighting with USCIS! It is over or at least almost over...

Congrats:)!! Can't wait to read about it, please write very detailed :)
I am very busy with new 2 jobs recently, but i will try to check back couple times a week to update stats and definitely after July 17th when they post new timeline and hopefully October people start getting ILs

here's LA, OC and SB Oath schedule for September 2008 (scheduled for July ID): total 36 075 ceremonies per month, can you believe it??? seems like they finally got busy


September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 9:00 a.m.
September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 1:00 p.m.
September 11, 2008 (Thu.) LACC*** 6,000 4:30 p.m.
September 17, 2008 (Wed.) U.S.D.C. (L.A.) 75 1:30 p.m.
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sporst Arena 6,000 9:00 a.m
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sports Arena 6,000 1:00 p.m.
September 26, 2008 (Fri.) L.A. Sports Arena 6,000 4:30 p.m.
Thanks for the info, FelizLA. Wow, 36,000 oaths in the September timefram e is really quite remarkable - seems like they are really cranking now in So Cal, and it's about time.
Well OC & Berdoo are cooking but I'm still not sure about LA. A friend of mine is scheduled for the Oath today and she filed sometime in 4/007 in Berdoo. On another site I saw an LA timeline with a 6/007 filing date and an ID for 9/008. I will get excited when I see some LA action concerning PDs in Sept/Oct 007.
I wanted to tell everyone about my interview experience...

Wed. July 9th at 1:45 p.m
I arrived at 1:00 put my notice in the box and waited. I sat close to the door where IO's were calling people from and I started to "choose" my IO. Some seemed really nice and others really not nice. I "picked" the one that I thought would be best for me.
At 1:30 my name was called and it was a different IO...

I had taken my 3 year old daughter so we both followed him into his office.
He told me where to let my daughter sit and then asked me why I brought her. I told him I had no choice, but in reality I brought her for "good luck". He told me it is not really appropriate for her to be there and that I should reschedule. I was so mad at myself for bringing her and listening to my sister who told me to bring her, who by the way is an immigration lawyer. I told him I could not reschedule. He looked at me as though I was the most unfit mother ever. i know I am not so I just shrugged his judgement off and kept smiling and feeling positive. He asked me why my lawyer was not present and gave me a form to sign b/c he was not present.

He started looking through my file and asking me questions about it. Where I have been working? Why my last application got denied? Why I stayed out of the country so long in 2004? (I stayed out almost a year). I answered everything truthfully. He was looking all through my file and was very thorough with it. He was putting little sticky notes all over it which indicated to me that he would have to spend much more time with my file...
I was feeling so positive up until then or at least trying to feel positive but the negativity was starting to leak in. He was looking at my file so indepth that there was so much silence in the room and I was focusing on my breathing b/c I was such a nervous wreck. It was now 2:00 and we hadn't even got to the civics test...

He then told me that I should not have filed again until 5 years after the last application was denied. I was shocked b/c I did not know this and I was angry b/c my lawyer did not tell me that. My head started spinning due to the stress and I started to think about when I would see my husband again. I could not seem to do the math on 5 years plus processing time plus his I-130. Plus I couldn't remember exactly when I received the denial letter...

Tears flew down my face faster than I could control and I found myself digging in my purse for a tissue. The IO handed me a paper towel and walked out of the office. My daughter climbed on my chair behind me and and started stroking my hair. The IO came back in as my daughter was telling me to stop crying. My daughter was quite authoritative in her demeanor and was saying "Mama, stop crying, I said stop crying, mama, stop crying now." She then went on to say "Mama, do you want me to do your hair so that when Papa comes you will look so pretty?" My heart melted and so did the IO's. He started telling her how cute she was and how strong she is. He kept calling her Judge Judy and asked her if she wanted to be a judge or a lawyer. They were becoming chummy and I was still trying to get myself back in order.

He then told me that my file was so big and that there was just too much to go over and sort through. He printed a letter for me saying that my file is still under review and that I will be notified. He gave me some papers to sign and asked me to write a sentence in English and read one as well. He gave me another paper with 10 questions on it. He told me to read them and answer them. I did so and got all of the answers correct.

I thanked him and asked him how long it would take to review my file. I told him that my daughter was 5 days old last time I had an interview and that the IO then told me I would hear form her within 2 weeks and it took 3 years! I politely asked if I could wait in the lobby and if he could look over it after he was done with his other interviews. He said YES and told me to get 2 passport size photos while I waited. We left and I got the photos. I went back to the lobby and waited only about 20 minutes. The lobby was empty at this point - about 3 p.m. He called me in and told me he looked all through my file and had to get several signatures on it. He then told me that he appreciated my honesty and that it was clear I revealed information that I did not have to. He told me my daughter was amazingly cute and that she was my lucky charm because of her he approved my application. I thanked him so much and he shook my hand. My daughter and him exchanged signatures and stamps and he told her that she should be the President of the country when she grows up. He told me I was very lucky to have her and he admired her strength. He shook my hand a total of 3-4 times and told me he is excited for when my husband comes. He asked me questions about what he is doing in his home country and if I already filed the I-130 for him. He ended up being so nice and human. He told me I can expect my oath ceremony letter in about 3 months!
What a story eh?

To recap the important factors:
-Take 2 passport size photos
-Always tell the truth
-Advocate for yourself
-Don't be victimized by their intimidation
-If you have children that are adorable, well behaved, and lucky - take them!

Best of luck to everyone and thank you all for your support. BTW this was my 3rd application. The first was considered abandoned b/c I was in a grueling Master's program and couldn't travel home for the interview. I re-scheduled it twice but they got fed-up and closed it. The second was denied and the third a lucky charm b/c it too could have easily been denied.

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Future Oaths

The link http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/CACD/Ge...2?OpenDocument shows the oaths scheduled till September end. Does that mean that applicants have already been scheduled for Oaths till September end ? And any new oaths cannot be scheduled before October ?

This is my timeline:
PD: May 16th 2007 (VSC)
Moved to CSC: May 1st 2008
ID: July 2nd 2008 (Approved)
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Just spoke with an IO and she gave me the interview date. Its on September 9th, 2008 at 300 N Los Angeles St.
The link http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/CACD/Ge...2?OpenDocument shows the oaths scheduled till September end. Does that mean that applicants have already been scheduled for Oaths till September end ? And any new oaths cannot be scheduled before October ?

This is my timeline:
PD: May 16th 2007 (VSC)
Moved to CSC: May 1st 2008
ID: July 2nd 2008 (Approved)
Not necessarily. I don't think they send out the Oath Letters until about one month prior to the actual oath ceremonies. By my count, there are 64,000 slots for oaths between today and September 26th. My guess is that both you and I will be in there somewhere, but that they just haven't scheduled all the participants yet. Just as they schedule the interviews about 6 - 8 weeks in advance, most applicants seem to receive their oath letters about one month in advance. For the September ceremonies, the letters will likely arrive in August. You may even get an August oath at Quiet Cannon since your interview date was in early July.

Good luck, and please keep us posted on your oath scheduling!
Jedi Got the Oath Notice!

Hi Everyone,

Ok. I'm almost done. I got my N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony.

It will be as follows:

US District Court Central District
901 North Via San Clemente
Montebello, CA 90640
Quiet Cannon, Hall

Date and Time: August 13, 2008 at 3:15pm

Best Wishes to All!


Total days:
Application Process:
PR Since '86
5/01/07-6/30/07:...........Gathering Info/Docs
District Office: Los Angeles, CA
06/30/2007:..................Mailed N-400 CSC, Laguna Niguel [Day 0]
07/02/2007:..................Official Date N-400 Application Received by USCIS/CSC [Day 2]
07/02/2007:..................Priority Date [Day 2]
07/03/2007:..................N-400 Applc. Rec’d (Rtrn. Rect. USCIS 06/29/07) [Day 3]
07/10/2007:..................Check Cashed (Per Bank Website) [Day 10]
07/20/2007:..................I-797C Receipt Notice Sent from CSC [Day 20]
07/24/2007:..................Application Case Available On-Line (Per USCIS Website) [Day 24]
07/25/2007:..................I-797C Receipt Notice Received (with Exception) [Day 25]
07/26/2007:..................I-797C Fingerprint Notice Sent from CSC [Day 26]
07/28/2007:..................I-797C Fingerprint Notice Received [Day 28]
08/21/2007:..................Fingerprint Date (Done 10am @ ASC-Fairfax, Los Angeles) [Day 52]
08/22/2007:..................FBI Informed: Cleared Fingerprint/Background Checks sent to USCIS on
08/21/2007-Name Check Pending [Day 53]
09/17/2007:..................Name Check Completed [Day 80]
00/00/0000:..................Case Disappeared On-Line [Day ]
03/16/2008:..................I-797C Interview Notice Sent [Day 229]
03/20/2008:..................I-797C Interview Notice Received [Day 231]
05/07/2008:..................Interview Date [Day 281]
05/07/2008:..................N-652 Form Interview Result – Passed!!!
07/16/2008:..................N-445 Naturalization Oath Notice Received [Day 350]
08/13/2008:..................Naturalization Oath Date Completion [Day 378] (I’m a U.S. Citizen!!)
08/13/2008:..................Voter Registration Completed [Day 378]
08/14/2008:..................Department of Motor Vehicle Update [Day 379]
08/14/2008:..................Social Security Administration Update [Day 379]
08/14/2008:..................Passport Application Submitted [Day 379]
00/00/0000:..................Passport Received [Day ]
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COngrats FTM, Jedi and LAN400!!! I will try calling them tomorrow, may be they have date for me too??

next post will be July stats for further updates
I will add all ILs of JULY 2008 in here
July 17-July 30 update of timelines in order of PD (and IL)
PD -Priority Date, FP - Fingerprint date, IL - Interview letter, ID - Interview Date, OL - Oath letter, OD - Oath date
(pages 33-48 of thread - Nov 07 - July 08) (PD-FP / PD-IL / PD-ID / PD-OL / PD-OD)

Dear Los Angeles, Santa Ana and San Bernardino filers - please-please share and update your timelines! (and add your case numbers without the last 3 digits)

you can verify your district office here: https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=offices.type&OfficeLocator.office_type=LO

cases with OD
2007 ILs
jjj240 ------------------- PD Mar 07, 07 -- FP Mar 22, 07 --- IL Sep 08, 07 - ID Oct 02, 07 - OL-? - OD Nov 30, 07 (0,5/6/7/x/9)
mimithecat ------------ PD Mar 07, 07 -- FP Apr 04, 07 --- IL Sep 09, 07 - ID Oct 03, 07 - OL Jan 28, 08 - OD Feb 21, 08 (1/6/7/10/11)
Muks -------------------- PD Apr 10, 07 -- FP May 26, 07 --- IL ___ __,07 - ID Jan 11, 08 - OD Feb 1, 08 (1/x/9/x/10)
ranapratap ------------ PD Apr 16, 07 -- FP May 24, 07 -- IL Dec 20, 08 - ID Feb 01, 08 -OL-Feb 22, 08 - OD Mar 20,08 (1/8/10/11)
rd070901 -------------- PD Apr 16, 07 -- FP May 28, 07 --- IL Dec 25, 07 - ID Feb 26, 08 - OD Mar 20, 08 (1/8/10/11)
ninim2200 ------------- PD Apr 17, 07 --- FP May 30, 07 --- IL Nov 29, 07 - ID Jan 23,08 - OD Feb 21,08 (1/7/9/10)
wael megid ------------ PD Apr 18, 07 -- FP May 18,07 --- IL ___ __, 07 - ID Jan 11, 08 - OL ___ __, 07 - OD Apr 30, 08 (1/8/9/12)

inetuser (S.Ana)------- PD May 16, 07 -- FP June 30, 07 ---IL ____ ID Nov 30, 07-- OL___ -OD Jan 18, 08 (1,5/x/6/x/8)
sambangis (S. Ana) - PD May 25, 07 -- FP Jun 22, 07 --- IL ___ __,07 - ID Dec 03, 08 - OL ___ OD Jan 18, 08 (1/x/7/8)
Jan, 08 ILs > Apr - May, 07
SoCalDude(S. Ber.) --PD Apr 19,07 --- FP Jun 20, 07 --- IL Jan 23, 08 - ID Mar 15,08 - OL-???- OD May 22, 08 (2/9/11/x/13)
arashijing --------------- PD May 24,07 --- FP Jul 06, 07 ---IL Jan 22, 08 - ID Mar 18, 08 - OL- Apr 21,08 - OD - May 22, 08(1,5/8/10/12)
Faye --------------------- PD May 29, 07 -- FP Jun 25,07 ---IL Jan 19, 08 - ID Mar 19, 08 - OL- ???- OD-??? (1/8/10/x)
Yafoulli ----------------- PD May 30, 07 -- FP Jul 13, 07 --- IL Jan 19, 08 - ID Mar 25, 08 - OL -??? -OD Apr 30 (1,5/8/12/x)
Feb, 08 ILs > LA?? , >> S.Ana - last week of July
KeenGolfer (S.Ana)----- PD Jul 23,07 --- FP Sep 19, 07 --- IL Feb 21, 08 --- ID Apr 21, 08 - OL May 20, 08 -- OD June 19, 08 (2/7/9/10/11)
xenogear (S.Ana)------- PD Jul 23, 07 ---FP Dec 14,07--- IL_________---ID Mar 05, 08 - OL ______-OD Apri 30, 08 (5/x/8/x/9)
Mar, 08 ILs > July, 07
century city ------------- PD Jul 05, 07 --- FP Aug 31, 07 ---IL Mar 20, 08 - ID May 19, 08 - OL May 19 (verbal)- OD Aug 13,08 (2/8/11/11/13)
Andhra -------------------PD July 19,07 --- FP Sep 07, 07 ---IL _________-ID May 29, 08 - OL Jun 13, 08 - OD Jul 11, 08 (2/x/10/11/12)
mvg (S.Ana)----------- _______________________________________- ID Apr 30, 08 - OL Jun 12, 08 - OD Jul 11, 08 (xx?)
Jedi.Knight ------------- PD Jul 02, 07 ---- FP Aug 21, 07 -- IL Mar 18,08 - ID May 07, 08 - OL Jul 16, 08 - OD - Aug 13, 08 (1,5/8/10/12/13)

cases with ID
Mar ILs > July, 07
Caifitas ------------------ PD July 28, 07----FP Dec 18, 07 - IL Mar 30 (Apr 3) - ID May 15, 08 + (5/8/10/_/_)
April ILs >> July, 07
eternal wait -------------PD July 25, 07 ---FP ??? ?? ?? - IL Apr 17, 08 - ID Jun 20, 08 (x/9/11/_/_)
chrisvandermerw--------PD July 25/07 ----FP Nov 29/07 - IL Apr 16/08 - ID June/17/2008
dahvaio (S.Ana) ---------PD Jul 28 - FP Dec 06, 07 - IL Apr 25, 08 - ID June 23, 08 (5/9/11/_/_)
May ILs>>> July 07, S. Ana >> end of August
ftm -------------------------PD July 27,07 --FP Sep 25, 07 - IL May 22, 08 - ID Jul 09, 08 (2/10/12/_/_)
yummyk (S. Ana)--------PD Aug 21,07--FP Dec 22, 07 -IL May 23, 08 - ID July 15,08 (4/9/11/_/_)
June ILS>> LA - Aug-Sep 07, S. Ana -> Mar-April 08!!!
allenw (VJ)--------------PD Aug 10, 07---FP_________-IL June 20, 08- ID Aug 28, 08 (xx/10/12/_/_)
popak----------------------PD: Aug 14, 07 --FP Dec 19, 07- IL Jun 19, 08 - ID Aug 17, 08 (4/10/12/_/_)
Manlika's friend-----------PD Sep xx, 07 -- FP Jan xx,08, -IL Jun xx, 08 - ID Aug xx, 08 (4/9/11/_/_)
amkiez (LA zip-S.Ana)----PD: Mar 10, 08 --FP Apr 1, 08- IL Jun 17, 08 - ID Aug 15, 08 (S.Ana) (1/3!!/5!!/_/_)
powpaopow's friend(S.B)-PD: Mar ???,08 -- FP Apr ??,08- IL Jun 17,08 -ID Aug xx,08 (1?/3?/5?/_/_)
f1gcguest (S.Ana)--------PD Apr 08, 08 -- FP Apr 29, 08 - IL Jun 19, 08 -ID Aug 22, (0,7/2!!/4!!/_/_)

July ILs>> LA - Oct 07- JAN 2008 S.Ana - April 2008???
homer96----------------PD Jun 11,07 - FP - Jun 29, 07 -- IL Jul 19, 08 - ID Sep 03, 08
AusCal (VJ)------------- PD Sep 12, 07--FP Feb 07, 08 -- IL Jul 19, 08 - ID Sep 08, 08 (5/10/12/_/_)
LAN400 ----------------- PD Oct 03, 07 -FP Jan 16, 08 -- IL Jul 16, 08(phone) - ID Sep 09, 08 (2/9,5/11/_/_) WSC*002 08X XXX
Feliz LA ------------------ PD Oct 30,07---FP Jan 18, 08 --IL Jul 15 (phone) - ID Sep 15, 08 (2,5/8,5/10,5/-/-) WSC*002 081 XXX
Manlika2004 ------------ PD Jan 14,08--FP Feb 07,08 -- IL Jul 19,08 IL - ID Sep 24, 08 (1/7/9/_/_) WSC*002 103XXX.
newlkowale ---------------PD Jan 18, 08 - FP Feb 15, 08 -- IL Jul 15, 08 - ID Sep 24, 08 (1/) WSC*002 106 XXX
davidson5566's GF------ PD: Jan 31,08-- FP Feb 26, 08 --IL Jul 15, 08 --ID Sep 29, 08 (1/6,5/9/_/_)

....hopefully more July ILs

cases waiting for IL (within average forum timelines)
caliSun ------------------ PD Sep 27,07-FP Dec 18,07 (3/9,5+)
texasdude ---------------PD Oct 03, 07 ----FP ??? ?? ?? (x/9,5+)
citizen2008 ------------- PD Oct 04, 07 - FP Jan 17, 08 (3/9,5+)
powpaopow (S.Ber)-----PD Oct 07, 07 - FP Jan 22, 08 (3/9,5+)
------ 2008-------
nfl0res --------------------PD May 13, 08 - FP June 02, 08 (0,5/2+)
iluvfra---------------------PD June 19, 08 - FP July 10, 2008 (1/1)

cases waiting for IL and 3 or more months outside of average forum timelines (including Name Check)
Stolen Chalupa (S.Ana)--PD: Jun 06, 06 --FP: June 26, 06 07-26-06 - INFOPASS: 06-13-08, FBI name check "wait until end of year"
shopgirl ------------------PD Jan 29, 07 --FP Feb 29, 07 (1/17+)
POCTOB ------------------PD Feb xx, 07 ---FP Mar xx, 07--NC Complete...: May, 08 (1/16+) WSC*001 702, Placed in Queue for IL: 06/2008
siemreapguy ------------PD May 16/07 - FP Jun 20/07
alect ---------------------- PD Jul 13, 07----FP Aug 21, 07 (1/11,5+)
Danniella -------------------PD Jul xx?, 07 ----FP Aug 27, 07 (1/11+) as of Feb 08.
Oath pattern:
Oath schedules>> possible PDs>>>actual PDs
in February 08- 19 075 ->>>Mar-Apr 2007>>> forums ODs of PD March 07, April 10, April 17, July 19, 07
in March 12 075 >>>Apr 2007>>> forum OD for PD April 07, 07
in April 7 075>>>> Apr -May 2007 >>> forum OD for PD Apr 19, 07 and May 30,07
in May 18 075 ->>> May-June 2007 (IL Jan, ID Mar = 4m. IL-OD)>>> forum OD for
SoCalDude(S. Ber.) --PD Apr 19,07 --- FP Jun 20, 07 --- IL Jan 23, 08 -(+2m) ID Mar 15,08 - OL-_________- (+2m) OD May 22, 08 (2/9/11/x/13)
arashijing ------------ PD May 24,07 --- FP Jul 06, 07 ---IL Jan 22, 08 - (+2m) ID Mar 18, 08 - OL- Apr 21,08 - OD -(+2m) May 22, 08(1,5/8/10/12)
in June 2 775 -> June 2007 (IL Feb, ID Apr = 4m IL-OD )> forum OD for:
KeenGolfer (S.Ana)-- PD Jul 23,07 --- FP Sep 19, 07 --- IL Feb 21, 08 --- (+2m) ID Apr 21, 08 - OL May 20, 08 -- (+2m) OD June 19, 08 (2/7/9/10/11)
in July 12 150 -> July 2007
Andhra -------------------PD July 19,07 --- FP Sep 07, 07 ---IL _________-ID May 29, 08 - OL Jun 13, 08 - OD Jul 11, 08 (2/x/10/11/12)
mvg (S.Ana)----------- PD xx ___________________________________- ID Apr 30, 08 - OL Jun 12, 08 - OD Jul 11, 08 (xx?)
in Aug 8 100-> July 2007 (IL Mar, ID May = 5m. IL-OD )> forum OD for:
century city ------------- PD Jul 05, 07 --- FP Aug 31, 07 ---IL Mar 20, 08 -(+2m) ID May 19, 08 - OL May 19 (verbal)- (+3m) OD Aug 13,08 (3m)(2/8/10/10/13)
Jedi.Knight ------------- PD Jul 02, 07 ---- FP Aug 21, 07 -- IL Mar 18,08 - ID May 07, 08 - OL Jul 16, 08 - OD - Aug 13, 08 (1,5/8/10/12/13)
in Sep 36 075> July-Aug 07 (IL April, ID June ) > forum OD:
none so far

July 15 timelines
Los Angeles CA (14.3) >06/30/2007 -80 > 04/11/2007> -14> 03/28/07> +2,1 mon> 06/02/2007> +12>06/14/2007> +17> 07/09/2007> +3 >07/11/2007
San Bernardino CA 07/20/2007 >-20 SR>06/30/2007> +33>08/02/07> +30 SP> 09/02/2007> +3m.>12/02/2007
Santa Ana CA >07/20> -20SR > 06/30 > -13>06/17/07> +22>07/09/2007> +6>07/15/2007 > -8?? 07/07/2008

Santa Ana thread: http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=171539
San Bernardino thread: http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=276770
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